Show Parts Info

Reports part-by-part information about your model in the message window. You can use the submenu to choose to display information about All Parts, only Geometry Parts, only Meshing Parts, only Blocking Parts, or only parts with Boundary Conditions.

Tip:  To see information about specific parts, you can select them in the Display tree and then access the context-sensitive menu using the right mouse button. See Individual Part Display Options

  • The geometry information reported includes the number of surfaces, curves, and points contained in the part, the surface area, and the bounding box extents.

  • The mesh information reported includes the number and the types of elements, the mesh area, and the bounding box extents.

  • The blocking information reported includes the total number of blocks as well as the count of free, mapped and swept blocks.

  • The boundary condition information report includes only those parts with boundary conditions along with boundary condition type.

Note:  Boundary condition and other information about hidden component parts may also be reported using Expose Component Parts.

A simple example is shown.

Info for part GEOM
Geometry Info ----
Part contains 6 surfaces; Total surface area is 6.0
Part contains 12 curves
Part contains 8 points
Bounding box around part is {0 0 0} {1 1 1}
Part contains 2 hidden component part(s):
	GEOM:FORCE0 contains 1 surfaces
	GEOM:TEMP0 contains 1 surfaces

Mesh Info ----
Part contains 1548 element(s)
Part contains types LINE_2 (0) NODE (0) TRI_3 (0) 
Mesh area of part is 6
Bounding box around part is {0 0 0} {1 1 1}
Part GEOM contains 2 hidden component parts:
	GEOM:FORCE0 contains 232 elements of type(s) TRI_3
	GEOM:TEMP0 contains 229 elements of type(s) TRI_3

Boundary Condition Info ----
Part GEOM:FORCE0 contains bc type(s) FORCE MOMENT 
Part GEOM:TEMP0 contains bc type(s) TEMP 

Info for part SOLID
Geometry Info ----
No geometry in part SOLID
Mesh Info ----
No mesh in part SOLID
Blocking Info ----
Part contains 3 block(s)
Number of free blocks: 1
Number of mapped blocks: 1
Number of swept blocks: 1