Redistribute Prism Edge

  The Redistribute Prism Edge option allows you to redistribute prism layers to a specified constant first layer thickness or a specified growth ratio spanning the local prism column thickness. This option works with prism layers as well as a combination of prism and hexa inflation layers. A prism layer is constrained by three parameters which calculate the fourth (see the Prism Meshing Parameters section). Total Height is set during prism growth, and can be varying if you left the Initial Height as zero. The number of layers can be set during the prism growth or adjusted with split prisms (see the Split Prisms option). An initial Height Ratio is set in the Prism Meshing Parameters, but can be adjusted by this Redistribute Prism Edge option. With Total Height and Number of Layers now fixed, you can use this option to adjust the Initial Height or Height Ratio and force the calculation of the other.

Note:  The redistribution will not move nodes connected to pyramids, but will redistribute other prisms in that layer, and above.

Fix ratio

allows you to specify a constant (fixed) growth ratio for redistributing the prisms. Note that the redistribution is calculated for each column of prisms; if the prism total height varies, the initial height will vary in order to maintain a fixed ratio.

Figure 460: Prism Redistributed by Ratio

Prism Redistributed by Ratio

Fix initial height

allows you to specify the desired initial height value of the prism layers in absolute units of the model, not the reference size. Note that the redistribution is calculated for each column of prisms, so specifying an initial height may result in varying ratios if the individual column Total Height varies.

Figure 461: Prism Redistributed by Initial Height

Prism Redistributed by Initial Height

Redistribute locked prism elements

when enabled, allows you to redistribute prism elements which have been locked (refer to Lock/Unlock Elements for details). When this option is disabled (default), the locked prism elements will be ignored during the redistribute operation.

Locked prism elements, if any, will be reported in the message window, when the Redistribute Prism Edge DEZ is opened. Locked elements can also be highlighted in the display by enabling Mesh > Locked Elements in the Display Tree.

Use local parameters

allows the use of the initial height or growth ratio defined locally on curves, surfaces, or parts for the prism mesh redistribution. If the Use local parameters option is enabled, and the local values are either not set or set to zero, the default value for the initial height or growth ratio will be used.

In Figure 462: Prism Redistributed with the Use local parameters Option, the prism layer is redistributed based on initial height. The Use local parameters option is used, and the prism mesh redistribution accounts for the initial height set locally on the detail surface.

Figure 462: Prism Redistributed with the Use local parameters Option

Before Redistribution
Prism Redistributed with the Use local parameters Option
After Redistribution
Prism Redistributed with the Use local parameters Option