Check Mesh

  The Check Mesh option allows you to locate problems with the mesh that will usually lead to failure when translating or running the solution. Errors will most likely result in failure to write out the mesh or read it into the solver. Possible Problems may lead to solution crashing or diversion. You can select any combination of Errors and Possible Problems to check at one time.

The following options are available:

Set Defaults

enables the default mesh check options.

Elements to Check

You can select All to check the full mesh or select Active to check mesh from the active parts only.

Check Mode

Select one of the following:

  • Use Create Subsets to put all problematic elements in respective subsets, visually isolating them for manual editing.

  • To attempt to fix mesh problems individually, use the (default) Check/fix each option. After each diagnostic check, you will be asked to respond to each problem found. If the model is very large, each check could take some time.

  • To attempt to fix all problems automatically, use the Check/fix each automatically option. This mode performs this sequence:

    1. Run "check/fix", if available. Any Yes/No dialog boxes will be answered "Yes", automatically.

    2. Run "create subset", if available. Part names and subset names will be assigned automatically.

    3. Skip any other dialog box.

    Some manual editing may still be required.


On the status bar that appears when Check Mesh is running, you can choose to interrupt the operation. The current check will be completed and any remaining checks will be skipped.