38.2. CHT De-Icing with Fluent Icing

The following sections of this chapter are:

This chapter illustrates the procedure for computing Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of the leading edge of a wing heated by electro-thermal pads. The CHT analysis is performed in wet air.

38.2.1. CHT De-Icing Using Fluent Icing Introduction

In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform a transient Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis on the heated metal skin of the leading edge of a wing. Problem Description

The analysis will involve the use of electro-thermal pads for de-icing purposes and will be carried out in a wet air environment.

CHT computation contains at least one fluid and one solid domain. The fluid and solid interfaces should be set up in Fluent before importing the case to Fluent Icing. To learn more about setting up the fluid and solid interfaces, consult Non-Conformal Meshes.

Particle trajectory and icing calculations will be carried out in the external flow domain only. Therefore, it is required to indicate which domain is the icing domain in the CHT setup. Setup and Solution

The following sections describe the setup and solution steps for this tutorial: Preparation

To prepare for running this tutorial:

  1. Download the fluent_icing_cht.zip file here .

  2. Unzip fluent_icing_cht.zip to your working directory.

  3. The file, deicer_steady.cas.h5, can be found in the folder.

  4. Launch Fluent 2024 R2 on your computer.

  5. Within the Fluent Launcher, select Solution.

  6. Set Solver Processes to 8 under Parallel (Local Machine).

  7. Set Dimension to 3D, and Solver Options to Double Precision.

  8. Click Start. Setup
  1. Before launching a transient de-icing simulation, prepare a steady state CHT solution as the initial solution. Read the deicer_steady.cas.h5 case file,

     File Read Case...

  2. Define your solver.

     Physics General...

    • In the General task page, retain the following settings:

      • Pressure-Based for Solver Type.

      • Absolute for Velocity Formulation.

      • Steady for Time.

  3. Define your operating conditions.

     PhysicsSolver Operating Conditions...

    • In the Pressure section, retain the following setting:

      • 0 for Operating Pressure [Pa].

  4. Set the Fluent properties of the simulation.


    • In the Model section, retain the following setting:

      • k-omega (2 eqn) for Model.

    • In the k-omega Model section, retain the following setting:

      • SST for k-omega Model.

      In the Options section, retain the following settings:

      • Enable Viscous Heating.

      • Enable Production Limiter.

    • In the Model Constants section, retain the following settings:

      • 0.9 for Energy Prandtl Number.

      • 0.9 for Wall Prandtl Number.

  5. Enable the Energy Equation.


  6. Verify the air properties.


    • In the Properties section, retain the following settings:

      • ideal-gas for Density [kg/m3].

      • 1004.688 for Cp (Specific Heat) [J/(kg K)].

      • 0.0234992 for Thermal Conductivity [W/(m K)].

      • 1.6842e-05 for Viscosity [kg/(m s)].

      • 28.966 for Molecular Weight [kg/kmol].

  7. Verify the layers of the metal skin. Double-click each one and verify its properties.


    The table below describes the solid properties to be imposed in this simulation.

    NameDensity [kg/m3]Cp (Specific Heat) [J/(kg K)]Thermal Conductivity [W/(m K)]
  8. Verify that each corresponding material has been properly assigned.

     SetupCell Zone ConditionsSolid

  9. Set up the boundary conditions.

     SetupBoundary ConditionsInletpressure-far-field-4

    • In the Momentum section, retain the following settings:

      • 101325 for Gauge Pressure [Pa].

      • 0.1366048 for Mach Number.

      • 1 for X-Component of Flow Direction.

      • 0 for Y-Component of Flow Direction.

      • 0 for Z-Component of Flow Direction.

    • In the Turbulence section, retain the following settings:

      • Intensity and Viscosity Ratio for Specification Method.

      • 0.08 for Turbulent Intensity [%].

      • 1e-5 for Turbulent Viscosity Ratio.

    • In the Thermal section, retain the following setting:

      • 266.483 for Temperature.

  10. Assign wall roughness on the fluid-solid interface.

     SetupBoundary Conditions

    In the Task Page for Boundary Conditions, select intf:01-shadow and press Edit...:

    • In the Momentum section, retain the following settings:

      • Stationary Wall for Wall Motion.

      • No Slip for Shear Condition.

      • High Roughness (Icing) for Roughness Models.

      • Specified Roughness for Sand-Grain Roughness.

      • 0.0005 for Roughness Height [m].

      • 0.5 for Roughness Constant.

    • In the Thermal section, retain the following setting:

      • Coupled for Thermal Conditions.

  11. Set the reference values which will be later imported into Fluent Icing.

     SetupReference Values

    • In the Reference Values task page, retain the following setting:

      • pressure-far-field-4 for Compute from.

