Geometry Points Options

The display options for Points are shown below.

Figure 109: Points Display Options

Points Display Options

Show Large

Shows the visible points as large points.

Show Dormant

Shows all the dormant points which are not permanently deleted.

Show Protected

If enabled, soft protected points will be displayed with a yellow sphere; hard protected points will be displayed with a red sphere.

Note:  Protected points come from Workbench Meshing. If you are not using Workbench Meshing, you may disregard this option.

Show Point Names

Displays the point names of the visible points.

Show Point Info

Gives information about a selected point, including the point name, part name, and geometric location.

To employ this option, select Points > Show Point Info. Proceed to select a point with the left mouse button and accept the selection with the middle mouse button. Information on the point(s) will be listed in the Messages window.

Blank Points

Blanks selected points.

Unblank All Points

Restores blanked points.

Show Only Points

Displays only the selected points and makes everything else invisible.

Show Attached Curves

Displays the curves which are attached to the selected point.

Show Attached Surfaces

Displays the surfaces which are attached to the selected point.

Rename Point

To rename selected points.