Defining Weld Points

  1. Click Spot Weld in the Analysis group of the Prepare tab.
  2. Select base face.
    This is the face or faces on which the weld points will be defined. You should select a single face or a chain of tangent faces.
  3. Click the Select guiding edges tool guide and select an edge.
    This is the edge along which the weld points will be defined. The tool searches for mating edges in the following directions:
    1. The surface normal.
    2. The opposite direction of the surface normal.
    3. If no match is found for a or b, then the direction perpendicular to both the surface normal and edge tangent is searched.
    You can hold Ctrl and double-click to select a chain of edges.
  4. (Optional) If you want to define a different mating face, click the Select mating faces tool guide and select a mating face.
    You can select more than one face. Clicking on a mating face removes all previously selected faces and holding Ctrl adds a face.
  5. Set the following options:
    • Start offset: The distance of weld points from the beginning of the guiding edge.

    • Edge offset: The distance of weld points from the guiding edge.

    • End offset: The distance of weld points from the end of the guiding edge.

    • Number of points: The number of weld points to define for each edge chain.

    • Increment: The distance between weld points.

      You can set either the number of points or the increment. The last value you enter will be used. For example, if you change the number of points, the increment will automatically update. If you then change the increment, the number of points will change.

    • Search range: The distance to search for mating faces from the guiding edge.

  6. Click the Create spot weld tool guide to define the spot welds.