7.3. Parallelizing Your Serial UDF

Ansys Fluent's solver contains three types of executable: Cortex, host, and compute node (or simply "node" for short). When Ansys Fluent runs, an instance of Cortex starts, followed by one host and n compute nodes, thereby giving a total of n+2 running processes. For this reason, it is necessary when running in parallel (and recommended when running in serial) that you make sure that your function will successfully execute as a host and a node process. At first it may appear that you should write two different versions of your UDF: one for host, and one for node. Good programming practice, however, would suggest that you write a single UDF that, when compiled, can execute on the two versions. This process is referred to in this manual as "parallelizing" a serial UDF (that is, a UDF that does not account for the separate processes). You can do this by adding special macros as well as compiler directives to your UDF, as described below. Compiler directives, (such as #if RP_NODE, RP_HOST) and their negated forms, direct the compiler to include only portions of the function that apply to a particular process, and ignore the rest (see Compiler Directives).

A general rule of thumb is that your serial UDF must be "parallelized" if it performs an operation that is dependent on sending or receiving data from another compute node (or the host) or uses a macro type that was introduced after Ansys Fluent version 18.2 (which are not guaranteed to be supported in serial UDFs). Some types of operations that require parallelization of serial source code when used with multiple nodes include the following:

  • Reading and Writing Files

  • Global Reductions

  • Global Sums

  • Global Minimums and Maximums

  • Global Logicals

  • Certain Loops over Cells and Faces

  • Displaying Messages on a Console

  • Printing to a Host or Node Process

After the source code for your "parallelized" UDF has been written, it can be compiled using the same methods for serial UDFs. Instructions for compiling UDFs can be found in Compiling UDFs.

7.3.1. Parallelization of Discrete Phase Model (DPM) UDFs

The DPM model can be used for the following parallel options:

  • Shared Memory

  • Message Passing

When you are using a DPM-specific UDF (see Discrete Phase Model (DPM) DEFINE Macros), it will be executed on the machine that is in charge of the considered particle, based on the above-mentioned parallel options. Since all fluid variables needed for DPM models are held in data structures of the tracked particles, no special care is needed when using DPM UDFs in parallel Ansys Fluent with the following two exceptions.

Firstly, when you are writing to a sampling output file using the DEFINE_DPM_OUTPUT macro, you are not allowed to use the C function fprintf. Instead new functions par_fprintf and par_fprintf_head are provided to enable the parallel file writing. Each compute node writes its information to a separate temporary file. These individual files are put together and sorted into the final output file by Ansys Fluent. The new functions can be used with the same parameter lists as the C function fprintf with the stipulation that the sorting of the files by Ansys Fluent requires the specification of an extended parameter list. For details on the use of these macros refer to The par_fprintf_head and par_fprintf Functions and DEFINE_DPM_OUTPUT .

The second exception arises when storing information about particles. In the case of parallel simulations, you must use particle-specific user variables as they can be accessed with the macros TP_USER_REAL(tp, i) (tp being of the type Tracked_Particle *) and PP_USER_REAL(p, i) (p being of the type Particle *). Only this information is carried with the particles across partition boundaries, while other local or global variables are not carried across partition boundaries.

Note that if you need to access other data, such as cell values, then for the parallel options except Shared Memory you will have access to all fluid and solver variables. When you choose the Shared Memory option, however, you will have access only to the variables defined in the macros SV_DPM_LIST and SV_DPMS_LIST. These macros are defined in the file dpm.h.

7.3.2. Macros for Parallel UDFs Compiler Directives

When converting a UDF to run in parallel, some parts of the function may need to be done by the host and some by the compute nodes. This distinction is made when the UDF is compiled. By using Ansys Fluent-provided compiler directives, you can specify portions of your function to be assigned to the host or to the compute nodes. The UDF that you write will be written as a single file for the host and node versions, but different parts of the function will be compiled to generate different versions of the dynamically linked shared object file libudf.so (libudf.dll on Windows). Print tasks, for example, may be assigned exclusively to the host, while a task such as computing the total volume of a complete mesh will be assigned to the compute nodes. Since most operations are executed by either the host or compute nodes, negated forms of compiler directives are more commonly used.

