optiSLang Configuration

You can change configuration settings for optiSLang by either selecting Edit > Settings from the menu bar or directly in the optiSLang.ini configuration file.

By default, the configuration file location is platform dependent.

  • Linux: $HOME/.config/Ansys/optiSLang

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Ansys\optiSLang

Alternatively, the file can also be located in:

  • The installation directory [installation path]

  • The directory specified by the environment variable OSL_CENTRAL_CONFIG_FILE

The following tables provide an overview of the available configuration settings. The value stated in the Configuration File ID column refers to the ID of the attribute in the configuration file (optiSLang.ini). When editing the file directly, search for and edit the corresponding entry in the [customization] section of the file.

Ansys Workbench Integration

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_AnsysWBExecutableFinishTimeOutExecutable finish timeout (s)Sets the timeout to wait for finishing the Ansys Workbench executable, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 60
IM_AnsysWBExecutableStartTimeOutExecutable start timeout (s)Sets the timeout to wait for starting the Ansys Workbench executable, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 300
SC_AnsysWBPortRangePort rangeSets the port range for multicast and communication.Y[49152-65535] / [49690-49710]
IM_AnsysWBProjectDetectionTimeOutProject detect timeout (s)Sets the timeout to detect Ansys Workbench projects in the network, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 2
IM_AnsysWBProjectLoadTimeOutProject load timeout (s)

Sets the timeout to wait for loading a Ansys project, in seconds.

N[1 : ∞] / 60
IM_AnsysWBProjectStartDelayTimeProject start delay (s)Sets the time to wait for starting the next Ansys Workbench project, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 15
SC_ReferenceFilesDirReference files directorySets the directory for back-up copies and temporary files of projects connected to the Ansys Workbench node.Yreffildir


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_ClearMessageLogBeforeRunClear Message log before runWhen selected, message log is cleared when starting a project run.N1 (True)
SC_CommonWorkingDirectoryDefault filechooser pathSets the directory to start to browse for files.YN/A
FM_ApplicationBaseFontSizeDefault font sizeSets the base font size of the application. If set to -1, the systems default font size is used.Y[-1 : 64] / -1
SC_DesignDirectoryFormatDesign directory formatSets the format used to create design directories.YDesign%04d
IM_EscapeFileNamesEnable file name escapingWhen selected, allows you to add special characters to file names.N1 (True)
IM_ProcessKillOnStopForcefully terminate processes on 'Stop'When selected, processes launched by process nodes are forcefully terminated if system execution is stopped.N0 (False)
IM_LogActorExecutionTimeLog actor execution timeWhen selected, displays actor execution time in the message log.N0 (False)
IM_DegreeOfParallelismMaximum global degree of parallelism

Defines an upper limit for the number of actors allowed to run at the same time throughout the entire optiSLang project.

This setting has priority over node-related degree of parallelization settings. It considers all types of actors like process nodes, integration nodes, text input/output, and so on. It also considers nodes that do not have any parallelization settings on their own.

To specify a maximum parallelization degree p larger than the number of cores n existing on the host machine:

  1. Enable the maximum number of threads setting in the project category of the global settings.

  2. Set a suitable number in the Maximum number of threads project setting.

Y[-1 : ∞] / -1
IM_OOPStartTimeoutOOP helper start timeoutSets the timeout for helper processes used to connect to external software such as Python and Excel, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 150
IM_ProcessFileCheckIntervalProcess file check intervalSets the interval between checks for process output file existence, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 1
IM_ProcessDebugFileCheckProcess file check troubleshooting outputTurns troubleshooting output for process actor file checks on/off.N1 (True)
IM_ProjectHeartbeatNotificationDefaultIntervalSecondProject heartbeat notification default interval (s)Sets the default interval between project heartbeat notifications, in seconds.N[1 : ∞] / 10
IM_RenderModeRender modeSets the render mode of 3D accelerated graphics.YAuto-detect | Force desktop OpenGL | Force software OpenGL
IM_ApplicationStyleUI styleSets the style for the application.Y0
IM_ProjectDirAsDefaultFileChooserPathUse project directory as default filechooser pathWhen selected, uses project directory as default path for file selectors.N1 (True)


