6.15. Viewing Contour Plots

This tool displays selected analysis data as a contour plot directly on the blank. Choose Contour from the Analysis Ribbon Elements to display the Contour task panel and view a contour plot of analysis data in the Graphics Window.

Figure 6.12: Example of a contour plot

Example of a contour plot

Use the Contour task panel to select individual operations to view, or to play an animation of the forming process with analysis data displayed as a contour plot on the workpiece. A legend along the right edge of the Graphics Window displays the value of each color used in the plot.

Choose a Category of data from the drop-down menu, then select a specific data Component. If the component has layer information associated with it, choose from the Layer drop-down menu. Available categories and components are:


major strain, minor strain, total thinning (as a percentage), current operation thinning (as a percentage), thinning (as a percentage) based on thickness-strain, thickness, bending strain, mean stress, formability index, strain ratio, effective plastic strain

Note:  The formability index component in Ansys Forming uses a patented method to determine the effect of the forming process on the blank. As operations are performed, their effects accumulate in the blank. If the formability index exceeds 1, the part will break during the forming process.


normal stress (x-stress, y-stress, z-stress), shear stress (xy-stress, yz-stress, zx-stress), effective plastic strain, 1st-principal stress, 2nd-principal stress, 3rd-principal stress, mean stress, von mises stress, tresca (maximum shear stress)


normal strain (x-strain, y-strain, z-strain), shear strain (xy-strain, yz-strain, zx-strain), strain difference with current operation initial state (x-strain diff with curr op init state, y-strain diff with curr op init state, z-strain diff with curr op init state), 1st-principal strain, 2nd-principal strain, 3rd-principal strain, major strain, minor strain, bending strain


thickness, total thinning (as a percentage), current operation thinning (as a percentage), thinning (as a percentage) based on thickness-strain




x-displacement, y-displacement, z-displacement, result displacement, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity, result velocity, x-acceleration, y-acceleration, z-acceleration, result acceleration



Note:  This category and its components are only visible in Hot Forming projects.

History Var

history variables (history var #1, history var #2, history var #3)

You may also choose to view contours based on data from the Middle, Upper, or Lower layer of the blank by choosing from the Layer drop-down menu.

Select the Smooth Results check box to apply a smoothing function that yields a more attractive plot. Clear the check box to display a more accurate plot.

Click List Value to use the List Value Task Panel to pick points to display the numerical values at those points on the plot.

Click Contour Setting to use the Contour Setting Task Panel to modify the settings of the plot contours.

To display markers at the nodes that have the maximum and minimum value in the current plot, choose Min-Max Markers from the Options Tool in the ribbon. The maximum value in the plot in the current frame will be marked with a plus ("+") and the minimum value will be marked with an asterisk ("∗").

When you are finished with the Contour plot, click Close.