The SpaceClaim Interface

SpaceClaim's graphical user interface (GUI) was designed to conform (within reason) to Microsoft standards and contains the toolbars, buttons, and windows associated with a Microsoft-compliant graphical application. As a result, only those features of the GUI that relate to performing SpaceClaim-specific tasks are explained in this guide. We assume, for example, that you are familiar with standard Windows conventions, such as dragging a window's title bar to move the window, or clicking the close button to close the window.

To take advantage of the full range of SpaceClaim features, you should use SpaceClaim with a scroll wheel mouse. However, SpaceClaim is also fully operational with a laptop's touchpad and integrated mouse buttons. You can use the nub as a scroll wheel, and configure the laptop so that pressing both buttons simultaneously behaves the same as pressing a middle mouse button.

This image shows the major interface elements in the SpaceClaim application:

  • File menu (1): Contains file-related commands and options to customize SpaceClaim.
  • Quick Access toolbar (2): Can be customized so that it contains the file-related shortcuts you use most often.
  • Ribbon (3): Contains all the tools and modes you need to design, detail, and display models, drawing sheets, and 3D markups.
  • Active tool (4): The active tool is highlighted in orange.
  • Design window (5): Displays your model. If you are in sketch or section modes, it also contains the sketch grid to show the 2D plane on which you are working. The tool guides for the selected tool appear on the right side of the Design window. The cursor also changes to indicate the selected tool guide. The mini-toolbar places commonly used options and actions close to the cursor.
  • Mini-toolbar (6): Contains frequently used options for the current tool.
  • Tool guides (7): Help step you through using the tool and change the way the tool behaves.
  • Status bar (8): The status bar displays messages (9) and progress information about your actions on the current design.