35.2. Reduced Order Model (ROM) Evaluation in Fluent

You may want to quickly visualize the results directly within Fluent, which you can do when you are running Fluent in Workbench.

From within Fluent you can view:

  • Contours

  • Vectors

  • Pathlines

  • XY Plots

  • Surface and volume integral reports

To evaluate a ROM in Fluent:

  1. In Workbench, generate the romz file by right-clicking the ROM Builder cell and selecting Export ROM. Save the romz file to your desired location.

    Note:  You cannot import a ROMZ file into the Fluent system used to produced the 3D ROM in the same instance of Workbench.

  2. Right-click the Fluent Setup cell, and select Import ROM Browse, to open the Select File dialog box and import the romz file.

  3. Generate the solution in Fluent by clicking Update Project in the toolbar.

  4. Launch Fluent by double-clicking the Solution cell.

  5. Open the Reduced Order Model dialog box.

      Setup Models ROM Edit...

  6. Click the Evaluate tab. Here you can see all of the parameters used in creating the ROM. The range of acceptable inputs is listed to the right of each variable.

  7. Enter a value for the variable you want evaluated (within the allowed range) and click Evaluate.

You can visually postprocess ROM variables using contour plots, vector plots, and so on.

  1. Open the Contours dialog box.

      Results Graphics Contours New...

  2. Ensure that Node Values are disabled. ROMs are evaluated at cell centers.

  3. Select ROM Cell Functions... from the Contours of drop-down list.

    Note:  The ROM Cell Functions... option is only available after you click Evaluate in the Evaluate tab of the Reduced Order Model dialog box.

  4. Select the ROM variable that you want to visualize from the second Contours of drop-down list.

  5. Select the surfaces where you want to visualize the specified ROM variable. The list of available surfaces is filtered to show only the surfaces where the ROM is evaluated, as defined during ROM setup.

  6. Click Save/Display.


The following limitations apply to postprocessing reduced order models in Fluent:

  • You cannot continue with the ROM solution after evaluating it.

  • Exporting solution data/variables will not include ROM snapshot data.

  • Flux and Force Reports and report definitions are not available for ROM evaluated variables using ROM data.

  • Output parameters are not updated for Design of Experiments when the ROM is being evaluated in Fluent.