Overview of Mesh Mappers

oSP3D provides these mash mappers:


This mesh mapper assumes that the design mesh's topology is equal to or a subset of the reference mesh’s topology. It does not perform any projection among non-matching meshes. In this context, mesh topology refers to the connections and identifiers of nodes and finite elements. This mesh mapper can detect and import eroded elements.

Note:  Determining the coordinate deviations between two non-matching or incompatible meshes is particularly challenging and requires highly sophisticated algorithms. The incompatible mesh mappers described in the following entries use some form of projection to map fields between two meshes with differing geometry and topology.

Incompatible (assuming a smooth boundary)

This mesh mapper computes projections along nodal normal vectors located on the reference mesh boundary. It can only be applied to FEM meshes and requires FEM nodes and FEM elements on the reference and design mesh sides. For more information, see Closest Point Projection Based on Smooth Boundary.

Incompatible (explicit closest point projection)

This mesh mapper computes projections by finding the smallest distance between each reference mesh boundary node and the surface of the design mesh. It can only be applied to FEM meshes and requires FEM nodes on the reference mesh side and FEM nodes and elements on the design mesh side. For more information, see Explicit Closest Point Projection.

Incompatible (point clouds against volume FEM reference)

This mesh mapper computes projections for two geometries that are nearly identical. The reference mesh must be a FEM mesh containing nodes and volume elements. The design mesh must be a point cloud. (Elements will be ignored.) The mesh mapper will map the point cloud into the volume elements.

User-specified direction

This mesh mapper computes projections along user-specified vectors located on the reference mesh boundary. It can only be applied to FEM meshes and requires FEM nodes and FEM elements on the reference and design mesh sides.

Incompatible grids

This mesh mapper can be applied to structured grids only. Structured grids include signals, matrices/images, and voxels.

Note:  For all mesh mappers, you must import a mesh file for each design to be able to map data from the design mesh to the reference mesh.