Note that the primary purpose of the host is to interpret commands from Cortex and to pass those commands (and data) to compute node-0 for distribution. Since the host does not contain mesh data, you will need to be careful not to include the host in any calculations that could, for example result in a division by zero. In this case, you will need to direct the compiler to ignore the host when it is performing mesh-related calculations, by wrapping those operations around the #if !RP_HOST directive. For example, suppose that your UDF will compute the total area of a face thread, and then use that total area to compute a flux. If you do not exclude the host from these operations, the total area on the host will be zero and a floating point exception will occur when the function attempts to divide by zero to obtain the flux.


#if !RP_HOST avg_pres = total_pres_a / total_area; /* if you do not exclude the host
    this operation will result in a division by zero and error!   
   Remember that host has no data so its total will be zero.*/

You will need to use the #if !RP_NODE directive when you want to exclude compute nodes from operations for which they do not have data.

Below is a list of parallel compiler directives and what they do:

 /*  Compiler Directives                                                */
 #if RP_HOST
    /* only host process is involved */
 #if RP_NODE
    /* only compute nodes are involved */
 /*  Negated forms that are more commonly used                             */
 #if !RP_HOST
    /* only compute nodes are involved */
 #if !RP_NODE
    /* only host process is involved */

The following simple UDF shows the use of compiler directives. The adjust function is used to define a function called where_am_i. This function queries to determine which type of process is executing and then displays a message on that computed node’s monitor.


  Simple UDF that uses compiler directives
 #include "udf.h"
 DEFINE_ADJUST(where_am_i, domain)
 #if RP_HOST
    Message("I am in the host process\n");
 #endif /* RP_HOST */
 #if RP_NODE
    Message("I am in the node process with ID %d\n",myid);
    /* myid is a global variable which is set to the multiport ID for
    each node */
 #endif /* RP_NODE */

This simple allocation of functionality between the different types of processes is useful in a limited number of practical situations. For example, you may want to display a message on the compute nodes when a particular computation is being run (by using RP_NODE or !RP_HOST). Or, you can also choose to designate the host process to display messages (by using RP_HOST or !RP_NODE). Usually you want messages written only once by the host process. Simple messages such as "Running the Adjust Function" are straightforward. Alternatively, you may want to collect data from all the nodes and print the total once, from the host. To perform this type of operation your UDF will need some form of communication between processes. The most common mode of communication is between the host and the node processes. Communicating Between the Host and Node Processes

There are two sets of similar macros that can be used to send data between the host and the compute nodes: host_to_node_type_num and node_to_host_type_num. Host-to-Node Data Transfer

To send data from the host process to all the node processes (indirectly via compute node-0), macros of the following form is used:


where ‘num’ is the number of variables that will be passed in the argument list and ‘type’ is the data type of the variables that will be passed. The maximum number of variables that can be passed is 7. Arrays and strings can also be passed from host to nodes, one at a time, as shown in the examples below.

For information about transferring a file from the host to a node, see Reading Files in Parallel.


/* integer and real variables passed from host to nodes */
 host_to_node_real_7(len1, len2, width1, width2, breadth1, breadth2, vol); 

/* string and array variables passed from host to nodes */
 char wall_name[]="wall-17";
 int thread_ids[10] = {1,29,5,32,18,2,55,21,72,14};
 host_to_node_string(wall_name,8); /* remember terminating NUL character */

Note that these host_to_node communication macros do not need to be "protected" by compiler directives for parallel UDFs, because all of these macros automatically do the following:

  • send the variable value if compiled as the host version

  • receive and then set the local variable if compiled as a compute node version

The most common use for this set of macros is to pass parameters or boundary conditions from the host to the nodes processes. See the example UDF in Parallel UDF Example for a demonstration of usage. Node-to-Host Data Transfer

To send data from compute node-0 to the host process, use macros of the form:


where ‘num’ is the number of variables that will be passed in the argument list and ‘type’ is the data type of the variables that will be passed. The maximum number of variables that can be passed is 7. Arrays and strings can also be passed from host to nodes, one at a time, as shown in the examples below.

