Move Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select The Select tool guide is active by default. When this tool guide is active, you can select faces, surfaces, solids, or components within the Move tool.
Select Component Click any object with the Select Component tool guide to select the solid to which the object belongs. If the solid is the only object in its component, the component will be selected.
Move Direction Select a point, vertex, line, axis, plane, or planar face with the Move Direction tool guide to orient the Move handle and set the initial direction of the move. (The object will not move until you drag.)
Move Along Trajectory Select a set of lines or edges with the Move Along Trajectory tool guide to move the selected objects along that trajectory. For best results, perform Moves along trajectories in small increments. If the object to be moved is a protrusion, it will be detached, then reattached in the new location. When you move a protrusion along a trajectory, rounds are automatically removed. Ctrl+Alt+click a face to control the orientation of the object being moved or patterned along.
Anchor Select an object, then use the Anchor tool guide to select the face, edge, or vertex that will anchor the move. You can anchor the Move handle to a temporary object, such as the intersection between two axes by Alt+Shift+clicking the two objects.
Fulcrum Select an object, then use the Fulcrum tool guide to move other objects around it. Select a pattern member to anchor it, or select a component to explode an assembly. See Moving with the Fulcrum tool guide.
Move radially about axis The Move radially about axis tool guide allows you to select an axis to move the selected objects radially about. Once you select an axis, the Move handle will reorient to have one axis parallel to the move axis and one axis in the radial direction.
Up To

Once you select the object to move and a Move handle axis, use the Up To tool guide to select the object you want to move up to.

If a Move handle axis is selected, the Move is limited to that direction. If no handles are selected, the object is translated until the center of the Move handle lies on the selected reference. (A move handle must be selected to move up to the axis of an origin.)

In a linear move to an intersecting object, the center of the Move handle is moved to the selected object. If the two objects do not intersect, the first object is moved along the desired direction up to the closest point to the second object. You can use this tool guide to:

  • Select a point along a trajectory or the axis of an origin to move up to.

  • Move the sketch grid in Sketch and Section modes.

  • Move an axis so it is coincident with another axis in a body. If you move the axis of a pattern, all pattern members will move together to the new location.

You can double-click the Up To tool guide to keep it active. While the tool guide is active, it will copy faces and surfaces instead of moving them. To deactivate the tool guide, click it again, select another tool guide, or exit the Move tool.

Orient to Object Once you select the object to move and a Move handle axis, use the Orient to Object tool guide to click an object. The selected object will be rotated until the selected Move handle axis is aligned with the clicked object. You can also use this tool guide to rotate the sketch grid in Sketch and Section modes.