Box Whisker Plot

This plot is a method to depict the numerical data graphically through their quantiles. It consists of box, median-line and whisker-lines for each dimension of one group. The plot displays the variation in samples of a statistical population without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution. The spacings between the different parts of the box indicate the degree of dispersion (spread) and skewness in the data. You can display samples and limits.

Common Settings
GroupSets the group of dimensions to be viewed.
Scale to Min/MaxWhen selected, scales all content to the min/max values for each dimension separately so that all dimensions have a range of [0.0,1.0].
Show boxToggles the display of the box. When this check box is clear, and whiskers are enabled, the box is reduced to a crossed circle lying at median position.
Probability contentDefines size of the box, relative to the total probability content of data. For example, a value of 50 produces a box going from quantile 25 to quantile 75. Valid value range [0,100].
Show whiskerToggles the display of the whisker.
Probability contentDefines size of the whisker, relative to the total probability content of data. For example, a value of 100 produces whiskers going from quantile 0. to quantile 100. Valid value range [0,100].
Show limitsWhen selected, displays limit lines when limits are set.
Show samplesWhen selected, displays sample points of each dimension to the left side of the plot. Sample points are plotted with a random variation in x-direction for a better view. If Show limits is selected, the samples are styled with limited color, otherwise with design style.

The following preference settings are available:

  • Appearance

    • Font size

    • Line width

    • Symbol size

    • Enable axes

  • Axis Formats

  • Axis Ranges

  • Axes Rotation

  • Labels

  • Legend

  • Window appearance

For more details, see Plot Preference Settings.

Python Scripting

Create Visual

Creates a box whisker visual using data with data_id.

    box_whisker = Visuals.BoxWhisker(Id(Visuals.BoxWhisker.get_display_name(), data_id)

Add to Postprocessing

Adds coefficient of importance visual in postprocessing to control_container, using the specified relative positioning.

        (box_whisker, True, RELATIVE_POSITIONING, 0., 0., 1., 0.5)