2.3.8. 3D MAC Table

The 3D MAC Table is generated when a new successful MAC Calculation is produced. It is shown docked together with the 2D MAC Table. The MAC value for each pair of modes is represented in a bar, defined by its height and color. The modes are displayed in the X and Y directions.

Hover in the Table to inspect the individual values. Command buttons above the table enable you to switch between the Zoom, Pan and Rotate mode, and to Reset the camera.

If the modes in the MAC Frequency Worksheet are checked/unchecked or moved upwards/downwards, the 3D MAC Table is automatically refreshed. In addition, when the Reset Modes or Pair Modes buttons are clicked in the MAC Frequency Worksheet, the 3D MAC Table is automatically refreshed.


The 3D MAC Table pane has one button:

  • Click the button to Show/Hide the axis labels.