The field variables available in each category are summarized in the following tables:
Table 42.4: Temperature, Radiation, Solidification/Melting, and Two-Temperature Model Categories
Table 42.7: Species, Reactions, Pdf, and Premixed Combustion Categories
Table 42.8: NOx, Soot, and Steady|Unsteady Statistics Categories
Table 42.13: Wall Fluxes, User Defined Scalars, and User Defined Memory Categories
Table 42.16: Mesh Category (Turbomachinery-Specific Variables)
In these tables, the following restrictions apply to marked variables:
2d |
available only for 2D flows |
2da |
available only for 2D axisymmetric flows (with or without swirl) |
2dasw |
available only for 2D axisymmetric swirl flows |
3d |
available only for 3D flows |
adj |
available only with data from the adjoint solver |
adis | available only for adjoint calculations that use the dissipation stabilization scheme |
adt | available only when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved |
adnn | available only when the neural network model is applied for turbulence model optimization |
adjtr | available only after offline training for turbulence model optimization |
aen | available only when the energy adjoint equation is solved |
ark |
available only with the Aungier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model |
asfft |
available only when created using the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box or related text commands |
awe |
available only with the acoustics wave equation model |
bcde |
available only with the bounded central differencing scheme, when boundedness is specified by an expression |
bns |
available only for broadband noise source models |
bnv |
node values available at boundaries |
cgq | available only when the cell gradient quality criterion is enabled for poor mesh numerics |
cmp | available only for compressible flow |
con | available only for contact detection simulations using the contact marks method |
cpl |
available only in the density-based solvers |
cv |
available only for cell values (Node Values option disabled) |
cve |
available only for cell values and only cell values are exported to Common Fluids Format - Post. |
ddpm |
available only when the DDPM model is used |
des |
available when the turbulence model includes the DES turbulence model |
dil |
not available with full multicomponent diffusion |
dm |
available only for dynamic mesh calculations |
do |
available only when the discrete ordinates radiation model is used |
dpm |
available only for coupled discrete phase calculations |
dpmean | available only when Mean Values are enabled in the DPM dialog box |
dprms | available only when RMS Values are enabled in the DPM dialog box |
dtrm |
available only when the discrete transfer radiation model is used |
fwh |
available only with the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustics model |
e |
available only for energy calculations |
echem |
available only with the Electrochemical Reactions model |
edc |
available only with the EDC model for turbulence-chemistry interaction |
emm |
available only when the Eulerian multiphase model is used |
ewf |
available only with the Eulerian Wall Film model |
ewt |
available only with the enhanced wall treatment |
fv |
available for face values |
fm |
available only when the frame motion option is used |
gap |
available only if a gap region is created as part of the gap model |
gran |
available only if a granular phase is present |
h2o |
available only when the mixture contains water |
hn |
available only for hanging node adaption |
id |
available only when the ideal gas law is enabled for density |
ke |
available when one of the |
kklo |
available when the |
kw |
available when one of the |
les |
available when the LES turbulence model is used |
lwf |
available only when the Lagrangian wall film model is used |
mc |
available only when the Monte Carlo model is used |
mcv | available only when check-verbosity is set to 2 |
melt |
available only when the melting and solidification model is used |
mix |
available only when the multiphase mixture model is used |
mm |
available only when the mesh motion option is used |
