Chapter 23: System Coupling CHT for T-junction Pipe Flow

Ansys Forte 2024 R2 supports Forte as a participant in a command-line System Coupling Simulation.

Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) is a useful procedure in CFD because it provides realistic thermal boundary conditions. In a typical stand-alone CFD simulation, one has to specify wall temperature when heat transfer is modeled on a solid wall boundary. When reliable measurement data are unavailable, assumptions have to be made on the wall temperature, which leads to inaccuracy in the setup. This challenge can be addressed by the CHT, that is, coupling thermal analysis in the solid walls with the CFD simulation. It starts with the CFD simulation with presumed wall temperature, followed by the thermal analysis performed in the solid parts. The thermal analysis receives heat transfer data from the CFD simulation and predicts wall temperature, which is then provided to the CFD simulation to correct its boundary condition. This coupled simulation continues, until the thermal data transferred between the CFD and thermal analysis converge. At this stage, the wall temperature specified in the CFD simulation is considered realistic.

This tutorial describes a Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) simulation of a T-junction pipe flow and a thermal analysis in the metal pipe. The pipe flow is solved by Ansys Forte, while the thermal analysis is solved by Ansys Fluent. The CHT simulation is carried out by an iterative coupling loop with an alternate execution of the two solvers, and the exchange of heat-transfer-related data at common interfaces. Coupling of the two solvers is automated and handled by System Coupling (see System Coupling User's Guide), which is a general-purpose tool to couple solutions from different ANSYS solvers.

23.1. Data Provided

23.1.1. Files Used in This Tutorial

The files for this tutorial are obtained by downloading the file here .

Note:  Forte tutorial files are also available as a bundled downloadable package. To access the files on the Ansys Help site, go to:

You have the opportunity to select the location for the files when you download and uncompress the sample files. Once downloaded and unpacked, they include:

  • - System Coupling python script that defines the coupling of Fluent to Forte and is used to start the System Coupling simulation.

  • fluent.scp - Fluent XML System Coupling file that defines the fluent input and output variables.

  • In the forte directory:

    • tee_junction.ftsim - the Forte project file for the T-junction pipe flow simulation.

  • In the fluent directory:

    • t_junction_solid_fluent.cas.gz - the Fluent case file for the thermal analysis.

Note:  When running this example, ensure the file structure is consistent with and fluent.scp in the local folder where you are going to run the tutorial, and that there are two sub-folders, forte and fluent, with the corresponding project files in each sub-directory.

Note:  This tutorial is based on a fully configured sample project that contains the tutorial project settings. The description provided here covers the key points of the project set-up but is not intended to explain every parameter setting in the project. The project files have all custom and default parameters already configured; the text highlights only the significant points of the tutorial.

23.1.2. Time Estimate

This case uses 8 MPI processes for the Forte run and typically takes 7 System Coupling iterations to converge. This takes around 50 minutes on a dual Intel Xeon E5-2697v3 running at 2.59 GHz.

23.2. Setting Up the Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation

To set up a CHT simulation using System Coupling, one needs to set up the "participants" of System Coupling. The participants are individual simulations that act as components of the coupled simulation. In this tutorial, there are two participants: the Forte simulation of a T-junction pipe flow problem, and the Fluent simulation of the pipe wall's thermal conduction. Their simulation domains are shown in Figure 23.1: Simulation domain in Forte for the T-junction pipe flow problem and Figure 23.2: Simulation domain in Fluent for the pipe wall's thermal analysis, respectively. In the Forte simulation, gas flows through the pipe from the two inlets to the outlet, and is bound by the pipe's inner wall boundary, shown as "Wall" in Figure 23.1: Simulation domain in Forte for the T-junction pipe flow problem. In the Fluent simulation, heat conduction within the pipe wall is considered. The simulation domain is the solid part between the wall_internal and Outer_Wall boundaries.

