10.3.2. Problem Setup for Reinforced Materials

The setup for a reinforced material is relatively straightforward, and involves a few additional actions when defining the material data. Basically, reinforcements (up to three) are created and parameters are specified.

  1. From the sub-task menu, open the Material Data menu.

      Material data

  2. Define the viscosity for the matrix and the reinforcement(s).

      Shear-rate dependence of viscosity

    1. Define the shear-rate dependence of the viscosity for the unreinforced matrix, by selecting either Constant viscosity or one of the laws, as described in General Procedure.

    2. Define the reinforcement(s).

      1. Open the Define reinforcements menu.

          Define reinforcements

      2. Create a new reinforcement.

          Create a new reinforcement

        Enter a name for the reinforcement in the panel that opens.

      3. Define the parameters of the reinforcement:

        • Click Reinforcement magnitude to define the magnitude of the reinforcement, a quantity that has the same units as viscosity.

            Reinforcement magnitude

        • For orientation of reinforements that can easily be described by means of direction cosines, select the type of distribution for the orientation of the reinforcement by selecting

            Cartesian orientation

          then enter the direction cosines, that is, the components of the orientation vector for each axis:

            X-component of reinforcement

            Y-component of reinforcement

            Z-component of reinforcement

        • For orientation of reinforcements that are embedded into a cylindrical domain, select the type of distribution for the orientation of the reinforcement by selecting

            Orientation for cylindrical domain

          then specify the axis of the cylinder by entering one of the options:

            Define X-axis as cylinder axis

            Define Y-axis as cylinder axis

            Define Z-axis as cylinder axis

          and eventually specify the angle of reinforcement in a plane tangent to the cylinder as per the construction shown in Figure 10.2: Cylinder Orientation, by clicking Angle of reinforcement.

            Angle of reinforcement

      4. Click Upper level menu, and repeat the previous steps to create more reinforcements (up to three, total), as necessary. Note that the order in which the reinforcements are created does not matter.

      5. You may want to update the orientation of reinforcements. To do so, click Enable update of reinforcements orientation in the Define reinforcements menu.

          Enable update of reinforcements orientation

        Subsequently you can disable the update of reinforcements orientation.

          Disable updates of reinforcements orientation

        Note that for shell models, in view of the large deformation involved, the update of reinforcements orientation is always enabled, and the user has no specific action to take.

      6. At any time, you have the option of modifying the name of or deleting an existing reinforcement in the Define reinforcements menu.

          Modify the name of a reinforcement

          Delete a reinforcement