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
SC_AlternativeCADirectoriesAlternative customized algorithms directoriesSets the alternative search directories for optiSLang custom algorithms. Can be a single directory or a list of directories, separated by the appropriate separator (: on Windows platforms, ; on Linux platforms).YN/A
SC_AlternativeCFADirectoriesAlternative customized file access directoriesSets the alternative search directories for optiSLang custom file access. Can be a single directory or a list of directories, separated by the appropriate separator (: on Windows platforms, ; on Linux platforms).YN/A
SC_AlternativeCIDirectoriesAlternative customized integrations directoriesSets the alternative search directories for optiSLang custom integrations. Can be a single directory or a list of directories, separated by the appropriate separator (: on Windows platforms, ; on Linux platforms).YN/A
SC_AlternativeCWDirectoriesAlternative customized wizards directoriesSets the alternative search directories for optiSLang custom wizards. Can be a single directory or a list of directories, separated by the appropriate separator (: on Windows platforms, ; on Linux platforms).YN/A
SC_AlternativePluginDirectoriesAlternative plugin search directoriesSets the alternative search directories for optiSLang plugins. Can be a single directory or a list of directories, separated by the appropriate separator (: on Windows platforms, ; on Linux platforms).YN/A
SC_ScriptsDirectoryCustomized integrations script directorySets the search directory for customized integration scripts.YN/A
IM_CustomIntegrationsTreeCustomized integrations use treeviewWhen selected, uses tree view instead of list view in customized integrations.N1 (True)

Extraction Tool Kit (ETK)

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_FileContentCacheSizeMBFile content cache sizeSets the maximum cache size in MB for the file content cache of the ETK output extraction node.N[1 : ∞] / 500

Input Parametrization

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
ISC_DefaultFormatIntDefault integer formatSets the default format string for integer values.N%8d
SC_DefaultFormatRealDefault real formatSets the default format for real values.N%18.16lf
SC_DefaultFormatStringDefault string formatSets the default format for string values.N%s
SC_PredefinedFormatstringsPredefined format stringsSets the list of available format strings in text input dialog box format selection, separated by |. When adding format strings in text input dialog box these are added to the list. The number of predefined strings is limited to the last 15 added format strings.Y%18.16lf|


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
SC_OdbApiSearchDirectoriesAbaqus Libraries Search DirectoriesSets the path to extracted ABAQUSlibraries directories. NN/A
IM_UseSystemPythonAllow use of system-installed Python for actors (Experimental)Enables actor setting to optionally use the system's globally installed Python 2.7 instead of the optiSLang private version.Y0 (False)
SC_CalcDirectoryPathLibreOffice Calc installation directorySets the LibreOffice Calc installation directory (only relevant for Linux platforms).YN/A
SC_MatlabDirectoryPathMATLAB installation directoriesSets the MATLAB installation directories (only relevant for Linux platforms). Multiple entries must be separated by a colon.YC:\Program Files
SC_MatlabPredefinedVersions Defines the MATLAB versions (only relevant for Windows platforms). Multiple entries must be separated by |.Y8.1|8.0|7.14|7.13|7.12|7.11|7.10|7.9|7.8|7.7
IM_ProjectDefaultShowConditionalExecUIShow conditional execution tabWhen selected, displays the Conditional Execution tab in an integration node.N0 (False)
IM_ProjectDefaultShowFilesUIShow files tabWhen selected, displays the Files tab in an integration node.N0 (False)
IM_ProjectDefaultShowPlaceholdersUIShow placeholder tabWhen selected, displays the Properties & Placeholders tab in an integration node.N0 (False)
IM_ProjectDefaultShowVariablesUIShow variables tabWhen selected, displays the Variables tab in an integration node.N1 (True)
SC_PredefinedFormatstringsVCollab executableSets the path to VMoveCAEBatch.exe to be used by the VCollab node (only relevant for Windows platforms). If left empty, the VCollab node tries to detect the VCollab path.YN/A


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_ReturnLicensesAfterWorkflowTermination Return licenses after workflow terminationDefault for a project setting that controls the behavior of returning licenses of optiSLang and Ansys solvers in use, if any, after the workflow run is finished.Y0 (False)

Parameter Manager

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
FM_DefaultParameterRandomCOVDefault parameter COVSets the default coefficient of variation (COV) when creating stochastic parameters.N[0.0001 : 0.9999] / 0.1
CC_PM_PdfPlotParameter manager probability density function plot colorSets the color of the probability density function plot (PDF) in parameter manager (only for stochastic parameters) split to the additive primaries of red, green and blue. For transparency effects you can define the alpha channel.N[250, 120, 0](255)
CC_PM_DomainPlotParameter manager range plot colorSets the color of the range plot in parameter manager split to the additive primaries of red, green and blue. For transparency effects you can define the alpha channel.N[250, 120, 0](255)
FM_DefaultParameterBoundsAdjustmentMinRange adjustment lower boundSets the default adjustment of the lower bound of the parameter range relative to the reference value when creating deterministic parameters.N[0.0001 : 0.9999] / 0.1
FM_DefaultParameterBoundsAdjustmentMaxRange adjustment upper boundSets the default adjustment of the upper bound of the parameter range relative to the reference value when creating deterministic parameters.N[0.0001 : 0.9999] / 0.1