Note that unlike the host_to_node macros, which pass data from the host process to all of the compute nodes (indirectly via compute node-0), node_to_host macros pass data only from compute node-0 to the host.


/* integer and real variables passed from compute node-0 to host */
 node_to_host_real_7(len1, len2, width1, width2, breadth1, breadth2, vol); 

 /* string and array variables passed from compute node-0 to host */
 char *string;
 int string_length;
 real vel[ND_ND];

node_to_host macros do not need to be protected by compiler directives (such as #if RP_NODE) since they automatically do the following:

  • send the variable value if the node is compute node-0 and the function is compiled as a node version

  • do nothing if the function is compiled as a node version, but the node is not compute node-0

  • receive and set variables if the function is compiled as the host version

The most common usage for this set of macros is to pass global reduction results from compute node-0 to the host process. In cases where the value that is to be passed is computed by all of the compute nodes, there must be some sort of collection (such as a summation) of the data from all the compute nodes onto compute node-0 before the single collected (summed) value can be sent. Refer to the example UDF in Parallel UDF Example for a demonstration of usage and Global Reduction Macros for a full list of global reduction operations. Predicates

There are a number of macros available in parallel Ansys Fluent that expand to logical tests. These logical macros, referred to as "predicates", are denoted by the suffix P and can be used as test conditions in your UDF. The following predicates return TRUE if the condition in the parenthesis is met.

/* predicate definitions from para.h header file */
 # define MULTIPLE_COMPUTE_NODE_P (compute_node_count > 1)
 # define ONE_COMPUTE_NODE_P (compute_node_count == 1)
 # define ZERO_COMPUTE_NODE_P (compute_node_count == 0) 

There are a number of predicates that allow you to test the identity of the node process in your UDF, using the compute node ID. A compute node’s ID is stored as the global integer variable myid (see Process Identification). Each of the macros listed below tests certain conditions of myid for a process. For example, the predicate I_AM_NODE_ZERO_P compares the value of myid with the compute node-0 ID and returns TRUE when they are the same. I_AM_NODE_SAME_P(n), on the other hand, compares the compute node ID that is passed in n with myid. When the two IDs are the same, the function returns TRUE. Node ID predicates are often used in conditional-if statements in UDFs.

/* predicate definitions from para.h header file */
 # define I_AM_NODE_HOST_P (myid == host)
 # define I_AM_NODE_ZERO_P (myid == node_zero)
 # define I_AM_NODE_ONE_P (myid == node_one)
 # define I_AM_NODE_LAST_P (myid == node_last)
 # define I_AM_NODE_SAME_P(n) (myid == (n))
 # define I_AM_NODE_LESS_P(n) (myid < (n))
 # define I_AM_NODE_MORE_P(n) (myid > (n)) 

Recall that from Cells and Faces in a Partitioned Mesh, a face may appear in one or two partitions but in order that summation operations do not count it twice, it is officially allocated to only one of the partitions. The tests above are used with the neighboring cell’s partition ID to determine if it belongs to the current partition. The convention that is used is that the smaller-numbered compute node is assigned as the "principal" compute node for that face. PRINCIPAL_FACE_P returns TRUE if the face is located on its principal compute node. The macro can be used as a test condition when you want to perform a global sum on faces and some of the faces are partition boundary faces. Below is the definition of PRINCIPAL_FACE_P from para.h. See Cells and Faces in a Partitioned Mesh for more information about PRINCIPAL_FACE_P.

