17.4.4. Inputs for Computing the Permeability of the Blown Product

If you are using one of the shell models, you can compute the permeability of the blown product as described in Calculation of the Permeability of the Blown Product. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Create a new sub-task.

      Create a sub-task

    1. Select Postprocessor as the sub-task type.


    2. When prompted, enter a name for the postprocessor sub-task.

  2. In the F.E.M. Task Postprocessor menu, select Permeability of blown product.

      Permeability of blown product

    Ansys Polydata will tell you where the calculation will be performed. You can click OK in the message panel to continue.

  3. Specify the permeability coefficient of the material.

      Coef. of permeability of layer [Layer-name]

    (Layer-name represents the name you assigned when you defined the layer.)

  4. Select Upper level menu.

  5. Define one or more cutting planes, if desired. Cutting planes can be used to restrict the region of the blown product for which the permeability is to be computed. If you want to compute the permeability for the entire blown product, then do not define any planes; simply select Upper level menu again and continue the definition. If you want to restrict the computation region, follow the instructions provided for the volume calculation in step 3 of Inputs for Computing the Volume of the Blown Product. Note, however, that cutting planes are optional for the evaluation of the permeability of a blown product. In addition, cutting planes can be arbitrarily selected, but must be properly oriented.

  6. Next you will have the opportunity to restrict the calculation to the part of the parison or sheet that is actually in contact with a part of the mold or form (as described at the beginning of Inputs for Computing the Mass of the Blown Product).

    If you do not want to restrict the calculation in this way, simply click Upper level menu in the panel. If you want to restrict the calculation, follow the procedure in the last step of Inputs for Computing the Mass of the Blown Product.