Manufacturing-focused Curve Tables

Manufacturing-focused tables are created for Turn Profile curves. They contain information that is useful for programming the turning machine.

Note: When working with Turn Profile curves, make sure you Alt-select an origin when you create the Turn Profile. This ensures that the curves are in-plane and will generate rotations properly for Manufacturing-Focused Tables.

The following information is included in the table.

  • Curve Type: Line or Arc
  • Start: The starting point of a curve
  • End: The end point of a curve
  • Center: The center point of arcs if I, J, K values is used.
  • Radius: If I, J, K values are not used.
  • Code: The rotation direction in machine code
    • G02 = CW
    • G03 = CCW
  • Feedrate: Feedrate is not generated automatically. It is an editable field where you can enter a machine feedrate.