
The display options for Blocks are shown below.

Figure 142: Blocks Display Options

Blocks Display Options

Note:  The Blocks display is an approximation using vertices only and does not represent any detail, especially regarding holes.


Displays blocks in solid color.

Whole blocks

Changes how blocks are displayed, depending on the type.

Type of blockWhole blocks is EnabledWhole Blocks is Disabled
MappedBlocks are displayed full size. Merged blocks are displayed as a single block. Block id number is shown.Blocks are displayed as smaller, unmerged sub-blocks.
FreeBlocks are displayed full size. Block id is shown along with type (free).Blocks are displayed as six block sides.
SweptBlocks are displayed nearly full size. Block id is shown along with type (swept).Blocks are displayed as four mapped sides.
No shrink

If toggled ON, blocks are displayed at full size regardless of the block type.

Note:  Whole Blocks must be disabled.

Find Worst

This option calculates the determinant value for each block and highlights the block(s) with the worst value or values. A bad determinant block usually results in a bad determinant grid. Moving the vertices can help improve the determinant values. The worst blocks are listed in the message window by their determinant values and are shown in red in the model.

You can set the number of worst blocks to display by selecting Settings > Meshing Options > Hexa Meshing, then setting a numerical value for Find Worst. The default range is 1–3, but you can set the range to any desired level (for example, 3–5 or 2–8).


Displays the IJK grid orientation for mapped blocks.


Allows the display of only those blocks that are affected by the Refinement command. See Pre-Mesh Params. Disable to allow the display of all blocks.


Displays the blocks along with their respective axis and index numbers. For each block the three axial directions are indicated by 1, 2, and 3, and Ogrids are represented by 0.

Note:  Whole Blocks must be disabled.

Show Mapped

Enable or disable the display of structured blocks.

Show Swept

Enable or disable the display of swept blocks in the geometry.

Show Free

Enable or disable the display of unstructured blocks.

Show Inverted

Displays inverted blocks.


This option gets enabled when you use Blank Blocks. To turn blanked blocks back on, disable Blanking.

Blank Blocks

Blanking blocks not only hides blocks from the screen, it also removes them from selection and being affected by subsequent operations. This option opens a submenu to let you choose which blocks to blank.


Allows you to choose blocks manually.

Press the Shift key when clicking to deselect blocks.

All Mapped

Blanks all structured blocks.

All Swept

Blanks all swept blocks.

All Free

Blanks all free blocks.

Block Types

Outputs statistics for the count of each block type, in the message window.

Show Block Info

Gives information about the selected block in the message window.

Note:  In blocking topologies that include hidden vertices, the reported number of elements in one or more dimensions will be greater than one. See Vertices.