5.7.1. Log Files

  • Forte.log: Text file with output of the Ansys Forte solver.

    The Forte.log file reports many data items. The following symbols in the Forte.log file represent the number of various iterations. The solver control parameters listed under Simulation Controls > Transport Terms corresponds to the terms listed below, except for the nflux for fluxing. The fluxing control is exposed under time step control, listed as Max. Convection Subcycles. Hovering the mouse over the labels in the User Interface displays tool tips that provide more detailed information about these parameters.

    • y: mass diffusion

    • v: momentum diffusion (due to viscous stress)

    • t: heat diffusion

    • p: pressure iteration (solving the pressure gradient term)

    • k: diffusion of turbulent kinetic energy in k-epsilon model or RNG k-epsilon model

    • e: diffusion of dissipation rate (epsilon) in k-epsilon model or RNG k-epsilon model

    • big: the outer/big iteration of the SIMPLE algorithm

    • nflux: number of subcycling steps in fluxing calculation, including fluxing of cell centered quantities and momentum

  • MONITOR: Text file, displayed in the User Interface monitor tab, with "stdout" and "stderr" of the Ansys Forte executable. The contents are similar to FORTE.log. If the job was submitted with "Verbose" (or greater) level of output, then the stdout and stderr of sourcing the run_env script is also captured.

Script Operational Logs:

  • Copy_restart.log: Results of the copying of restart files performed by the Forte User Interface. This would show any invalid file paths or other runtime issues with copying the restart (and previous results) files into the Run directories. For the single run, this file is in the Run directory. For Submit Selected, this file is in the Analysis directory.

  • Queue_runner_N.log (where N is 1, 2, ...): Results of the queue script processing by the Forte User Interface. Look here if some runs were unexpectedly skipped or not all selected runs were processed. This file is only produced when the Submit Selected option is used. (No queue runner is used if only one job is being submitted.)

Output Files: During an Ansys Forte simulation, several output files are created.

  • .ftind: Ansys Forte results index file that contains a list of the names of the .ftres solution file(s) together associated with each crank angle/time point. This file is an ASCII file written by Forte during the run and can be used to view the spatially resolved solutions in post processors such as Ansys EnSight or Ansys CFD-Post. For both of these, open the .ftind file to view all the results indexed in this file. The file is also modified during a restart run to index (using relative paths) the existing solutions before the restart point and the new ones generated after the restart point.

  • .ftres: Ansys Forte solution files containing spatially resolved solutions for one or more crank angles/time points. Controlled using the File Size Control option (see Spatially Resolved Panel).

  • .csv: Comma-separated values files containing groups of related spatially average solutions for the entire simulation, for example, thermo.csv and dynamic.csv (see Spatially Averaged and Spray Panel for details).

  • .ftrsp: Ansys Forte restart project file—temporary file used to store project information written into Ansys Forte restart files. Do not modify or delete during a simulation.

  • .ftrst: Ansys Forte restart file that can be used to restart a simulation from a specific crank angle or time - see Restart Data Panel for details.