Extrude Mesh

  The Extrude Mesh option allows you to create elements of one type from selected elements of a lower dimension along a defined direction. This option is generally used to create a volume mesh of non-varying cross-section from a 2D mesh profile.

Type of original elements Type of extruded elements
Tri / QuadPrism / Hexa

The following options are common to each available method:


allows you to select the elements to be extruded.

New volume part name

specifies the part to which the new elements created during extrusion will belong.

New side part name

specifies the part to which shell elements created at the sides of the extrusion will belong.

New top part name

specifies the part to which shell elements created at the top of the extrusion will belong.


The Extrude Mesh > Method is chosen from the drop-down list. The options are explained in subsequent sections.

    Delete options

    If Delete original elements is enabled, the original elements selected for the extrusion will be deleted from the mesh.

    If the additional option No uncovered faces after delete is enabled, then the original elements will only be deleted if no new uncovered faces will be created.