5.2.1. Run Settings Panel

Note:  To ensure your runs are properly set up in your environment, see compatibility information in Appendix B: Forte MPI Support and Known Issues.

Forte Computation Options: Use these options to control output options. Select from three Logging Level options to change the output in the log file: Silent, Normal, or Verbose. Verbose is usually helpful for troubleshooting.

  • No-hydro Mode: When selected, this option forces the simulation to run in mesh-movement-only mode. In this mode, there will be no solution of the governing equations for flow or chemistry, which is useful in verifying the engine settings and in diagnosing mesh-motion problems.

Job Script Options: Use this subpanel to fine-tune the way job scripts are generated and executed.

The Default Run Type option defines the default value used for the Serial/Parallel buttons in the Run Simulation panel. You can update this as a global preference for all new projects by setting your preference. The actual run type of the scripts generated depends on the Serial/Parallel setting in the Run Simulation panel. (See Run Preparation Using the Forte User Interface.)

To use a non-default but supported version of Intel MPI for your run on Linux Windows, use the Parallel Version drop-down list to select one of the supported versions (Run Settings > Run Options > Job Script Options > Parallel Version). You should select this before preparing your run for it to take effect.

The Submit Action option allows you to operate in interactive or preparation-only mode. The default interactive mode means that the job will be submitted immediately on the machine where the Ansys Forte User Interface is running. Prepare Batch Scripts Only allows preparation of files for batch processing on a remote compute server, or for processing at a later time. See Executing Runs Using the Forte User Interface for more on preparing scripts for delayed or remote submission.

The Number of Parameter Study Queues value governs how many parameter study jobs are run in parallel. The number being run in parallel multiplied by the number of cores being used per job (an MPI argument you specify when submitting the jobs) should not exceed the number of cores available on your computing system (host or cluster if using multiple machines in MPI cluster). And, of course, you are also limited by the number of Ansys Forte and FORTE_MPI licenses you have available. For example, if you have a quad-core machine, you may want to submit 4 jobs at once. If you want to run each job in parallel using 2 processors each, then you may want to submit 2 jobs at once. If the Batch number is less than the total number of runs listed, then just the number of runs specified will be submitted at a time. As soon as a job is complete, the next job will be submitted.

The Default MPI Arguments string is used in populating the Run Simulation panel. By default, the value is 2. This value is ultimately used when generating the job script files, but the meaning of the argument(s) depends on the MPI execution command, as explained in the Windows and Linux Settings panels below.

On a Windows system, you can use the DOS Windows parameter to specify how many DOS windows are created while your jobs are running. Ansys suggests One Window per Job Queue, but you may want to experiment with the other options.

Analysis and Run Directory Names: Use these options to change the name of the analysis directory created to contain the run directories. The default is project-name.analysis. Use the Run Name Prefix option to control naming the parameter study run directories. The default prefix is "Run" and the parameter studies are numbered.

Note:  In addition to the Windows and Linux settings described in the next sections, Advanced Settings are described in Advanced Settings for Linux or Windows Systems. These settings can be used to further customize the scripts used when your job runs, which is rarely needed. The default scripts are set up to run on most typical Windows or Linux parallel architectures.