mp |
available only for multiphase models |
netm |
available only for porous cell zones with the non-equilibrium thermal model enabled |
nox |
available only for NOx calculations |
nv |
uses explicit node value function |
nvs |
uses explicit node value solutions |
os |
available only when overset meshing is used |
p1 |
available only when the P-1 radiation model is used |
available only for non-premixed combustion calculations |
pmx |
available only for premixed combustion calculations |
pot |
available only when the potential equation is solved |
ppmx |
available only for partially premixed combustion calculations |
r |
available only when the Rosseland radiation model is used |
rad |
available only for radiation heat transfer calculations |
rc |
available only for finite-rate reactions |
ret |
available only if the
rg |
available only for the real gas models |
rsm |
available when the Reynolds stress turbulence model is used |
s2s |
available only when the surface-to-surface radiation model is used |
sa |
available when the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used |
sas |
available when the turbulence model includes Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS) |
sbes |
available when the turbulence model includes the Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation (SBES) turbulence model |
scq | available only when the solution and cell quality criterion is enabled for poor mesh numerics |
sdes |
available when the turbulence model includes the Shielded Detached Eddy Simulation (SDES) turbulence model |
seg |
available only in the pressure-based solver |
sol |
available only when the solar model is used |
soot |
available only for soot calculations |
sp |
available only for species calculations |
spo |
available only when a sponge layer is defined |
sr |
available only for surface reactions |
sst |
available when the Transition SST model is used |
stat |
available only with data sampling for transient statistics |
stcm |
available only for stiff chemistry calculations |
strc |
available only when a structural model is selected |
t |
available only for turbulent flows |
th |
available only when thin walls are present |
trn |
available only for transient flow calculations |
turbo |
available only when a turbomachinery topology has been defined |
udm |
available only when a user-defined memory is used |
uds |
available only when a user-defined scalar is used |
v |
available only for viscous flows |
vof-dpm |
available only for VOF-to-DPM model transition calculations |
w |
available only when one or more walls are present |
Table 42.1: Expressions Category
Category | Variable |
Expressions... |
Supported expressions must:
Table 42.2: Pressure and Density Categories
Category | Variable |
Pressure... |
Static Pressure (bnv) Pressure Coefficient Dynamic Pressure Absolute Pressure (bnv) Total Pressure (bnv) Relative Total Pressure Capillary-Pressure (emm) Pressure Discontinuity Sensor (cpl) |
Density... |
Density Density All Schlieren (cmp) Rescaled Schlieren (cmp) Rescaled Streamwise Schlieren (cmp) Logarithmic Streamwise Schlieren (cmp) |
Table 42.3: Velocity Category
Category | Variable |
Velocity... |
Velocity Magnitude (bnv) X Velocity (bnv) Y Velocity (bnv) Z Velocity (3d, bnv) Swirl Velocity (2dasw, bnv) Axial Velocity (2da or 3d) Radial Velocity Stream Function (2d) Tangential Velocity Mach Number (id or rg) Relative Velocity Magnitude (bnv) Relative X Velocity (bnv) Relative Y Velocity (bnv) Relative Z Velocity (3d, bnv) Relative Axial Velocity (2da) Relative Radial Velocity (2da) Relative Swirl Velocity (2dasw, bnv) Relative Tangential Velocity Relative Mach Number (id or rg) Mesh X-Velocity (nv) Mesh Y-Velocity (nv) Mesh Z-Velocity (3d, nv) Velocity Angle Relative Velocity Angle Vorticity Magnitude (v) Helicity (v, 3d) X-Vorticity (v, 3d) Y-Vorticity (v, 3d) Z-Vorticity (v, 3d) Cell Reynolds Number (v, cve) Compressible Wall Reynolds Number (e,fv,v,cmp) Cell Convective Courant Number (seg, cve) Moving Mesh Courant Number (trn, fm or mm or dm) Multiphase Minimum Time Scale (trn, fm or mm or dm) Cell Acoustic Courant Number (cmp, seg, cve) Preconditioning Reference Velocity (cpl) Q Criterion Normalized Q Criterion Raw Lambda 2 Criterion |