The goal of this CHT simulation is to find a realistic temperature distribution on the pipe's inner wall boundary and use it as boundary condition in Forte's pipe flow simulation. For this purpose, coupling of the two simulations occurs at the pipe's inner wall boundary, called interface in the System Coupling terminology. The gas flow simulation in Forte would provide heat transfer rate data at this location, which are used as boundary conditions for Fluent's thermal conduction analysis. The Fluent simulation would predict temperature distribution inside the pipe wall, and provide the temperature at the inner wall to Forte to correct its boundary condition setup. Forte will use the corrected inner wall temperature to re-run the gas flow simulation, and provide the updated heat transfer rate data to Fluent. This iterative procedure continues until the data transferred at the interface converge, which indicates that both the inner wall temperature and the heat transfer rate are accurate.

Figure 23.1: Simulation domain in Forte for the T-junction pipe flow problem

Simulation domain in Forte for the T-junction pipe flow problem

Figure 23.2: Simulation domain in Fluent for the pipe wall's thermal analysis

Simulation domain in Fluent for the pipe wall's thermal analysis

Both the participants and the System Coupling have already been set up for this tutorial in the files that you have downloaded. In this section, we will review the setup of System Coupling, Forte, and Fluent, respectively, to highlight the important settings.

23.2.1. Setting Up the Forte Simulation

The next step of setting up this tutorial is to ensure that the Forte project is set up to be used by System Coupling. Open the tee_junction.ftsim project in the Forte Simulation interface.

The simulation domain used in Forte is illustrated in Figure 23.1: Simulation domain in Forte for the T-junction pipe flow problem. Flow in the T-junction pipe is set to be a transient flow simulation that takes 0.05 seconds. The initial gas temperature in the pipe is 300 K. Hot air at 1000 K flows into the inlet boundary inlet_hot, and cold air at 300 K flows into the inlet boundary inlet_cold, both at atmospheric pressure. The outlet boundary condition is at a lower pressure (0.975 bar), resulting in air flow.

Navigate to the Boundary Conditions and select the Wall. The wall boundary temperature is tentatively set as 400 K as an initial guess, and is subject to be corrected by the output of Fluent via System Coupling. To ensure that this boundary condition is interfaced to Fluent via System Coupling, go to the Simulation Controls node and check (turn ON) the System Coupling option. Ensure that Wall is selected as a Coupled Boundary Condition and Heat Rate is selected as an Output Variable and that the Steady State Coupling Method is checked.(see Figure 23.3: Enable System Coupling at the Wall boundary condition in Forte)

Figure 23.3: Enable System Coupling at the Wall boundary condition in Forte

Enable System Coupling at the Wall boundary condition in Forte

During the simulation, Forte will automatically create a .csv file called wall_sampling_Wall_system_coupling.csv to store time-averaged heat transfer rate data on the Wall boundary. This file is located in Forte's run folder and will be used by System Coupling automatically during the coupled simulation.

Note:  The heat transfer rate data are defined on the surface mesh elements of the wall surface requested for System Coupling. Therefore, it is good practice to ensure that the surface mesh has sufficient spatial resolution, so that the heat transfer rate output at the interface has the same spatial resolution, too. To check the surface mesh resolution, go to Geometry on the Workflow tree and select the surface patch that corresponds to the Wall boundary condition. In this case, the surface patch is named as wall-part-fluid. Right-click the surface patch and check the Mesh option to visualize the surface mesh in the 3-D View.

23.2.2. Setting Up the Fluent Simulation

In Fluent the thermal conduction simulation for the solid pipe wall is performed. Launch the Fluent user interface and load the project file t_junction_solid_fluent.cas.gz as-is. Note that the setup is a steady-state simulation solving the energy equation in aluminum material. The simulation domain in Fluent is illustrated in Figure 23.2: Simulation domain in Fluent for the pipe wall's thermal analysis.

To check the boundary condition settings, go to Boundary Conditions, and select wall_internal. The thermal conditions have been set to via System Coupling, as shown in Figure 23.4: Enable System Coupling at the wall_internal boundary condition in Fluent. The external_walls is assumed to be exposed to a freestream air flow at 300 K, and a presumed heat transfer coefficient.

