3.1.2. Wall Conditions for the Momentum Equation

Fluid momentum boundary conditions on rigid walls are introduced either by imposing a value of the velocity at the wall wall, or by calculating shear stress at the wall and modifying the local flow velocity accordingly.

On no-slip walls, the gas velocity is set equal to the wall velocity:


In this case, the wall shear stress is then determined implicitly through Equation 2–3.

On free-slip and turbulent law-of-the-wall boundaries the normal gas velocity is set equal to the normal wall velocity,


and the two tangential components of the wall shear stress are explicitly specified. For free-slip walls the tangential components of the wall shear stress are zero. For turbulent flow conditions the tangential shear stress can be determined by the "law of the wall":


Where is the shear speed or friction velocity, which is related to the wall shear stress by


The tangential velocity is defined as . The Reynolds number based on the gas velocity relative to the wall is , which is evaluated a distance y from the wall, taken to be the wall-adjacent cell size. The Reynolds number defines the transition from the logarithmic regime (when ) to the viscous sublayer regime (). In the viscous sublayer regime, the laminar formula for shear stress is used. In the logarithmic regime's formulation, the wall unit () is replaced with the following approximation to decouple the solution for [4]:


In Equation 3–4, Equation 3–5, and Equation 3–6 it is assumed that the wall-adjacent cell size y is small enough to be in the logarithmic regime or the laminar sublayer of the turbulent boundary layer. The constants κ, , , and B in Equation 3–4 are related to the k-ε model constants. Commonly used values are found in the KIVA-II documentation [4]. With the shear stress () calculated from Equation 3–4 and Equation 3–5, the total change in fluid momentum occurring in a time step due to wall friction can be calculated in the cell. This change is apportioned to the vertices in the cell that are on the wall surface, and are effected for the momentum of those vertices [4].

It is noted that the logarithmic formulation used in Equation 3–4 assumes a smooth wall. If wall roughness must be considered, the following equation is used:


in which roughness effects is modeled as [14], [6],


and , where is the roughness height. is a constant depending on the type of surface roughness.