Auto Element Type

  The Auto Element Type option allows you to create elements based on the number of vertices selected. Select any number of 1-8 vertices. Press the middle mouse button to create an element type.

Number of vertices selected Element created
1Node element
2Bar (line) element
3Tri element
4Tetra element (if volume mesh is loaded), or Quad element (if pure surface mesh is loaded)
5Pyramid element
6Prism element
7(not supported)
8Hexa element
From nodes

allows you to select the nodes of the mesh to define new elements. A mesh must be loaded so that nodes can be selected.

From points

allows you to select the points of the geometry to define new elements. A geometry file must be loaded so that points can be selected.

From screen

allows you to select any arbitrary location by clicking on the screen.

Make Volume Consistent

Automatically adjusts the volumetric elements to conform with the new element(s).

Automatic vertex distribution

For quad and hexa elements, if this option is enabled, the order of selection of nodes is disregarded, and selected nodes will be automatically reordered to avoid creating a skewed element.