Exporting to Ansys

Spot welds defined for the design can be exported to Ansys.

Ansys DesignModeler and Ansys Workbench recognize the weld points with the following limitations:

  • Only points with mates can be used for simulation.

  • You may place weld points between multi-body parts if the two bodies belong to different parts. Spot welds defined between bodies in the same part are not transferred to simulation.

  • You can approximate seam welds by placing weld points on the guiding edge with an offset of zero, if no mating face is found on either side of the base face.

  • SpaceClaim supports spot welds of more than two weld points (more than two components are welded together at one location), but Simulation does not. Simulation ignores any weld points after the first two supplied.

    If a spot weld joint in SpaceClaim contains a spot weld with more than two weld points, then a chain of pairs of weld points is transferred to Simulation as separate spot welds, and each two-point spot weld is listed separately under the Connections node. For example, if a single SpaceClaim spot weld connects parts A-B-C-D, this is transferred as three separate spots welds: A-B, B-C, and C-D.