Basics of Integration Nodes

Assignment Suggestion

Assignment suggestion is supported for script integrations only. When you load a file, the assignment auto-detection is started automatically. All name-value pairs that comply with string = string/value are listed in a table.

You can manually detect assignments by selecting Detect assignments from the multi-action button below the table of suggested assignments. However, auto-detection should be handled carefully as parsed values are not necessarily exact. To obtain exact values for all input/output candidates perform a test run by selecting Test run from the multi-action button. You can also change the reference value of the suggested location by selecting Override detected suggestion from the context menu of the corresponding line and updating the type and value information.

To register suggested assignments as parameters, input slots, responses, output slots or internal variables, either drag and drop the assignment onto the required pane or highlight the assignment in the table and select the appropriate option from the multi-action button. After an assignment is dropped on the Parameter or Responses pane, it is defined with the reference value from the test run, autodetection, or override. To remove a parameter/response, right-click it and select Remove from the context menu or select it and press Delete.

If an assignment is dedicated to multiple responses or output slots, you may need to unregister a single location from a response or output slot. To do this, select an assignment from the table and select Unregister from the multi-action button below the table or the corresponding context menu action. As soon as the last location is unregistered from a response, the response is removed automatically.

Relocation of Reference Files

When opening any integration dialog that already had defined a reference file and the file cannot be loaded, you can relocate the file to a new file location. If you do this, select the Assume an identical file check box below the file path. This prevents results from being invalidated.

External File Modifications

The solver specific tab displays the content of the loaded file. Anytime the file currently opened changes externally, the integration dialog recognizes the modifications and offers the following choices:

  • Load: Reload the file and show content in the integration dialog.

  • Re-read reference values: Import the file and re-read reference values within this integration.

  • Apply reference values to parametric system: Import the file, re-read reference values and apply them to parametric system. The new reference values can be used for the algorithm system.

The Text Input node is not notified of modifications. The file content is used for computations, not the file itself. If you want to re-read the file, click Open to update the content of the Text Input node.

Manually Re-reading Reference Values

Script-based integration nodes (Python and MATLAB) do not support automatically re-reading reference values because there are no values available before autodetecting assignments or performing a test run. The test run is performed manually to avoid long waiting times.

In this case, you can manually re-read reference values. When the script is changed, a warning icon ( ) is displayed below the list of detected assignments. After autodetection or a test run, select one of the following options from the multi-action button:

  • Re-read all reference values

  • Re-read parameter reference values

  • Re-read response reference values

You should re-read response reference values after performing a test run.

Environment Variables

The following variables are supported by some integration nodes:

  • DESIGN_NO or OSL_DESIGN_NO: Current numerical design number (for example, 1)

  • DESIGN_NAME or OSL_DESIGN_NAME: Current design directory name (for example, Design_0001).

  • DESIGN_DIR or OSL_DESIGN_DIR: Absolute path of the current design directory

  • PROJECT_DIR or OSL_PROJECT_DIR: Absolute path of the current project (*.opd)

  • OSL_RLS_FLG: Empty unless a specific version of optiSLang is used

  • OSL_RLS_REV: Revision number of optiSLang

  • OSL_RLS_VER: Version number of optiSLang.

Use of these variables within specific integration nodes:

  • Python/MATLAB/Octave: (OSL_)DESIGN_NAME, (OSL_)DESIGN_DIR and (OSL_)PROJECT_DIR can be used as string variables, DESIGN_NO as real (MATLAB/Octave) or integer (Python) variable. The boolean variable OSL_REGULAR_EXECUTION is set to False when the node is executed in test mode.

  • Process: All variables can be used as environment variables.