Figure 23.4: Enable System Coupling at the wall_internal boundary condition in Fluent

Enable System Coupling at the wall_internal boundary condition in Fluent

Normally, after the Fluent project is set up, you need to export the project setting for System Coupling's use. To do this, navigate to File, select Export → System Coupling → Write SCP File, and save the project settings to an .scp file. In this tutorial, you do not need this step, because the project settings have been saved to fluent.scp and placed in the run directory. For more information about how to prepare a Fluent project for System Coupling, refer to Fluent User's Guide, "Performing System Coupling Simulations Using Fluent."

23.2.3. Setting Up System Coupling

As mentioned, from the System Coupling point of view we have two participants:

  • First is Forte with:

    • input variable Temperature

    • output variable Heat Rate

  • Second is Fluent with:

    • input variable Heat Rate

    • output variable Temperature

This is defined in the file below. You may use it as a template when setting up a new coupled simulation.:

import os

# Forte is a Participant
forte = AddParticipant(InputFile = os.path.join('forte', 'tee_junction.ftsim'))

# Fluent is a Participant
fluent = AddParticipant(InputFile = 'fluent.scp')

# Set up local parallel execution controls
# Fluent will run on 1 process, while Forte will run on 8 processes
DatamodelRoot().CouplingParticipant[fluent].ExecutionControl.ParallelFraction = 0.125

dm = DatamodelRoot()

# Define coupling interface and data transfers
iName = AddInterface(SideOneParticipant = fluent,
                     SideOneRegions = ['wall_internal'],
                     SideTwoParticipant = forte,
                     SideTwoRegions = ['Wall'])

iheatrate = AddDataTransfer(Interface = iName,
                TargetSide = 'One',
                SideOneVariable = 'heatflow',
                SideTwoVariable = 'HEATR')

itemperature = AddDataTransfer(Interface = iName,
                TargetSide = 'Two',
                SideOneVariable = 'temperature',
                SideTwoVariable = 'TEMP')

# Set maximum and minimum iterations and use ramping to stabilize convergence
dm = DatamodelRoot()
dm.SolutionControl.MaximumIterations= 10
dm.SolutionControl.MinimumIterations= 1
# dm.CouplingInterface[iName].DataTransfer[iheatrate].Stabilization.Option = 'Quasi-Newton'
# dm.CouplingInterface[iName].DataTransfer[iheatrate].Stabilization.InitialRelaxationFactor = 0.1

dm.ActivateHidden.BetaFeatures = True
DatamodelRoot().OutputControl.GenerateCSVChartOutput = True

# Solve the coupled analysis

Here the Fluent wall_internal region has been interfaced to the Forte boundary condition Wall. We are transferring Forte's Heat Rate to Fluent's heatflow and transferring Fluent's temperature variable to Forte's Temperature boundary condition. The Fluent run is using only 1/8 of the total processes (DatamodelRoot().CouplingParticipant[fluent].ExecutionControl.ParallelFraction = 0.125), while the Forte run is using all 8 MPI processes and you can change the Forte value by editing the value of the "t" option on the command line when starting the System Coupling run. See "How To Run System Coupling" in the Forte User's Guide. Before starting the simulation, it is important to choose the appropriate coupling controls. In this tutorial the best practice makes use of the Quasi-Newton solution stabilization and acceleration method to transfer Heat Rate data from Forte to Fluent with an initial relaxation factor of 0.1 with the intent to improve convergence (see "System Coupling Data Transfers" in the System Coupling User's Guide). For post-processing purposes, an EnSight output is generated by default at the end of the run, and the beta feature Generate CSV Chart Output has been activated.

23.3. Launching the CHT Simulation

To run System Coupling, you need to run the System Coupling python environment and pass the script.