  12. Setup the solution method.


    • In the Solution Methods task pages, retain the following setting:

      • Coupled for Scheme.

    • In the Spatial Discretization section, retain the following settings:

      • Green-Gauss Node Based for Gradient.

      • All remaining should be set to either Second Order or Second Order Upwind.

    • In the Console, type the following command to set the legacy boundary treatment

      /solve/set/nb n

  13. Setup the residual monitors.


    • In the Options section, retain the following setting:

      • Enable Print to Console and Plot.

    • In the Equations section, retain the following setting:

      • Disable all check boxes located under Check Convergence.

      Press OK to close this window.

  14. Setup the initialization method.


    • In the Solution Initialization section, retain the following setting:

      • Hybrid Initialization for Initialization Methods.

      Click Initialize to initialize the computational domain.

  15. Launch the steady state calculation.

     SolutionRun Calculation

    • In the Run Calculation section, retain the following setting:

      • Automatic for Time Step Method.

      • 1 for Time Scale Factor.

      • Conservative for Length Scale Method.

      • 1000 for Number of Iterations.

      Click Calculate to start the calculation.

  16. When the calculation completes, save your solution. Save the solution ass deicer_steady.dat.h5.

     FileWrite Data...

  17. When the steady state CHT solution is verified and ready, the next step is to configure your settings for a transient simulation. The configuration and initial solution are prepared in Fluent, and imported into Fluent Icing for the de-icing simulation.


    • In the General section, retain the following setting:

      • Transient for Time.

  18. Create the artificial_heater_material material.

     Setup MaterialsSolid  New...

    • In the Create/Edit Materials dialog box, retain the following settings:

      • artificial_heater_material for Name.

      • Leave Chemical Formula empty.

      • 0 for Density [kg/m3].

      • 0 for Cp (Specific Heat) [J/(kg K)].

      • 0 for Thermal Conductivity [W/(m K)]. The thermal characteristics are intentionally set to zero.

      Press Change/Create to save your changes.

      If asked, select No to create a new material instead of overwriting the existing one. This material will be used as an artificial material to convert volumetric heat generation rate into surface heat flux.

      Press Close to exit the dialog box.

  19. Define a new expression.

     Setup Named ExpressionNew...

    • In the Expression dialog box, retain the following settings:

      • unit_meter for Name.

      • 1 [m] for Defition.

        Note:  If using a different unit system than SI, the length unit must be adjusted accordingly.

      Press OK to continue to the next step.

  20. Define the time-dependent heat power for each heater. The power settings will be entered for 5 cycles.

     Setup Boundary ConditionsWall

    Click each heater wall boundaries and assign the prescribed heat generation rate shown below.

    Note:  To enter the expression, click the arrow to the right of Heat Generation Rate [W/m3] box and select expression. Then click the f(x) function icon to open the Expression Editor dialog.

    NameHeat Generation Rate [W/m3]
    6002, 6003IF((mod(t+10[s],120[s])<=110[s]),0,15500)*1 [W m^-3]
    6004, 6005, 6006, 6007IF((mod(t,120[s])<=110[s]),0,12400)*1 [W m^-3]
    • In the Wall dialog box, for all heaters, retain the following settings:

      • artifical_heater_material for Material Name.

      • unit_meter for Wall Thickness.

      Press OK to continue to the next step.

    The de-icing simulation consists of 5 cycles of activation and de-activation of heater pads. Each cycle lasts 120 seconds and has the following properties:

    BC TypeStart (s)Duration (s)Heat Flux (W/m2)
    Heater 1 (BC_6001)01207750
    Heater 2 (BC_6002)1001015500
    Heater 3 (BC_6003)1001015500
    Heater 4 (BC_6004)1101012400
    Heater 5 (BC_6005)1101012400
    Heater 6 (BC_6006)1101012400
    Heater 7 (BC_6007)1101012400

    To visualize the expression of the heater power, click on the f(x) function. In the Expression Editor, enter the following values:

    • 600 for Count.

    • 0 for Min.

    • 600 for Max.

  21. Create monitor points to measure the time history of the heaters’ temperature.

     Results Surfaces  NewPoint...

    HeatersNameMonitor Coordinate
    Aheater-a(0.00139851, -0.00408532, 0)
    Bheater-b(0.0147708, -0.0186499, 0)
    Dheater-d(0.0392124, 0.0296218, 0)
    • In the Point Surface dialog box, retain the following settings:

      • heater-a for Name.

      • 0.00139851, -0.00408532, 0 for Coordinates x [m], y [m] and z [m].

      • Repeat the steps above for heater-b and heater-d using the values found in the table above.

