Geometry Surfaces Options

The display options for Surfaces are shown below.

Figure 111: Surfaces Display Options

Surfaces Display Options

Show Full

A more detailed representation of the CAD data, showing more isobars than in the Simple representation. For triangulated surface data, a detailed representation will show all the surface triangles.

Show Simple

A wireframe representation of CAD data or a "Hard Feature" representation of triangulated surface data, including surface boundaries as hard features.

Show Simpler

This wireframe representation requires less memory than the Simple option. This option is beneficial for simplifying more complicated models, and making them easier to translate or rotate.

Show Simplest

This representation uses the least memory. This option is recommended for simplifying models that are extremely complicated.

Wire Frame

The surfaces are drawn using lines, in either simple or detailed formats.


A solid or shaded representation of the surface data, which can be either simple or detailed.

Solid & Wire

A combination of the Solid and Wireframe representations of the surface data.

Grey Scale

This will convert the color geometry into grey scale.


This will show the surface as transparent.

Show Surface Normals

When enabled, arrows indicating the positive normal direction of each visible surface will be displayed.

Color by Normal

When enabled, the part color is used to indicate the positive normal side of each visible surface. The reverse side of each surface is colored gray.

Note:  This option works only with Solid or Solid & Wire display.

Show Surface Thickness

This will show the thickness assigned for the surface.

Tetra Sizes

Selecting this option will display the reference tetra mesh sizes upon the selected visible surfaces.

Hexa Sizes

Selecting this option will display reference hexa sizes upon the selected visible surfaces.

Show Surface Names

Displays the names of the visible surfaces.

Show Surface Info

Gives information about a selected surface, including the surface and part names.

To employ this option, select Surfaces>Show Surface Info. Proceed to select a surface with the left mouse button and accept the selection with the middle mouse button. Information on the surface or surfaces will be listed in the Messages window.

Blank Surfaces

Blanks the selected surfaces.

Unblank All Surfaces

Restores blanked surfaces.

Show Only Surfaces

Displays the selected surfaces only.

Show Attached Points

Displays points that are attached to the selected surface.

Show Attached Curves

Displays curves that are attached to the selected surface.

Rename Surface

To rename the selected surfaces.