On Windows, open a CMD prompt and type:

call "c:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v242\SystemCoupling\bin\systemcoupling" -t8 -R

On Linux at the command prompt, type:

sh $home/ansys_inc/v242/SystemCoupling/bin/systemcoupling -t8 -R

Note:  If you changed the location of your Ansys install, change the path to v242 appropriately.

The System Coupling iterations will now begin until convergence. Fluent and Forte will solve the T-junction pipe flow problem and then pass between them the input and output variables. The script supplied with this tutorial uses relaxation to ensure a smooth convergence of the inputs and outputs. During the run, the information on the System Coupling iterations will be printed so you can monitor progress; see an example in Example 23.1: System Coupling progress output.

Example 23.1: System Coupling progress output

|                                                                             |
|                          Summary of Coupling Setup                          |
|                                                                             |

|                              Coupling Control                               |
|                                                                             |
| Analysis Type :                                                      Steady |
| Duration Control                                                            |
|    Option :                                                   NumberOfSteps |
|    NumberOfSteps :                                                        1 |
| Step Control                                                                |
|    MaximumIterations :                                                   10 |
|    MinimumIterations :                                                    1 |
|                                                                             |
|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          |
|                                                                             |
| Participant: FORTE-1                                                        |
|    Type :                                                             FORTE |
|    UpdateControls:                                                          |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|    Region: Wall                                                             |
|       Topology :                                                    Surface |
|       Input Variables :                                         Temperature |
|       Output Variables :                                          Heat Rate |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
| Participant: Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                            |
|    Type :                                                            FLUENT |
|    UpdateControls:                                                          |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|    Region: wall_internal                                                    |
|       Topology :                                                    Surface |
|       Input Variables :                               temperature, heatflow |
|       Output Variables :                              temperature, heatflow |
|    Region: solid                                                            |
|       Topology :                                                     Volume |
|       Input Variables :                                            heatrate |
|       Output Variables :                                        temperature |
|    Region: external_walls                                                   |
|       Topology :                                                    Surface |
|       Output Variables :                              temperature, heatflow |
|    Coordinate Transformation:                                               |
|       Option :                                                         None |
|                                                                             |
|                              Solution Control                               |
|                                                                             |
| Allow Simultaneous Update :                                           False |
| Partitioning Algorithm :                             SharedAllocateMachines |
| Global Stabilization :                                                 None |
|                                                                             |
|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           |
|                                                                             |
| Interface: Interface-1                                                      |
|    Side: One                                                                |
|       Coupling Participant :                            Fluid Flow (Fluent) |
|       Region List :                                           wall_internal |
|    Side: Two                                                                |
|       Coupling Participant :                                        FORTE-1 |
|       Region List :                                                    Wall |
|    DataTransfer: Temperature                                                |
|       Target Side :                                                     Two |
|       Source Variable :                                         temperature |
|       Target Variable :                                         Temperature |
|       Convergence Target :                                         1.00E-02 |
|       Ramping Option :                                                 None |
|       Relaxation Factor :                                          1.00E+00 |
|       Mapping Type :                             Surface Profile Preserving |
|       Stabilization :                                     ProgramControlled |
|    DataTransfer: heatflow                                                   |
|       Target Side :                                                     One |
|       Source Variable :                                           Heat Rate |
|       Target Variable :                                            heatflow |
|       Convergence Target :                                         1.00E-02 |
|       Ramping Option :                                                 None |
|       Relaxation Factor :                                          1.00E+00 |
|       Mapping Type :                                   Surface Conservative |
|       Stabilization :                                          Quasi-Newton |
|          Initial Relaxation Factor :                               1.00E-01 |
|                                                                             |
|                               Output Control                                |
|                                                                             |
| Output Control Option :                                      EveryIteration |
|                                                                             |
|                                Stabilization                                |
|                                                                             |
| The following transfers use Quasi-Newton stabilization:                     |
|    Independent Stabilization:                                               |
|       Interface-1 :                                                heatflow |
|                                                                             |

| Hidden features are available.                                              |
| Beta: 'GenerateCSVChartOutput' in OutputControl                             |
| Beta: 'Results' in OutputControl                                            |

