When you zoom in and out (as described in Graphics Toolbar), the view is scaled by the same amount in all coordinate directions. It is also possible to shrink or expand the view in a specified coordinate direction. Click the left mouse button in the Graphics Display window and perform the following:
To double the scaling of the view in the
dimension, type X; to reduce it by half, type Ctrl-x.
To double the scaling of the view in the
dimension, type Y; to reduce it by half, type Ctrl-y.
To double the scaling of the view in the
dimension, type Z; to reduce it by half, type Ctrl-z.
You can also perform this scaling by using the Scaling menu in the Graphical window menu. To reset all scaling factors to 1 (the default value) and fit the display in the window, click the left mouse button in the Graphics Display window and type r. To fit the display in the window but keep the current scaling factors, type R.