      Press Create to save your changes. Click Close to proceed.

  22. Create reports for the defined monitors.

     Report Definitions  NewSurface ReportVertex Average...

    • In the Surface Report Definition dialog box, retain the following settings:

      • heater-a-temp for Name.

      • Static Temperature for Field Variable.

      • Repeat the steps above for heater-b and heater-d using the values found in the table above. Name those reports as heater-b-temp and heater-d-temp respectively.

      Press OK to continue to the next step.

  23. Define your solution methods.

     Solution Controls Equations...

    • In the Equations section, retain the following settings:

      • Deselect both Flow and Turbulence and leave only Energy selected..

        Note:  The thermal coupling between Fluent CHT and icing heat sink will be solved solely using the energy equation. Solving the energy equation alone allows the simulation to run with a relatively larger time step.

      Press OK to close this window.

  24. The initial solution is critical for the transient calculation. The Patch option can be used to initialize a different solid temperature than the loaded steady state CHT solution.

     Solution InitializationPatch...

    Note:  Press Initialize if Patch... is greyed out.

    • In the Patch dialog box, retain the following settings:

      • Temperature for Variable.

      • 264.15 for Value [K].

      • Select all solid zones (elastometer, erosion_shield, fiberglass_epoxy, silicone_foam).

    Press Patch and Close to exit this window.

  25. Define the transient calculation's total time and time step.

     Solution Run Calculation

    • In the Time Advancement section, retain the following settings:

      • Fixed for Type.

      • User-Specified for Method.

    • In the Parameters section, retain the following settings:

      • 1200 for Number of Time Steps.

      • 0.5 for Time Step Size [s].

      • 10 for Max Iterations/Time Step.

      • 1 for Reporting Interval.

      • 1 for Profile Update Interval.

  26. Save your Fluent solution.

     File Write Case & Data

    • Name the simulation deicer_transient_t0.cas.h5 and deicer_transient_t0.dat.h5.

      Note:  The configuration and initial solution of the transient simulation are prepared in Fluent. They will be imported into Fluent Icing for the de-icing calculation.

    When the initial solution and setting of the transient simulation is ready, the solution can be imported into Fluent Icing and you are able to run a CHT de-icing simulation. To complete this tutorial, you must have followed CHT De-Icing Using Fluent Icing.

    The original case file from the previous tutorial, CHT De-Icing Using Fluent Icing, contains both a fluid and solid domain. You will need to specify to Fluent Icing which is the external flow domain to perform particle impingement and icing calculations.

  27. Launch Fluent Icing.

    Launch Fluent 2024 R2 on your computer.

    Within the Fluent Launcher, set the Capability Level to Enterprise, then select Icing.

    Set Solver Processes to 8 under Parallel Processing Options.

    Click Start.

    Alternatively, Fluent Icing can be opened using the icing (on Linux) or icing.bat (on Windows) file inside the fluent/bin/ folder.

  28. Create a new project file.

     File New Project...

  29. Enter fluent-icing-deicing_transient as the Project file name within the Select File dialog.

  30. Select and import the deicer_transient_t0.cas.h5 input grid saved in the previous steps.

     Project SimulationImport Case.

    A New Simulation window will appear. Enter the Name of the New Simulation as deicer_transient, and check to enable Load in Solver. Click OK.

    A new simulation folder will be created in the Project View, and the deicer_transient_t0.cas.h5 file will be imported.

    Figure 38.18: Fluent Icing Workspace

    Fluent Icing Workspace

  31. After the .cas.h5 file has been successfully loaded, a new Outline View tree appears under deicer_transient (loaded).

  32. The mesh is now displayed in the Graphics window to the right.

    Figure 38.19: Transient Deicer Mesh Display

    Transient Deicer Mesh Display

  33. Define the Simulation Type.


    • In the Simulation Type section, retain the following setting:

      Enable Airflow, Particles, Ice and CHT under Simulation Type.

    • In the Icing Domain section, retain the following setting:

      • fluid-3 for Fluid Cell Zones.

      • Case Settings for Reference Frame (Single Domain)

    • Click Load Domain to load the icing domain into icing solver. If a warning message appears, click OK. Then, under the Simulation tab, click Save Case.

      Note:  After loading the icing domain, it's a good practice to save the case file.

  34. Set the Airflow properties of the simulation.


    • In the General section, retain the following settings:

      • Fluent for Airflow Solver.

    • In the Reference Conditions section, retain the following settings:

      • 0.9144 for Characteristic Length [m].

      • 44.7028 for Speed [m/s].

      • 266.483 for Temperature [K].

      • 101325 for Pressure [Pa].

    • In the Direction section, retain the following settings:

      • Cartesian components for Vector Mode.

