1.2.1. Working in the Ansys Forte Interface

As you go through the exercises, a few tips will help you progress smoothly:

  • Clicking nodes in the Workflow tree opens the related Editor panel on the right side of the Workflow tree, which may have one or more "action" icons in a toolbar at the top of the panel. This panel is where you provide user inputs. The Workflow tree items are generally arranged in top-down workflow order, with basic configuration and setup items occurring early in the tree and more model-specific items occurring later.

  • The Editor panels are configured with defaults that are generally acceptable settings, where appropriate. User-required inputs with no default value have Boldface labels.

  • The Tooltips window on the bottom middle of the Simulation window provides context-sensitive information about input options, based on where the mouse cursor is on the screen.

  • All Editor panel options that are not explicitly mentioned in this tutorial should be left at their default values.

Note:  If you make changes in an Editor panel, you must press the Apply button before any changes to the input will take effect. The Reset button will return the settings to the last-saved values, while the Defaults button will apply the user-default values for that panel. The Defaults button on any panel gives you an opportunity to view system defaults and modify user default values.