9.2.8. Workflow and File Structure of Forte Runs During a System Coupling Simulation

During a System Coupling simulation, the Forte runs will be performed in Forte's folder (in our example, forte) under your working directory. In this folder, when the System Coupling simulation starts, your Forte project file will be prepared and pre-processed for running in the same way as the "Prepare" step in the Forte Simulate interface.

During the System Coupling run, a number of subdirectories will be created within the forte folder to allow you to monitor the progress of the Forte runs for each System Coupling iteration. The name and contents of these sub-directories depend on whether the System Coupling run is steady state or transient as described below.

Steady state analysis

For each System Coupling iteration i, an updated copy of the original Forte project file will be created, named <original name>_SCIter_<i>.ftsim and this project file is used for the ith iteration. Additionally, a separate directory for each Forte run i will be created and named SCRun_<i>. This contains the output from Forte for the ith System Coupling iteration so you can inspect each intermediate Forte solution and decide if you need to use some of the System Coupling methods such as ramping to aid convergence.

By default, all the solution files (Forte.log file, spatially resolved solution files and spatially averaged files, Forte .ftind file, and Forte restart files) from the ith Forte run are stored in each SCRun_<i> subdirectory. However, you can use the following Forte command-line option to control this:

-scbackup <"none|all|csv|log|ftres|ftrst"> Controls which files are backed up to each SC subfolder per each iteration. Default is all.

csv - spatially averaged csv files only

log - Forte.log only

ftres - spatially resolved solutions only

ftrst - restart files only

You can combine multiple options by using "+". For example, csv+log would backup csv files and log files only.

To use this option, you use the System Coupling AdditionalArguments option and add the following line to your python script (see Step 4a: Create a System Coupling Python Run Script):

forte.ExecutionControl.AdditionalArguments = '-scbackup <arguments>'

For example:

forte.ExecutionControl.AdditionalArguments = '-scbackup csv+log'

Transient analysis

A copy of the original Forte project file will be created inside the Forte main folder, named <original name>_backup.ftsim. The final solution can be inspected in the main Forte folder.

At the end of either a Steady State or Transient System Coupling run, the final Forte solution (spatially averaged and spatially resolved solution files) will be in the forte folder.

Tip:  You could use Forte Monitor to monitor Forte's solutions in the forte folder as well as in the SCRun_<i> subdirectories, provided that there are .csv and Forte.log files in these directories.