3.7.3. Restart Data Panel

Use this panel to specify restart data. Restart data allows the solution to be restarted from the point saved to the file, in a subsequent simulation. For more information on the mechanics of restarting a simulation, see Restart Files and Processing. Check the Restart Data box to activate the options.

  • Write Restart File at Last Simulation Step: Always write a restart file at the last simulation step. The restart file will be written when the final simulation time is reached or if you stop the simulation through the Run Simulation interface.

  • Interval Based Restart: Write a restart file at specified intervals, based on crank angle, time, or the number of fluid time steps that have been taken. The purpose of interval-based restart is to provide a recovery point in case the calculation is interrupted unexpectedly. Therefore, whenever a new restart file of this type is created, the previous interval-based restart file will be deleted automatically. As a result, only the latest interval-based restart file is kept.

  • User Defined Restart Points: Specific discrete crank angles (for engine simulations) or times for writing restart files. For CA-based restart controls used in engine cases, you can select the Repeat Profile Each Cycle option to convert the CA values to fit in the range of [0, 720) °CA (for 4-stroke engines) or [0, 360) °CA (for 2-stroke engines), and they will be treated as cyclic and repeated on a 720-degree schedule (4-stroke) or 360-degree schedule (2-stroke). You may choose to Use Global Crank Angle Limits to impose a global crank angle range for the cyclic repetition of these CA values. If the Repeat Profile Each Cycle option is not selected, then the CA values will not be converted to cyclic. Note that in a multi-cylinder engine simulation, the user-defined CA values will be checked in all cylinders' local time frames to determine when to write restart points. Restart files created under this control will not be deleted automatically.