Table 42.4: Temperature, Radiation, Solidification/Melting, and Two-Temperature Model Categories
Category | Variable |
Temperature... |
Static Temperature (e, bnv, nv) User Energy Source (e) User Volumetric Energy Source (e) Total Temperature (e, nv) Sensible Enthalpy (e, nv) Enthalpy (e, nv) Relative Total Enthalpy (e, nv) Relative Total Temperature (e) Rothalpy (e, nv) Fine Scale Temperature (edc,e) Wall Temperature (fv, e, v) Wall Temperature (Thin) (th, fv, e, v) Wall Adjacent Temperature (fv, e) Total Enthalpy (e) Total Enthalpy Deviation (e) Entropy (e) Total Energy (e) Internal Energy (e) Non-Equilibrium Thermal Model Source (e, netm) NLBF Averaged Temperature (emm) Yplus Based Heat Transfer Reference Temperature (fv, e, v) |
Radiation... |
Absorption Coefficient (r, p1, do, mc, or dtrm) Scattering Coefficient (r, p1, do, or mc) Refractive Index (do or mc) Radiation Temperature (p1,do, or mc) Incident Radiation (p1, do, or mc) Incident Radiation (Band n) (p1 (non-gray), do (non-gray), or mc (non-gray)) Volumetric Absorbed Radiation (p1, do, or mc) Volumetric Emitted Radiation (p1, do, or mc) Wall Irradiation Flux.Normalized Std Deviation (mc) Radiation Intensity.Normalized Std Deviation (mc) Surface Cluster ID (fv, s2s) |
Solidification/ Melting |
Liquid Fraction (melt) Contact Resistivity (fv, melt) X Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated)) Y Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated)) Z Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 3d) Axial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2da) Radial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2da) Swirl Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2dasw) |
Two-Temperature Model |
Translational-Rotational Temperature (e, cpl) Vibrational-Electronic Temperature (e, cpl) Internal Energy (e, cpl) Translational-Rotational Energy (e, cpl) Vibrational-Electronic Energy (e, cpl) Translational-Rotational over Vibrational-Electronic Temperature (e, cpl) Vibrational-Electronic Conductivity (e, cpl) Vibrational-Electronic Specific Heat (e, cpl) Mass-Averaged Relaxation Time (e, cpl) Frozen Sound Speed (e, cpl) Dissociation Vibration Source (e, cpl) |
Table 42.5: Turbulence Category
Category | Variable |
Turbulence... |
Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) (ke, kw, kklo, sst, rsm, les; sbes, sdes, bnv, nv, or emm) Laminar Kinetic Energy (kklo) Total Fluctuation Energy (kklo) Turbulent Intensity (ke, kw, kklo, sst, rsm, les, sbes, sdes) Intermittency (sst, kw, sas, des, sbes, sdes) Intermittency Effective (sst, sbes (with Transition SST only), sdes (with Transition SST only)) Momentum Thickness Re (sst, sbes (with Transition SST only), sdes (with Transition SST only)) Geometric Roughness Height (sst, sbes (with Transition SST only), sdes (with Transition SST only)) UU Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) VV Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) WW Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) UV Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) UW Reynolds Stress (rsm, 3d; emm) VW Reynolds Stress (rsm, 3d; emm) Resolved UV Reynolds Stress (sas, des, sbes, sdes, les) Resolved UW Reynolds Stress (sas, des, sbes, sdes, les) Resolved VW Reynolds Stress (sas, des, sbes, sdes, les) Turbulent Dissipation Rate (Epsilon) (ke, kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, or rsm; bnv (k-epsilon model only), nv (k-epsilon model only), or emm) Specific Dissipation Rate (Omega) (kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, rsm) Production of k (ke, kw, kklo, sst, rsm, les; emm) Production of laminar k (kklo) Modified Turbulent Viscosity (sa, des) Turbulent Viscosity (sa, ke, kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, rsm, sas, des, les) Turbulent Viscosity (large-scale) (kklo) Turbulent Viscosity (small-scale) (kklo) Effective Viscosity (sa, ke, kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, rsm, des; emm) Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (ke, kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, rsm, sa, des, les; emm) LES Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity (les) Subgrid Kinetic Energy (les) Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity (les) Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (les) Subgrid Effective Viscosity (les) Subgrid Filter Length (les) Subgrid Test-Filter Length (les) Subgrid Dissipation Rate (les) Subgrid Dynamic Viscosity Const (les) Subgrid Dynamic Prandtl Number (les) Subgrid Dynamic Sc of Species (les) Subtest Kinetic Energy (les) Effective Thermal Conductivity (t, e) Effective Prandtl Number (t, e) Wall Ystar (fv, ke, kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, rsm, les) Wall Yplus (fv, t) Turbulent Reynolds Number (Re_y) (ke, kw, kklo, sst, sbes, sdes, rsm; ewt) Relative Length Scale (DES) (des) DES TKE Dissipation Multiplier (des) Curvature Correction Function fr (sa, ke, kw, sst, sbes, sdes, sas, des) Shielding Function for SBES or SDES (sbes, sdes) Blending Function for GEKO (geko) Built-in Correlation for GEKO Blending Function (geko) |
Table 42.6: Runtime DFT Category
Category | Variable |
Runtime DFT... |
<dft-dataset-name>_<frequency>-ba-mag (stat, trn) <dft-dataset-name>_<frequency>-ta-mag (stat, trn) <dft-dataset-name>_<frequency>-ta-phase (stat, trn) |
Table 42.7: Species, Reactions, Pdf, and Premixed Combustion Categories
Category | Variable |
Species... |
Mass fraction of Mole fraction of Mass Concentration of
Mass Concentration of
Molar Concentration of
Lam Diff Coef of Eff Diff Coef of Thermal Diff Coef of
Enthalpy of Surface Deposition Rate of
Surface Coverage of
Porous Deposition Rate of
Relative Humidity (sp, pdf, or ppmx; h2o) Time Step Scale (sp, stcm) Fine Scale Mass fraction of
Cell Time Scale (edc) EDC Cell Volume Fraction (edc) DRG Reduced Number of Species (sp) Reactor Net Zone ID (sp) Reactor Net Temperature (sp) Reactor Net Mass fraction of
Surface Corrosion Rate of
Reactions... |
Rate of Reaction-n (rc) Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n (rc) Turbulent Rate of Reaction-n (rc, t) Heat of Reaction (e, rc) Net Reaction Rate of
DRG Reduced Number of Reactions (sp) Echem Reaction Rate of Reaction-n (echem) |
Pdf... |
Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx; nv) Secondary Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx; nv) Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx; nv) Secondary Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx; nv) Fvar Prod (pdf or ppmx) Fvar2 Prod (pdf or ppmx) Scalar Dissipation (pdf or ppmx) Heat Release Rate (pdf or ppmx) PDF Table Adiabatic Enthalpy (pdf or ppmx) PDF Table Heat Loss/Gain (e, pdf or ppmx) |
Premixed Combustion... |
Progress Variable (pmx or ppmx; nv) Progress Variable Variance (ppmx; nv) Scalar Mass Fraction of
Forward Reaction Rate of Reverse Reaction Rate of Damkohler Number (pmx or ppmx) Stretch Factor (pmx or ppmx) Turbulent Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx) Static Temperature (pmx or ppmx) Product Formation Rate (pmx or ppmx) Laminar Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx) Critical Strain Rate (pmx or ppmx) Adiabatic Flame Temperature (pmx or ppmx) Unburnt Fuel Mass Fraction (pmx or ppmx) Strained Laminar Flame Speed (ppmx) |
Table 42.8: NOx, Soot, and Steady|Unsteady Statistics Categories
Category | Variable |
NOx... |
Mass fraction of Pollutant no (nox) Mass fraction of Pollutant hcn (nox) Mass fraction of Pollutant nh3 (nox) Mass fraction of Pollutant n2o (nox) Mole fraction of Pollutant no (nox) Mole fraction of Pollutant hcn (nox) Mole fraction of Pollutant nh3 (nox) Mole fraction of Pollutant n2o (nox) no Density (nox) hcn Density (nox) nh3 Density (nox) n2o Density (nox) RMS of Temperature (nox) Variance of Species (nox) Variance of Species 1 (nox) Variance of Species 2 (nox) Rate of NO (nox) Rate of Thermal NO (nox) Rate of Prompt NO (nox) Rate of Fuel NO (nox) Rate of N2OPath NO (nox) Rate of Reburn NO (nox) Rate of SNCR NO (nox) Rate of USER NO (nox) |
Soot... |
