Compute Surface Mesh

  The Compute Surface Mesh option generates a surface mesh. By default the software tries to apply good meshing parameters for use in surface meshing, but you can apply additional controls by changing the meshing parameters. The parameters that control the surface meshing are defined under Global Mesh Setup, Part Mesh Setup, and Surface Mesh Setup or Curve Mesh Setup

Overwrite Surface Preset/Default Mesh Type

if enabled, the specified mesh type will be used instead of the mesh type set in Global Mesh Setup > Shell Meshing Parameters.

Overwrite Surface Preset/Default Mesh Method

if enabled, the specified mesh method will be used instead of the mesh method set in Global Mesh Setup > Shell Meshing Parameters.


specifies the geometry that will be used as input for the surface mesh.


meshes the entire geometry.


meshes the visible geometry.

Part by Part

meshes the selected parts one by one. This provides non-conformal mesh between part interfaces.

From Screen

allows you to select the entities to be meshed from the display.

Note:  For Patch Dependent meshing, if curves that form a closed loop are selected and meshed with one element type, and then remeshed using another element type, the original elements will not be deleted.