|                            Execution Information                            |
|                                                                             |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   Command Line Arguments:                                                   |
|    -t8 -R                                                            |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     Tutorial_Tee-pipe_flow                                                  |
|                                                                             |
| FORTE-1                                                                     |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v202\reaction\forte.win64\bin\run_forteSC.bat"    |
|     -scport 40088 -schost  -scname "FORTE-1" -i "tee_junctio |
|      n.ftsim" -nprocesses 8                                                 |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     Tutorial_Tee-pipe_flow/forte                                            |
|                                                                             |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v202\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe"               |
|     -scid="" -sclic="2325@lic"                              |
|     -i FLUENT-2.jou -t1                                                     |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     Tutorial_Tee-pipe_flow/fluent                                           |
|                                                                             |
Awaiting connections from coupling participants... done.

|                              Build Information                              |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   2020 R2: Build ID: 4ac8a92 Build Date: 19 April 2020 12:34:35             |
| FORTE-1                                                                     |
|   ANSYS Forte 2020 R2  Build Date: Apr 21 2020                              |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   ANSYS Fluent 20.2.0, Build Time:Apr 17 2020 15:40:20 EDT, Build Id:151,   |
|   OS Version:win64                                                          |

|                                                                             |
|                              Coupled Solution                               |
|                                                                             |

|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
|                               MAPPING SUMMARY                               |
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
| Interface-1                         |                                       |
|   heatflow                          |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
|   Temperature                       |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average              |     3.00E+02          3.00E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Sum                           |     6.22E+02          6.22E+01        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.89E-01          4.03E-01        |
|       Weighted Average              |     3.88E+02          3.88E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.20E-02          3.52E-01        |
|       Sum                           |     6.77E+02          1.24E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.16E-01          3.25E-01        |
|       Weighted Average              |     4.74E+02          4.74E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.93E-01          2.83E-01        |
|       Sum                           |     2.93E+02          1.48E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.52E-01          1.54E-01        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.11E+02          5.11E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.54E-02          5.40E-02        |
|       Sum                           |     1.75E+02          1.39E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 5                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.52E-02          4.53E-02        |
|       Weighted Average              |     4.98E+02          4.98E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.22E-02          4.54E-02        |
|       Sum                           |     2.21E+02          1.52E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 6                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.67E-02          5.70E-02        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.16E+02          5.16E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.96E-02          3.79E-03        |
|       Sum                           |     1.46E+02          1.51E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 7                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.64E-03          4.64E-03        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.14E+02          5.14E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.20E-03          6.85E-04        |
|       Sum                           |     1.52E+02          1.51E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

|                                                                             |
|                                  Shut Down                                  |
|                                                                             |

|                          Available Restart Points                           |
| Restart Point                        | File Name                            |
| Coupling Iteration 1                 | Results_iter1.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 2                 | Results_iter2.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 3                 | Results_iter3.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 4                 | Results_iter4.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 5                 | Results_iter5.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 6                 | Results_iter6.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 7                 | Results_iter7.h5                     |

|                                                                             |
|                          Summary of Coupling Setup                          |
|                                                                             |