Average Number of Particles in Soot Aggregate (soot) Mass fraction of soot (soot) Mass fraction of Nuclei (soot) Mole fraction of soot (soot) Normalized Concentration of Nuclei (soot) Normalized Soot Aggregation Moments (soot) Normalized soot moments (soot) Primary Particle Diameter (soot) Rate of Coagulation (soot) Rate of Nuclei (soot) Rate of Nucleation (soot) Rate of Oxidation (soot) Rate of Soot (soot) Rate of Soot Mass Nucleation (soot) Rate of Surface Growth (soot) Soot Density (soot) Soot Mean Diameter (soot) Soot Surface Area (soot) Soot Volume fraction (soot) |
Steady|Unsteady DPM Statistics... |
Accum DPM Parcels in Cell (dpm, stat) Accum DPM Particles in Cell (dpm, stat) Mean DPM n (dpm, stat) RMS DPM n (dpm, stat) |
Steady|Unsteady Statistics... |
Mean n (stat) Mean- cff_n (stat) RMSE n (stat) RMSE- cff_n (stat) |
Table 42.9: Phases, Discrete Phase Model, Granular Pressure, Granular Temperature, and Wall Film Categories
Category | Variable |
Phase Interaction... |
Heat of Heterogeneous Reaction Mass Transfer Rate Saturation Vapor Pressure Saturation Temperature Latent Heat Mass Transfer Coefficient (Kl) Flow Regime Blending Factors Fcc (mix) Flow Regime Blending Factors Fcd (mix) Flow Regime Blending Factors Fdc (mix) Flow Regime Blending Factors Fdd (mix) Slip X-velocity (mix) Slip Y-velocity (mix) Slip Z-velocity (mix, 3d) Relaxation Time (mix) Saturation Temperature (emm) Liquid Subcooling (emm) Wall Superheat (emm) Bubble Departure Diameter (emm) Bubble Departure Frequency (emm) Bubble Waiting Time (emm) Bubble Area Fraction (emm) Bubble Nucleation Site Density (emm) |
Phases... |
Smoothed VOF Gradient-dX (mp) Smoothed VOF Gradient-dY (mp) Smoothed VOF Gradient-dZ (mp) Smooth VOF Gradient Magnitude (mp) Volume fraction (mp) |
Lump Detection... |
Lump ID (vof-dpm) Lump Diameter (vof-dpm) Lump Density (vof-dpm) Lump Asph. by Rad. Std. Dev. (vof-dpm) Lump Asph. by Orthogonality (vof-dpm) Lump X, Y, Z Coordinate (vof-dpm) Lump Temperature (vof-dpm, e) Lump Enthalpy (vof-dpm, e) Lump Pressure (vof-dpm, e) |
Discrete Phase Variables... |
DPM Erosion Rate (DNV) (dpm, cv, fv) DPM Erosion Rate (Generic) (dpm, cv, fv) DPM Erosion Rate (Finnie) (dpm, cv, fv) DPM Erosion Rate (McLaury) (dpm, cv, fv) DPM Erosion Rate (Oka) (dpm, cv, fv) DPM Erosion Rate (Wall Shear) (dpm, cv, fv, gran) DPM Accretion (dpm, cv, fv) DPM Volume Fraction (dpm, dpmean) DPM Parcels in Cell (dpm, dpmean) DPM Particles in Cell (dpm, dpmean) DPM Number Density (dpm, dpmean) DPM Collision Rate (dpm) DPM X Velocity (dpm, dpmean) DPM Y Velocity (dpm, dpmean) DPM Z Velocity (dpm, dpmean) DPM Diameter (dpm, dpmean) DPM Density (dpm, dpmean) DPM Temperature (dpm, dpmean) DPM Enthalpy (dpm, dpmean) DPM Specific Heat (dpm, dpmean) DPM D20 (dpm, dpmean) DPM D30 (dpm, dpmean) DPM D32 (dpm, dpmean) DPM D43 (dpm, dpmean) DPM Granular Temperature (ddpm, gran) DPM Conc of
DPM RMS X Velocity (dpm, dprms) DPM RMS Y Velocity (dpm, dprms) DPM RMS Z Velocity (dpm, dprms) DPM RMS Diameter (dpm, dprms) DPM RMS Temperature (dpm, dprms) DPM Absorption Coefficient (dpm, rad) DPM Emission (dpm, rad) DPM Scattering (dpm, rad) DPM Concentration (dpm) DPM Wall X Force (dpm) DPM Wall Y Force (dpm) DPM Wall Z Force (dpm) DPM Wall Normal Pressure (dpm) |
Discrete Phase Sources... |
DPM Mass Source (dpm) DPM X Momentum Source (dpm) DPM Y Momentum Source (dpm) DPM Z Momentum Source (dpm, 3d) DPM Swirl Momentum Source (dpm, 2dasw) DPM Sensible Enthalpy Source (dpm, e, rc) DPM Enthalpy Source (dpm, e) DPM Burnout (dpm, sp, e) DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization (dpm, sp, e) DPM DPM Mixture Fraction Source (dpm, pdf or ppmx) DPM Mixture Fraction Secondary Source (dpm, pdf or ppmx) DPM Inert Source (dpm, pdf or ppmx) |
Granular Pressure... | Granular Pressure (emm, gran) |
Granular Temperature... | Granular Temperature (emm, gran) |
Wall Film... |
Wall Film Height (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Impingement Mass Flux (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Face Pressure (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Mass (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Temperature (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Heat Flux (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Heat Transfer Coefficient (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Surface Temperature (dpm, lwf) Wall Film X-Velocity (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Y-Velocity (dpm, lwf) Wall Film Z-Velocity (dpm, lwf, 3d) Wall Film Velocity Magnitude (dpm, lwf) Wall Leidenfrost Temperature (dpm, lwf) Wall Coverage (dpm, lwf) Film Mass Fraction of