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_PreferClassicMonitoringPrefer classic monitoringWhen selected, uses classic monitoring if possible.N0 (False)


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_GlobFileCmprLvlArchive compression levelSets the compression level that is used in file archiving tasks. Values in the range of 0 - 9 are allowed, where 0 means poor/fast and 9 strong/slow compression.N[0 : 9] / 3
IM_AutomatchDefaultBehaviorDefault file relocation behaviorSets the default behavior for relocation of missing files when loading projects. Available options are: 0: Ask user for desired behavior; 1: Always auto-relocate; 2: Always show advanced options; 3: Never relocate.N0 (Ask user for desired behavior)
IM_AutorelocateMaximumDepthDefault maximum auto-relocation depthDefines the default maximum search depth for automatic file-relocation.N[0 : ∞] / 3
SC_DefaultPurgeFilterDefault wildcard filter for purgingSets the default wildcard filter used for purging a project.N"*.omdb" "*.bin"
IM_ProjectDefaultIgnorePredecessorFailureNew projects default to 'Continue execution if a predecessor did not run'When selected, new projects have their continuation mode initially set to Continue execution if a predecessor did not run.N1 (True)
IM_ProtocolFileFlushIntervalProtocol file write interval (ms)Sets the interval for writing the project protocol file (in milliseconds).N1000
SC_ProjectTempTemporary directoryOverrides the location of the temporary directory for optiSLang projects.YN/A
IM_MaxStartDesignsFotPlaceholderSupportMaximum start designs for placeholdering

Limits the maximum number of start designs supported for external/global editing (via "Project Overview" dialog) and for placeholdering.

If the number of designs is higher, then the "StartDesigns" property of the corresponding system will not be displayed in the node property tree in the "Project Overview" dialog. Exception: If a placeholder is already assigned to the "StartDesigns" property, it will always be displayed.

The limit is intended to workaround UI performance issues with very high numbers of start designs.

NDefault value: 100

Result Monitoring

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_ResultDesignTableUpdateIntervalMillisecondsDesign table update interval (ms)Sets the update interval of design tables during the run, in milliseconds.Y[100 : ∞] / 3000
IM_ResultDesignTableMaxDesignsMaximum designs shown in result design table

Limits the maximum number of designs shown in the "Result designs" tabs of Parametric/Algorithm system dialogs.

If the number of designs is higher, then the tab will not display designs.

The limit is intended to workaround UI performance issues with very high numbers of result designs.

NDefault value: 300,000


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_DisableSceneAnimationsDisable scenery animationsControls whether scenery animations are enabled or disabled. Possible values are: 0: Auto-detect (optiSLang tries to detect remote display connections, in which case animations are disabled); 1: Never disable; 2: Always disable.N0 (Auto-detect)
FM_SceneNodePreviewSizeYMonitoring height (px)Sets the height of the in-scene monitoring panel, in pixels.Y[32 : 2048] / 300
IM_SceneNodePreviewTimeoutMonitoring hover timeout (ms)Sets the time to show the monitoring preview when hovered before closing in milliseconds.N[0 : ∞] / 1000
FM_SceneNodePreviewSizeXMonitoring width (px)Sets the width of the in-scene monitoring panel, in pixels.Y[32 : 2048] / 300
IM_SceneNodeSizeNode size (px)Sets the size of the nodes in the Scenery pane, in pixels.Y[20 : 100] / 40
FM_SceneGridSizeScenery grid size (px)Sets the grid size for node positioning and moving, in pixels.N[1 : 100] / 10
IM_SceneSizeYScenery height (px)Sets the height of the Scenery pane, in pixels.Y[512 : 65536] / 8192
IM_SceneSizeXScenery width (px)Sets the width of the Scenery pane, in pixels.Y[512 : 65536] / 8192
IM_ScenerySlotViewModeSlot flyout view modeSets how the input/output slots are displayed in node flyouts.N[0, 1] / 0
FM_SubSystemOpacitySubsystem opacitySets the opacity of the subsystems in the Scenery pane.N[0.1 : 1.0] / 0.6