      • 44.7028 for X Velocity [m/s].

      • 0 for Y Velocity [m/s].

      • 0 for Z Velocity [m/s].

  35. Set the Fluent properties of the simulation.


    • In the Solver section, retain the following setting:

      • Pressure-based for Type.

    • In the Models section, retain the following settings:

      • Enable Energy.

      • K-Omega 2-eqn for Turbulence.

      • SST for k-omega Model.

      • Disabled for Transition Model.

      • Enable Viscous Heating.

      • Enable Turb. Production Limiter.

    • In the Materials section, retain the following setting:

      • Case settings for Fluid.

  36. Set the Particles properties of the simulation.


    • In the General section, retain the following setting:

      • Continuous for Particles Solver.

    • In the Type section, retain the following setting:

      • Enable Droplets and Vapor.

      Note:  It is highly recommended to enable Vapor for more accurate computation of local vapor pressure. Vapor pressure is critical to evaporative heat flux calculation, which is an important term in water film transport equations.

  37. Set the Droplets properties of the simulation.


    • In the Droplet Conditions section, retain the following settings:

      • 0.00078 for LWC [kg/m3].

      • 20 for Droplet Diameter [microns].

      • 1000 for Water Density [kg/m3].

      • Disabled for Appendix Conditions.

    • In the Particles Distribution section, retain the following setting:

      • Monodispersed for Particles Distribution.

    • In the Model section, retain the following setting:

      • Water for Droplet Drag Model.

  38. Set the Vapor properties of the simulation.


    • In the Conditions section, retain the following settings:

      • Relative Humidity for Vapor Initialization.

      • 100%forRelative Humidity.

  39. Set the Ice properties of the simulation.


    • In the Ice Accretion Conditions section, retain the following settings:

      • 0.9 for Recovery Factor.

      • Disable Specify Icing Air Temperature.

      • 100 for Relative Humidity.

    • In the Model section, retain the following settings:

      • Glaze for Icing Model.

      • Disable Beading.

    • In the Conditions section, retain the following settings:

      • Constant for Ice Density Type.

      • 917 for Constant Ice Density [kg/m3].

  40. Set the Particles solution properties of the simulation.


    • In the Run Settings section, retain the following setting:

      • 120 for Number of Iterations.

      • Leave the other settings to their default values.

  41. Run your Particles calculation.

     Solution Particles Calculate

    A New run window will appear. Set the Name of the new run to particles.

    Once particles is complete, follow the steps below.

  42. Set the Ice solution properties of the simulation.


    • In the Time section, retain the following setting:

      • 30 for Total Time of Ice Accretion [s].

      • Enable Automatic Time Step.

  43. Run your Ice calculation.


    A New run window will appear. Set the Name of the new run to ice.

    Once ice is complete, follow the steps below.

    Note:  Before running CHT, ensure that the Airflow, Particles, and Ice have completed successfully.

  44. Check the transient configuration in the simulation's Airflow solution.


    • In the Time Integration section, retain the following settings:

      • Enable Transient (Beta).

      • 0.5 for Time Steps [s].

      • 1200 for Number of Time Steps.

      • Case settings for Method.

    • In the Initialization section, retain the following setting:

      • Case settings for Method.

    • In the Post-processing Output section, retain the following setting:

      • Disabled for Write Post-processing Files.

  45. Set up the CHT de-icing simulation.

    Note:  Flow and ice solutions will save every 20 time steps, which is equal to 10 seconds in this tutorial. The inner iteration each time step is controlled by the Solver Iterations.


    • In the Control section, retain the following settings:

      • Energy Only for Equations.

      • 5 for Inner Loops/Time Step.

      • 10 for Max Iterations/Inner Loop.

    • In the Output section, retain the following settings:

      • 20 for Output Interval. Solution will be save at every 10 seconds.

      • Uncheck Save Interval Airflow Solution.

      Click Calculate to launch the simulation. A New run window will appear. Keep the default name and click OK to continue. A Convergence window will display the residuals and monitors. Post-processing

Once your simulation is complete, you can view its convergence graphs in the Graphics window.

Look at the convergence history of the simulation in the Convergence window located on the right of your screen. Set the Dataset to CHT and the Curve to Temperature - Maximum

The time history of the maximum and minimum temperature at the solid interface is plotted. The periodic change of the maximum temperature reflects the cyclic heating of electro-thermal pads. From the Project View, each saved intermediate solution is available and can be viewed by right-clicking the object and selecting View Convergence and View Results.

Save the case file and close the project.

 File Save Case

 File Close Project Summary

This tutorial demonstrated how to perform a transient Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis on the heated metal skin of the leading edge of a wing.