Guidelines for Choosing the Mesh Mapper

When importing data from different meshes, refer to these guidelines and the following table to choose the mesh mapper:

  • If the meshes are compatible, use the compatible mesh mapper. Compatible meshes have the same node/element numbering.

  • If the meshes are incompatible, use the incompatible mesh mapper. Incompatible meshes have independently meshed geometry.

Reference MeshDesign Mesh
Nodes with 1/2/3D Grid StructureNodes Arbitrarily Distributed in 3D Space Shell Elements in 3D Volume Elements in 3D
Nodes with 1/2/3D Grid Structure Incompatible grids

Can map data based on point coordinates or by scaling both meshes to the same dimension

Note:  Elements are only used for visualization. They do not exist in the database. Only node data is stored.

Nodes Arbitrarily Distributed in Space
  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection)

  • User-specified direction

  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection); only if reference mesh is a boundary

  • User-specified direction

Shell Elements
  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection); Settings: double-sided projection is turned on

  • User-specified direction

  • Incompatible (assuming a smooth boundary)

  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection)

  • User-specified direction

  • Incompatible (assuming a smooth boundary)

  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection)

  • User-specified direction

Note:  Works only for the boundaries.

Volume Elements
  • Incompatible (point clouds against volume FEM reference)

  • User-specified direction

  • Incompatible (assuming a smooth boundary)

  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection)

  • User-specified direction

Note:  Works only for the boundaries.

  • Incompatible (assuming a smooth boundary)

  • Incompatible (explicit closest point projection)