4.14.2. Displaying Contours of Pressure

To display the contours of static pressure, click the Contour button ( ). In the Insert Contour dialog box that opens (Figure 4.38: The Insert Contour Dialog Box), enter Pressure for Name and click OK.

Figure 4.38: The Insert Contour Dialog Box

The Insert Contour Dialog Box

In the Geometry tab of the Details of Pressure window (Figure 4.39: Selecting Domains), click the Location editor button ( ) to the right of the Locations drop-down list.

Figure 4.39: Selecting Domains

Selecting Domains

Select SD_1_surf and SD_2_surf in the Location Selector dialog box (Figure 4.40: The Location Selector Dialog Box) and click OK.

Figure 4.40: The Location Selector Dialog Box

The Location Selector Dialog Box

In the Geometry tab of the Details of Pressure window, click the More Variables button ( ) to the right of the Variable drop-down list. Then select PRESSURE in the Variable Selector dialog box (Figure 4.41: The Variable Selector Dialog Box) and click OK.

Figure 4.41: The Variable Selector Dialog Box

The Variable Selector Dialog Box

Click the Apply button in the Details of Pressure window to display the pressure contours in the graphic display window (Figure 4.42: Pressure Contours).

Figure 4.42: Pressure Contours

Pressure Contours

Double-click the Default Transform node in the Outline tab (Figure 4.43: Mirroring a Domain). Then, in the Definition tab of the Details of Default Transform window, disable the Instancing Info From Domain option, enter 2 for Number of Graphical Instances, and make sure that the Apply Rotation option is enabled. Next, make sure that Principal Axis is selected from the Method drop-down list and select Y from the Axis drop-down list. Finally, select Value from the Determine Angle From, and enter 180 for Angle. Click Apply and the Fit View button ( ) in the graphics toolbar to display the contours with rotation (Figure 4.44: Pressure Contours with Rotation).

Figure 4.43: Mirroring a Domain

Mirroring a Domain

Figure 4.44: Pressure Contours with Rotation

Pressure Contours with Rotation

To annotate the display, select the Text option from the Insert menu.

Insert Text

Click OK in the Insert Text dialog box that opens.

In the Definition tab of the Details of Text 1 window, enter PRESSURE contours for Text String. Then click Apply.

Figure 4.45: Pressure Contours with Rotation and Annotation

Pressure Contours with Rotation and Annotation