3.6. Creating or Opening a Fluent Aero Project

3.6.1. Creating a Fluent Aero Project

Upon startup, the Fluent Aero application has no project loaded, and presents an empty project window.

Project New… or FileNew Project… creates a new project. A window will appear prompting you to set a location and name for the new project folder. A project file (projectname.flprj) and folder (projectname.cffdb/) is then written to the disk in the location selected, and the new project opens in Fluent Aero. Since this is a new project, Project View remains empty. Once the project is open, the simulation commands become available.

3.6.2. Opening a Fluent Aero Project

ProjectOpen… or FileOpen Project… opens a preexisting Fluent Aero project. A window appears allowing you to navigate to and select a preexisting project file (projectname.flprj). All simulations contained within the project will be displayed in the left-side Project View.

After opening a Project, the project name will be displayed in the bottom left corner of the Fluent Aero window.

3.6.3. Project Library

ProjectLibrary displays a list of projects that were previously opened in Fluent Aero. Double-clicking a project in this list opens it.

In the Project Library, newly opened projects are added to the Recent folder.

The following options are available when right-clicking a given project in the Project Library window:

  • Open: Opens the project.

  • Rename: Renames the project.

  • Move to New Folder...: Creates a new folder in the Project Library, and moves the project to that folder. The project location on the disk is unchanged.

  • Remove From List: Removes the project from the Project Library list. The project is not erased.

  • Remove Invalid Icons: If a project is moved or erased on the disk, it will display as a broken icon, which is an invalid icon. This command will remove all invalid project references from the Project Library.

  • Open in File Explorer: Opens a Windows file explorer to the project location.

  • Edit Notes: Opens the Properties panel for the selected item in the Notes section. The Notes section permits to record text notes for a project item. If a project item has a note attached to it, it will display with a * in the file name suffix. Ctrl double-click also permits to display the Notes panel directly.

  • Properties: Opens a window that shows the project location in the disk. This window also allows you to write some notes for future reference.

  • Library Management:

    • Drag and drop projects from one folder to another, to move them across categories. The project is added at the top of the list.

    • Drag and drop with the Alt key, to reorder projects.

    • The contextual menu (right-click) of folders that contain projects permits you to sort the folder content by Sort by Name.

      Note:  Each release uses its own Project Library to track it’s recently used projects. However, the Project Library from the previous releases will be initially imported as a new folder called -Imported- in the Project Library, so that older projects can be easily accessed.

3.6.4. Project Close

To close a currently open Project, select ProjectClose or FileClose Project…