|                              Coupling Control                               |
|                                                                             |
| Analysis Type :                                                      Steady |
| Duration Control                                                            |
|    Option :                                                   NumberOfSteps |
|    NumberOfSteps :                                                        1 |
| Step Control                                                                |
|    MaximumIterations :                                                   10 |
|    MinimumIterations :                                                    1 |
|                                                                             |
|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          |
|                                                                             |
| Participant: FORTE-1                                                        |
|    Type :                                                             FORTE |
|    UpdateControls:                                                          |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|    Region: Wall                                                             |
|       Topology :                                                    Surface |
|       Input Variables :                                         Temperature |
|       Output Variables :                                          Heat Rate |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
| Participant: Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                            |
|    Type :                                                            FLUENT |
|    UpdateControls:                                                          |
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled |
|    Region: wall_internal                                                    |
|       Topology :                                                    Surface |
|       Input Variables :                               temperature, heatflow |
|       Output Variables :                              temperature, heatflow |
|    Region: solid                                                            |
|       Topology :                                                     Volume |
|       Input Variables :                                            heatrate |
|       Output Variables :                                        temperature |
|    Region: external_walls                                                   |
|       Topology :                                                    Surface |
|       Output Variables :                              temperature, heatflow |
|    Coordinate Transformation:                                               |
|       Option :                                                         None |
|                                                                             |
|                              Solution Control                               |
|                                                                             |
| Allow Simultaneous Update :                                           False |
| Partitioning Algorithm :                             SharedAllocateMachines |
| Global Stabilization :                                                 None |
|                                                                             |
|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           |
|                                                                             |
| Interface: Interface-1                                                      |
|    Side: One                                                                |
|       Coupling Participant :                            Fluid Flow (Fluent) |
|       Region List :                                           wall_internal |
|    Side: Two                                                                |
|       Coupling Participant :                                        FORTE-1 |
|       Region List :                                                    Wall |
|    DataTransfer: Temperature                                                |
|       Target Side :                                                     Two |
|       Source Variable :                                         temperature |
|       Target Variable :                                         Temperature |
|       Convergence Target :                                         1.00E-02 |
|       Ramping Option :                                                 None |
|       Relaxation Factor :                                          1.00E+00 |
|       Mapping Type :                             Surface Profile Preserving |
|       Stabilization :                                     ProgramControlled |
|    DataTransfer: heatflow                                                   |
|       Target Side :                                                     One |
|       Source Variable :                                           Heat Rate |
|       Target Variable :                                            heatflow |
|       Convergence Target :                                         1.00E-02 |
|       Ramping Option :                                                 None |
|       Relaxation Factor :                                          1.00E+00 |
|       Mapping Type :                                   Surface Conservative |
|       Stabilization :                                          Quasi-Newton |
|          Initial Relaxation Factor :                               1.00E-01 |
|                                                                             |
|                               Output Control                                |
|                                                                             |
| Output Control Option :                                      EveryIteration |
|                                                                             |
|                                Stabilization                                |
|                                                                             |
| The following transfers use Quasi-Newton stabilization:                     |
|    Independent Stabilization:                                               |
|       Interface-1 :                                                heatflow |
|                                                                             |

| Hidden features are available.                                              |
| Beta: 'GenerateCSVChartOutput' in OutputControl                             |
| Beta: 'Results' in OutputControl                                            |

|                            Execution Information                            |
|                                                                             |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   Command Line Arguments:                                                   |
|    -t8 -R                                                            |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     Tutorial_Tee-pipe_flow                                                  |
|                                                                             |
| FORTE-1                                                                     |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v202\reaction\forte.win64\bin\run_forteSC.bat"    |
|     -scport 40088 -schost  -scname "FORTE-1" -i "tee_junctio |
|      n.ftsim" -nprocesses 8                                                 |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     Tutorial_Tee-pipe_flow/forte                                            |
|                                                                             |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v202\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe"               |
|     -scid="" -sclic="2325@lic"                              |
|     -i FLUENT-2.jou -t1                                                     |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     Tutorial_Tee-pipe_flow/fluent                                           |
|                                                                             |
Awaiting connections from coupling participants... done.

|                              Build Information                              |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   2020 R2: Build ID: 4ac8a92 Build Date: 19 April 2020 12:34:35             |
| FORTE-1                                                                     |
|   ANSYS Forte 2020 R2  Build Date: Apr 21 2020                              |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   ANSYS Fluent 20.2.0, Build Time:Apr 17 2020 15:40:20 EDT, Build Id:151,   |
|   OS Version:win64                                                          |

|                                                                             |
|                              Coupled Solution                               |
|                                                                             |

