Extrude by Element Normal

This method of extrusion will extrude the mesh along the normal of existing mesh elements. If the normals of all the elements are not aligned in one direction, then you need to make all element normals consistent before extrusion (Edit Mesh > Reorient Mesh > Reorient Consistent).

Number of Layers

specifies the number of layers to be extruded. By default it extrudes one layer.

Reverse direction

when enabled, elements will be extruded in the reverse direction of the normals of existing mesh elements.

Note:  The direction of the element normals will not be changed.

Spacing type

determines the height of each layer. A Fixed spacing will make each layer that same height. Spacing can also be defined by a Function of the layer variable, using Tcl syntax. See Tclers Wiki for descriptions of Tcl syntax for different mathematical expressions.

For example, Spacing can be defined as 0.3*layer. Then the mesh will be extruded along the defined vector, with the first layer height as 0.3, the second layer height as 0.6, etc.

Spacing can also be defined by a function of geometric growth as follows:

height1 * pow (ratio1, layer-1),

where height1 is the height of the first layer, pow is the expression for an exponent, and ratio1 is the growth factor.