Table 42.10: Properties Category
Category | Variable |
Properties... |
Molecular Viscosity (v) Diameter (mix, emm) Granular Conductivity (mix, emm, gran) Thermal Conductivity (e, v) Thermal Conductivity XX (e, v) Thermal Conductivity XY (e, v) Thermal Conductivity XZ (e, v) Thermal Conductivity YX (e, v) Thermal Conductivity YY (e, v) Thermal Conductivity YZ (e, v) Thermal Conductivity ZX (e, v) Thermal Conductivity ZY (e, v) Thermal Conductivity ZZ (e, v) Specific Heat (Cp) (e) Specific Heat Ratio (gamma) (id) Gas Constant (R) (id or rg) Molecular Prandtl Number (e, v) Mean Molecular Weight (seg, pdf) Sound Speed (id or rg) Compressibility Factor (rg) Reduced Temperature (ark) Reduced Pressure (ark) Critical Temperature (ark, spe) Critical Pressure (ark, spe) Acentric Factor (ark,spe) Critical Specific Volume (ark,spe) Spinodal Temperature (ark) Electric Conductivity (pot) |
Table 42.11: Eulerian Wall Film Category
Category | Variable |
Eulerian Wall Film... |
Film Thickness (3d, ewf) Film Mass (3d, ewf) Film Temperature (3d, ewf) Film X-Velocity (3d, ewf) Film Y-Velocity (3d, ewf) Film Z-Velocity (3d, ewf) Film Velocity Magnitude (3d, ewf) Film Coverage (3d, ewf) Film Effective Pressure (3d, ewf) Film Surface X-Velocity (3d, ewf) Film Surface Y-Velocity (3d, ewf) Film Surface Z-Velocity (3d, ewf) Film Surface Velocity Magnitude (3d, ewf) Film Surface Temperature (3d, ewf) Film Passive Scalar (3d, ewf) Film Courant Number (3d, ewf) Film Weber Number (3d, ewf) Film Stripped Mass (3d, ewf) Film Stripped Diam (3d, ewf) Film DPM Mass Source (3d, ewf, dpm) Film DPM Energy Source (3d, ewf, dpm) Film DPM X-Momentum Source (3d, ewf, dpm) Film DPM Y-Momentum Source (3d, ewf, dpm) Film DPM Z-Momentum Source (3d, ewf, dpm) Film X-Momentum Source (3d, ewf) Film Y-Momentum Source (3d, ewf) Film Separated Mass (3d, ewf) Film Separated Diam (3d, ewf) Film Separation Rate (3d, ewf) Film Phase Change Rate (3d, ewf) Film Outflow Mass (3d, ewf) Film Secondary Phase Mass (3d, ewf) Film Secondary Phase Collection Coef (3d, ewf) Film VOF Equivalent Thickness (3d, ewf) Film Total Equivalent Thickness (3d, ewf) Film Volume Fraction (3d, ewf) Film Total Equivalent Volume Fraction (3d, ewf) Film Height Fraction (3d, ewf) Film Total Equivalent Height Fraction (3d, ewf) Film VOF Mass Exchange (3d, ewf) Film VOF Exchanged Mass (3d, ewf) |
Table 42.12: Sensitivities Category
Category | Variable |
Sensitivities... |
Magnitude of Sensitivity to Body Forces (Cell Values) (adj) Sensitivity to Body Force X-Component (Cell Values) (adj) Sensitivity to Body Force Y-Component (Cell Values) (adj) Sensitivity to Body Force Z-Component (Cell Values) (adj, 3d) Sensitivity to Mass Sources (Cell Values) (adj) Sensitivity to Energy Sources (Cell Values) (adj, aen) Sensitivity to Turbulent Kinetic Energy Sources (Cell Values) (adj, adt) Sensitivity to Specific Dissipation Rate Sources (Cell Values) (adj, adt) Artificial Dissipation (adj, adis) Sensitivity to Viscosity (adj) Shape Sensitivity Magnitude (adj) Normal Shape Sensitivity (adj) Normal Optimal Displacement (adj) Optimal Displacement X-Component (adj) Optimal Displacement Y-Component (adj) Optimal Displacement Z-Component (adj) log10(Shape Sensitivity Magnitude) (adj) Shape Sensitivity X Component (adj) Shape Sensitivity Y Component (adj) Shape Sensitivity Z Component (adj, 3d) Sensitivity to Boundary X-Velocity (adj) Sensitivity to Boundary Y-Velocity (adj) Sensitivity to Boundary Z-Velocity (adj, 3d) Sensitivity to Boundary Pressure (adj) Sensitivity to Boundary Temperature (adj, aen) Sensitivity to Boundary Heat Flux (adj, aen) Sensitivity to Flow Blockage (adj) Sensitivity to GEKO CSEP (adj, adt) Sensitivity to GEKO CNW (adj, adt) Sensitivity to GEKO CMIX (adj, adt) Sensitivity to GEKO Blending Function (adj, adt) Sensitivity to CCURV (adj, adt) Adjoint GEKO CSEP (adj, adt) Adjoint GEKO CNW (adj, adt) Adjoint GEKO CMIX (adj, adt) Adjoint GEKO BF (adj, adt) Adjoint GEKO CSEP (Trained) (adj, adt, adnn, adjtr) Adjoint GEKO CNW (Trained) (adj, adt, adnn, adjtr) Adjoint GEKO CMIX (Trained) (adj, adt, adnn, adjtr) Adjoint GEKO BF (Trained) (adj, adt, adnn, adjtr) Non-Equilibrium Parameter (adj, adt, adnn) Second Invariant (adj, adt, adnn) Third Invariant (adj, adt, adnn) Fourth Invariant (adj, adt, adnn) Fifth Invariant (adj, adt, adnn) Length Ratio (adj, adt, adnn) Turbulent Reynolds Number (Scaled) (adj, adt, adnn) Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (Scaled) (adj, adt, adnn) Adjoint Local Solution Marker (adj) Adjoint X-Velocity Residual (adj) Adjoint Y-Velocity Residual (adj) Adjoint Z-Velocity Residual (adj) Adjoint Continuity Residual (adj) Adjoint Local Flow Rate Residual (adj) Adjoint Energy Residual (adj, aen) Adjoint Turbulent Kinetic Energy Residual (adj, adt) Adjoint Specific Dissipation Rate Residual (adj, adt) |
Table 42.13: Wall Fluxes, User Defined Scalars, and User Defined Memory Categories
Category | Variable |
Wall Fluxes... |
Wall Shear Stress (v, emm, fv) X-Wall Shear Stress (v, 2d, 3d, emm, fv) Y-Wall Shear Stress (v, 2d, 3d, emm, fv) Z-Wall Shear Stress (v, 3d, emm, fv) Axial-Wall Shear Stress (2da, 2dasw, fv) Radial-Wall Shear Stress (2da, 2dasw, fv) Swirl-Wall Shear Stress (2dasw, fv) Skin Friction Coefficient (v, emm, fv) Total Surface Heat Flux (e, v, fv) Radiation Heat Flux (fv, rad) Solar Heat Flux (sol, fv) Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do, mc, fv) Absorbed Visible Solar Flux (sol, fv) Absorbed IR Solar Flux (sol, fv) Reflected Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do, mc, fv) Reflected Visible Solar Flux (sol, fv) Reflected IR Solar Flux (sol, fv) Transmitted Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do, mc, fv) Transmitted Visible Solar Flux (sol, fv) Transmitted IR Solar Flux (sol, fv) Beam Irradiation Flux (Band-n) (do, mc, fv) Surface Incident Radiation (do, dtrm, s2s, mc, fv) Surface Heat Transfer Coef. (e, v, fv) Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coef. (e, v, fv) Wall Adjacent Heat Transfer Coef. (e, fv) Surface Nusselt Number (e, v, fv) Surface Stanton Number (e, v, fv) Yplus Based Heat Transfer Coefficient (e, v, fv) SMB Single Phase Heat Flux (mix) SMB Nucleate Boiling Heat Flux (mix) Wall Deposition Thickness (sr) |
User Defined Scalars... |
Scalar-n (bnv, uds) Diffusion Coef. of Scalar-n (bnv, uds) |
User Defined Memory... |
User Memory <n> (bnv, udm) User Node Memory <n> (bnv, udm) |
Table 42.14: Cell Info and Mesh Categories
Category | Variable |
Cell Info... |
Active Cell Partition (cve) Stored Cell Partition (cve) Cell Id (cve) Cell Element Type (cve) Cell Zone Type (cve) Cell Zone Index (cve) Overset Cell Type (cve, os) Overset Donor Count (os, cve) Overset Receptor Count (os, cve) Partition Neighbors (cve) Contact Cell Mark (con, cv, cve) Gap ID (gap) Gap Type (gap) Flow-Blocking Gap Interface (gap) |
Mesh... |
X-Coordinate (nv) Y-Coordinate (nv) Z-Coordinate (3d, nv) Axial Coordinate (nv) Angular Coordinate (3d, nv) Abs. Angular Coordinate (3d, nv) Radial Coordinate Face Area Magnitude X Face Area Y Face Area Z Face Area (3d) Orthogonal Quality Aspect Ratio (cve) Cell Equiangle Skew (cve) Cell Equivolume Skew (cve) Cell Volume (cve) 2D Cell Volume (2da, cve) Interface Overlap Fraction Cell Wall Distance (cve, w) Face Handedness Accumulated Deformation (dpm, dm, fv) Gradient Quality Measure (cgq) Solution and Cell Quality Measure (scq) Mark Poor Elements Cell Volume Derivative (cve) Cell Volume Error (cve) Dynamic Cell Volume Dynamic Cell Volume Change (cve) Cell Volume Change Cell Surface Area (mcv) Cell Warpage (mcv) Boundary Layer Cells Boundary Cell Distance (cve) Boundary Normal Distance (cve) Boundary Volume Distance (cve) Cell Refine Level Overset Donor Size Ratio (os) X Periodic Displacement Y Periodic Displacement Z Periodic Displacement X Imaginary Periodic Displacement Y Imaginary Periodic Displacement Z Imaginary Periodic Displacement X Imaginary Periodic Displacement Y Imaginary Periodic Displacement Z Imaginary Periodic Displacement X Relative Mesh Displacement Y Relative Mesh Displacement Z Relative Mesh Displacement X Total Mesh Displacement Y Total Mesh Displacement Z Total Mesh Displacement Sponge Layer Distance (spo) Sponge Blending Function (spo) |
