5.2. Prerequisites to Preparing Runs

Before preparing a project using the Forte User Interface or the Command Line Interface, use the Run Settings node in the Ansys Forte Workflow tree to specify script preparation options, set MPI options, define names for the directories associated with the job, and set environment variables and advanced options. The Run Settings node provides options to control job options in either Windows or Linux environments. When running the job using the Forte User Interface, these settings populate the Run Simulation panel, which you use to manage, start, stop, restart, monitor, save, and clean-up the runs. These options are also populated to the scripts used when you run the job from the Forte Command Line Interface.

The Forte User Interface's prepare step creates some scripts which are described in Run Preparation Using the Command Line Interface and also in Additional Scripts - Background Information.

Ansys Forte uses a directory structure to organize scripts and data files for the run. The descriptive names for these directories are Working directory, Analysis directory, and Run directory.

Table 5.1: Ansys Forte standard directory organization

Directory role





Place where new directories and files are created during runs. Output of simulations is located 2 levels lower (nominal or parameter study).

Default location of project file (.ftsim)



Directory below Working directory containing job scripts to launch a parameter study and containing the Run directories for the individual simulation jobs that are executed.

May contain the .ftres file produced by harvesting the results files in the Run directories after a parameter study has been performed.



Directory below Analysis directory containing the job scripts, input (.ftsim), restart, and output files of a single simulation run.