
Duplicate element

locates elements that share all of their nodes with another element of the same type. Duplicate elements should not exist in an ideal mesh.

Note:  The deleting of elements during the automatic fix will remove one of the two duplicate elements, thereby eliminating this error without creating a hole in the geometry.

Uncovered faces

For a 3D mesh, all faces on a volumetric element should either be attached to the face of another volumetric element or to a surface element. This function finds the volume elements that violate this restriction. Usually this indicates a hole in the surface mesh. In the case of a 2D mesh, this function finds edges of mesh elements that are not connected to another element or not capped off by a bar (line) element at the perimeter (single or open edges).

The automatic fix will cover these uncovered faces with triangles (surface mesh). This may or may not be the proper solution. A better method may be to first select the flawed elements and then decide if the uncovered faces are the result of missing surface mesh or the result of a hole. If it is due to missing surface mesh, rerun the check and choose the Fix option. If the error points out a hole in the model, you can attempt to correct the mesh by manually creating elements or merging nodes.

Missing internal faces

Between every two adjacent volume elements that are in different parts there should be a surface element. This function finds the volume elements that violate this restriction. A mesh with only one volume part will not have missing internal faces. For 2D meshes, this function finds two adjacent surface elements in different parts with no line element between them. The automatic fix will create surface or line elements between these elements.

Periodic problems

checks surface parts that have periodic faces for inconsistency in the periodicity of the nodes. Errors are reported if periodic matches are missing. Slight offsets in node positions are often repaired automatically during the check process. Remaining errors can be repaired manually using Edit Mesh > Repair Mesh > Make/Remove Periodic.

Volume orientations

finds elements where the order of the nodes does not define a right-handed element.

Note:  This will be automatically corrected when Check/Fix is run.

Surface orientations

checks for volume elements that share the same surface element. In doing this check, it is required to also check for:

  • uncovered faces

  • missing internal faces

  • duplicate elements

This check will not find elements that occupy the same volume but are attached to regions of mesh that are not connected.

Hanging elements

checks for line elements that have one node connected to surface mesh, and the other node free (unconnected).

Penetrating elements

checks for surface elements that intersect or pass through other surface elements.

Disconnected bar elements

checks for bar elements with both nodes unconnected.