|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
|                               MAPPING SUMMARY                               |
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
| Interface-1                         |                                       |
|   heatflow                          |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
|   Temperature                       |                                       |
|     Mapped Area [%]                 |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average              |     3.00E+02          3.00E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Sum                           |     6.22E+02          6.22E+01        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.89E-01          4.03E-01        |
|       Weighted Average              |     3.88E+02          3.88E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.20E-02          3.52E-01        |
|       Sum                           |     6.77E+02          1.24E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.16E-01          3.25E-01        |
|       Weighted Average              |     4.74E+02          4.74E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.93E-01          2.83E-01        |
|       Sum                           |     2.93E+02          1.48E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 4                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.52E-01          1.54E-01        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.11E+02          5.11E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     6.54E-02          5.40E-02        |
|       Sum                           |     1.75E+02          1.39E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 5                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.52E-02          4.53E-02        |
|       Weighted Average              |     4.98E+02          4.98E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     2.22E-02          4.54E-02        |
|       Sum                           |     2.21E+02          1.52E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 6                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.67E-02          5.70E-02        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.16E+02          5.16E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.96E-02          3.79E-03        |
|       Sum                           |     1.46E+02          1.51E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 7                            |
| FORTE-1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     4.64E-03          4.64E-03        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.14E+02          5.14E+02        |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     heatflow                        |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.20E-03          6.85E-04        |
|       Sum                           |     1.52E+02          1.51E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   FORTE-1                           |             Converged                 |
|   Fluid Flow (Fluent)               |             Converged                 |

|                                                                             |
|                                  Shut Down                                  |
|                                                                             |

|                          Available Restart Points                           |
| Restart Point                        | File Name                            |
| Coupling Iteration 1                 | Results_iter1.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 2                 | Results_iter2.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 3                 | Results_iter3.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 4                 | Results_iter4.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 5                 | Results_iter5.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 6                 | Results_iter6.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 7                 | Results_iter7.h5                     |

|                             Timing Summary [s]                              |
| Coupling Engine Time :                                           1.0038E+01 |
| Coupling Participant Time                                                   |
|    FORTE-1 :                                                     3.2065E+03 |
|    Fluid Flow (Fluent) :                                         2.3990E+02 |
| Total Time :                                                     3.4564E+03 |

|                 System coupling run completed successfully.                 |

Transcript output stopped: 2020-04-21 17:27:00

23.4. Simulation Results

Once the coupled simulation has converged, you can examine the Forte and Fluent simulation results in their directories. In the forte directory, you will see a list of folders named as SCRun_<number>, where <number> is the step number of the coupled simulation. Forte's simulation results in each coupling step are stored in these folders.

Figure 23.5: Forte's simulation results in seven coupling iteration steps, showing wall heat transfer rate as a function of time shows Forte's simulation results in seven coupling iteration steps, plotting wall heat transfer rate as a function of time. The time-averaged wall heat transfer rates vary in earlier coupling iteration steps, because the wall temperature boundary condition keeps being updated. The change in wall heat transfer rate is reduced after three coupled simulations, indicating that the updated wall boundary condition is getting closer to the proper values. Simultaneously, the spatially averaged wall temperature results are also converging, as seen in the screen printout when running the simulation.

Figure 23.5: Forte's simulation results in seven coupling iteration steps, showing wall heat transfer rate as a function of time

Forte's simulation results in seven coupling iteration steps, showing wall heat transfer rate as a function of time

To monitor and analyze the convergence status of the simulation, it is possible to activate in the script the beta feature

DatamodelRoot().OutputControl.GenerateCSVChartOutput = True

and plot the normalized RMS change of data transferred at the coupling interface for both heat flow and temperature as in Figure 23.6: Forte's normalized RMS change in Target value: Heatflow and Temperature (further details about this beta feature can be found in the System Coupling Beta Features documentation). Note that the y-axis is in a logarithmic scale. The simulation stops when the convergence target, set to 1% in this tutorial for both variables, is met.

Figure 23.6: Forte's normalized RMS change in Target value: Heatflow and Temperature

Forte's normalized RMS change in Target value: Heatflow and Temperature