Table/Tree Views

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_StringConversionPrecisionDisplayModeDisplay mode floating point precisionSets the precision for displaying float values in all Result Designs tables.Y[-1 : 32] / -1
IM_StringConversionPrecisionDisplayModeFormatDisplay mode floating point format

Sets the format for displaying float values to one of the following in all Result Designs tables :

  • Default (%g)

  • Fixed floating point (%f)

  • Exponential (%e)

YDefault / Fixed floating point / Exponential
CC_LogErrorError message colorSets the background color of error log messages split to the additive primaries of red, green and blue. For transparency effects you can define the alpha channel.N[255, 204, 204](255)
CC_LogWarningWarning message colorSets the background color of warning log messages split to the additive primaries of red, green and blue. For transparency effects you can define the alpha channel.N[255, 255, 204](255

Toolboxes (Panes)

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
FM_FloatingToolboxAlphaFloating opacitySets the opacity of panes (for example, the Modules pane) when floating around. Possible values range from >0.0 (barely visible) to 1.0 (fully opaque).Y[0.01 : 10] / 1.0
FM_FloatingToolboxAlphaHoverFloating opacity when hoveredSets the opacity of panes when the mouse is inside. Same value range as the Floating opacity setting. Using an opacity value lower than the Floating opacity setting has no effect.Y[0 : 1.0] / 1.0
IM_ModuleBoxIconSizeIcon sizeSets the size of the icons within panes, in pixels.Y[16 : 64] / 20
IM_BetaModulesShow beta modulesWhen selected, displays the beta modules in the Modules pane.Y0 (False)


Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_WizardMethodSettingsShowAlwaysAlways show methods selection criteriaWhen selected, always show the methods selection criteria even if nothing can be changed.N0 (False)
IM_WizardCreateTemplateDefaultCreate template by defaultWhen selected, create templates of the parametric system after Solver wizard finishes.N0 (False)
IM_WizardDefaultHeightDefault height (px)Sets the default height of the wizard dialog box, in pixels.N[400 : 2048] / 800
IM_WizardDefaultWidthDefault width (px)Sets the default width of the wizard dialog box, in pixels.N[400 : 2048] / 1000
IM_WizardAutoLayoutPerform Auto-Layout after wizardWhen selected, automatically lays out the items in the Scenery pane after the wizard finishes.N1 (True)
IM_WizardAlgorithmShowSDIShow algorithm SDIWhen selected, displays the Stochastic Design Improvement algorithm in the Optimization wizard.N0 (False)
IM_WizardAlgorithmShowCEShow algorithm complexity evaluationWhen selected, displays the panel for complexity (runtime) evaluation in algorithm wizards.N0 (False)
IM_WizardAlgorithmSettingsShowShow algorithm settingsWhen selected, displays advanced algorithm settings page in wizards.N0 (False)
IM_WizardCreateTemplateShowShow create template optionWhen selected, displays the Create Template option in the Solver wizard.N1 (True)
SC_WizardTemplatesDirectorySolver wizard templates directorySets the directory for solver-dependent script templates used for the Solver wizard.NN/A

optiSLang Web Service

Configuration File IDAttributeDescriptionNeeds Restart[Range] / Default Value
IM_OWS_OAuthRedirectPortOAuth2 Authorization Code Flow redirect portSets the port of the Authorization Code Flow redirect listener. Must match the port of the redirect address set up for optiSLang in the client configuration of the Identity Provider.N1234
SC_OWS_OAuthScopesOAuth2 ScopesSets the scopes to be requested during authentication/authorization.Nopenid profile roles
SC_OWS_OAuthTokenClaim_PreferredUsernameOAuth2 access token claim: Preferred user nameSets the access token name containing the preferred user name.Npreferred_username
IM_OWS_OAuthPercentEncodeAccessCodePercent encode OAuth2 authorization codeWhen selected, applies percent encoding to the authorization code.N0 (False)
IM_OWS_OAuthUseSystemDefaultBrowserUse system default browser for authenticationWhen selected, uses the system default browser instead of the built-in optiSLang browser for OAuth Authentication Code Flow authentication.N0 (False)

Python Locations

You can define additional locations of Python environments in the optiSLang.ini configuration file [Python Locations] section to use them in the Script node, Python node or in the configuration of custom script interfaces. For example:

    [Python Locations]

Note the following:

  • You must create the [Python Locations] section manually if it does not already exist.

  • You can find the registration messages in the Application log.

  • The Python node and the Custom Integration nodes need a shared library (*.dll, *.so) so they only support 64 bit Python.

  • The Script node needs an executable (*.exe) and supports both 64 bit and 32 bit Python.