Table 42.15: Perforated Walls Category
Category | Variable |
Perforated Walls... |
Tagged Face (seg) Injection Hole Mass Flow Rate (seg) Injection Pressure (seg) Conjugate Heat Transfer (seg) |
Table 42.16: Mesh Category (Turbomachinery-Specific Variables)
Category | Variable |
Mesh... |
Meridional Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs Meridional Coordinate (nv, turbo) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Pitchwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs Pitchwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) |
Table 42.17: Residuals Category
Category | Variable |
Residuals... |
Mass Imbalance (seg) Pressure Residual (ret) X Velocity Residual (ret) Y Velocity Residual (ret) Z Velocity Residual (3d, ret) Swirl Velocity Residual (2dasw, ret) Temperature Residual (e, ret) Time Step (cpl) |
Table 42.18: Derivatives Category
Category | Variable |
Derivatives... |
BCD Scheme Boundedness (seg, bcde) Strain Rate (v) dX-Velocity/dx dY-Velocity/dx dZ-Velocity/dx (3d) dAxial-Velocity/dx (2da) dRadial-Velocity/dx (2da) dSwirl-Velocity/dx (2dasw) d species-n/dx (cpl, sp) dX-Velocity/dy dY-Velocity/dy dZ-Velocity/dy (3d) dAxial-Velocity/dy (2da) dRadial-Velocity/dy (2da) dSwirl-Velocity/dy (2dasw) d species-n/dy (cpl, sp) dX-Velocity/dz (3d) dY-Velocity/dz (3d) dZ-Velocity/dz (3d) d species-n/dz (cpl, sp, 3d) dOmega/dx (2dasw) dOmega/dy (2dasw) dp-dX (seg) dp-dY (seg) dp-dZ (seg, 3d) dp-dt (trn) Pressure Hessian Indicator |
Table 42.19: Potential Category
Category | Variable |
Potential... |
Electric Potential Electric Current Magnitude Joule Heat Source X Current Y Current Z Current dPotential/dx dPotential/dy dPotential/dz Electrolyte Potential Over Potential Transfer Current Osmotic Drag Water Phase Change Water Content Faradaic Current Density (echem) Total Surface Corrosion Rate (echem) Electrode Surface Potential Faradaic Heat Source (echem) Total Echem Heat Source (echem) |
Table 42.20: Lithium Category
Category | Variable |
Lithium... |
Lithium Concentration Magnitude of Lithium Mass Flux Vector X Lithium Mass Flux Y Lithium Mass Flux Z Lithium Mass Flux |
Table 42.21: Acoustics Category
Category | Variable |
Acoustics... |
Surface dpdt RMS (fv, fwh) Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns) Acoustic Power (bns) Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns, 2da) Jet Acoustic Power (bns, 2da) Surface Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns, fv) Surface Acoustic Power (bns, fv) Lilley’s Self-Noise Source (bns) Lilley’s Shear-Noise Source (bns) Lilley’s Total Noise Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Shear-Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Total Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Total Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d) LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d) LEE Total Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d) Pressure Spectrum Im n (asfft, 3d) Pressure Spectrum Re n (asfft, 3d) PSD of dp/dt for Octave Band at x Hz (asfft, 3d) PSD of dp/dt for 1/3-Octave Band at x Hz (asfft, 3d) PSD of dp/dt for Const Width Band n (asfft, 3d) Sound Pressure (awe) Sound Potential (awe) Sound dP/dt (awe) Sound WaveEq Model Source (awe) Sound WaveEq Model Source Smoothed (awe) Sound WaveEq Model Source Mask (awe) Sound Sponge Layer Marker (awe) SPL for Octave Band at x Hz (dB) (asfft, 3d) SPL for 1/3-Octave Band at x Hz (dB) (asfft, 3d) SPL for Const Width Band n (dB) (asfft, 3d) static-pressure-tonal-analysis-1-magnitude static-pressure-tonal-analysis-1-phase |
Table 42.22: Structure Category
Category | Variable |
Structure... |
X Displacement (nvs, strc) Y Displacement (nvs, strc) Z Displacement (nvs, strc, 3d) Sigma XX (strc) Sigma YY (strc) Sigma XY (strc) Sigma ZZ (strc, 3d) Sigma YZ (strc, 3d) Sigma XZ (strc, 3d) |
Table 42.23: Aeromechanics Category
Category | Variable |
Aeromechanics... |
Wall Work Density Wall Power Density |