4.15. Adding Local Size Controls

Use the Add Local Sizing task to create individual sizing controls for your mesh. For every size control that you create, it is added to the workflow as a subtask of the Add Local Sizing task.

  1. Specify a Name for the mesh sizing control, or use the default name. The default name changes depending on the Size Functions setting.

  2. Choose an option for the Size Functions field. Available options are:

    • Choose the curvature size function that computes edge and face sizes using their size and normal angle parameters.

    • Choose the proximity size function that computes edge and face sizes in ‘gaps’ using the specified minimum number of element layers.

    • Choose the soft size function that enables you to set the maximum size on the selected zone, while the specified growth rate from the defined size influences the size on adjacent zones.

    • Choose the boi size function enables you to specify a body of influence (that is, a refinement region for the sizing control).

    For additional information, see Size Functions and Scoped Sizing.

  3. Specify a value for the Minimum Size for the size control when using the curvature or proximity size function types.

  4. Specify a value for the Maximum Size for the size control.

  5. Specify a value for the Growth Rate for the size control.

  6. Specify a value for the Cells Per Gap when using the proximity size function type. Note that for proximity size functions, the number of cells per gap can be a real value, with a minimum value of 0.01. See Proximity for more information.

  7. Specify a value for the Curvature Normal Angle when using the curvature size function type.

  8. If applicable, deselect Ignore Self when using the proximity size function type. By default, Ignore Self is enabled, such that the proximity between two facets belonging in a single face zone will be ignored, avoiding unnecessary over-refinement.

  9. Choose an option in the Scope Proximity To field, where the size controls can be scoped to edges, faces, or to both faces and edges. Note that if you select faces-and-edges, you can only select objects.

  10. Choose whether to Select By the object, label, or zone name in the list below.

    Select items in the list, or use the Filter Text option in the drop-down to provide text and/or regular expressions in filtering the list (for example, using *, ?, and []). You can also choose the Use Wildcard option in the drop-down to provide wildcard expressions in filtering the list. When you use either ? or * in your expression, the matching list item(s) are automatically selected in the list. Use ^, |, and & in your expression to indicate boolean operations for NOT, OR, and AND, respectively. See Filtering Lists and Using Wildcards for more information.

  11. Select the Show Size Box field to visualize the size control's minimum and maximum sizes in the graphics window (in the form of red cubes).

    To make zone selection easier when the Scope Proximity To field is set to edges, the size boxes are displayed on the edge zones in the graphics window.

  12. Select the Show Wrap Size Box field to visualize the wrap size control's minimum and maximum sizes in the graphics window (in the form of red cubes).

  13. Click Show Wrap Settings to display additional wrap-specific controls prior to performing this task Options include:

    • When Size Functions is set to curvature or proximity, specify a value for the Wrap Min Size field.

    • Specify a value for the Wrap Max Size field.

    • Specify a value for the Wrap Growth Rate field.

    • When Size Functions is set to curvature, specify a value for the Wrap Curvature Normal Angle field.

    • When Size Functions is set to proximity, specify a value for the Wrap Cells Per Gap field.

    • Select the Show Wrap Size Box field to visualize the wrap's minimum and maximum sizes in the graphics window (in the form of red cubes).

    Note:  See Choosing Mesh Control Options for more information about target and wrap settings.

  14. Once your selections are made, click Add Local Sizing and proceed onto the next task.

    If you need to make adjustments to any of your settings in this task, click Revert and Edit, make your changes and click Update, or click Cancel to cancel your changes.