/* predicate definitions from para.h header file */
 # define PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f,t) (!TWO_CELL_FACE_P(f,t) || \
 # define PRINCIPAL_TWO_CELL_FACE_P(f,t) \
  (!(I_AM_NODE_MORE_P(C_PART(F_C0(f,t),THREAD_T0(t))) || \
  I_AM_NODE_MORE_P(C_PART(F_C1(f,t),THREAD_T1(t))))) Global Reduction Macros

Global reduction operations are those that collect data from all of the compute nodes, and reduce the data to a single value, or an array of values. These include operations such as global summations, global maximums and minimums, and global logicals. These macros begin with the prefix PRF_G and are defined in prf.h. Global summation macros are identified by the suffix SUM, global maximums by HIGH, and global minimums by LOW. The suffixes AND and OR identify global logicals.

The variable data types for each macro are identified in the macro name, where R denotes real data types, I denotes integers, and L denotes logicals. For example, the macro PRF_GISUM finds the summation of integers over the compute nodes.

Each of the global reduction macros discussed in the following sections has two different versions: one takes a single variable argument, while the other takes a variable array. Macros with a 1 (one) appended to the end of the name take one argument, and return a single variable as the global reduction result. For example, the macro PRF_GIHIGH1(x) expands to a function that takes one argument x and computes the maximum of the variable x among all of the compute nodes, and returns it. The result can then be assigned to another variable (such as y), as shown in the following example.

Example: Global Reduction Variable Macro

 int y;
 int x = myid;
 y = PRF_GIHIGH1(x); /* y now contains the same number (compute_node_count
       - 1) on all the nodes */

Macros without a 1 suffix, on the other hand, compute global reduction variable arrays. These macros take three arguments: x, N, and iwork where x is an array, N is the number of elements in the array, and iwork is an array that is of the same type and size as x which is needed for temporary storage. Macros of this type are passed an array x and the elements of array x are filled with the new result after returning from the function. For example, the macro PRF_GIHIGH(x,N,iwork) expands to a function that computes the maximum of each element of the array x over all the compute nodes, uses the array iwork for temporary storage, and modifies array x by replacing each element with its resulting global maximum. The function does not return a value.

Example: Global Reduction Variable Array Macro

 real x[N], iwork[N];
 /* The elements of x are set in the working array here and will
  have different values on each compute node.
  In this case, x[0] could be the maximum cell temperature of all
  the cells on the compute node. x[1] the maximum pressure, x[2]
  the maximum density, etc.
  PRF_GRHIGH(x,N,iwork); /* The maximum value for each value over
        all the compute nodes is found here */
  /* The elements of x on each compute node now hold the same
  maximum values over all the compute nodes for temperature,
  pressure, density, etc. */
 } Global Summations

Macros that can be used to compute global sums of variables are identified by the suffix SUM. PRF_GISUM1 and PRF_GISUM compute the global sum of integer variables and integer variable arrays, respectively.

PRF_GRSUM1(x) computes the global sum of a real variable x across all compute nodes. The global sum is of type float when running a single precision version of Ansys Fluent and type double when running the double precision version. Alternatively, PRF_GRSUM(x,N,iwork) computes the global sum of a float variable array for single precision and double when running double precision.

Global Summations





Returns sum of integer x over all compute nodes.


Sets x to contain sums over all compute nodes.


Returns sum of x over all compute nodes; float if single precision, double if double precision.


Sets x to contain sums over all compute nodes; float array if single precision, double array if double precision. Global Maximums and Minimums

Macros that can be used to compute global maximums and minimums of variables are identified by the suffixes HIGH and LOW, respectively. PRF_GIHIGH1 and PRF_GIHIGH compute the global maximum of integer variables and integer variable arrays, respectively.

PRF_GRHIGH1(x) computes the global maximum of a real variable x across all compute nodes. The value of the global maximum is of type float when running the single precision version of Ansys Fluent and type double when running the double precision version.

PRF_GRHIGH(x,N,iwork) computes the global maximum of a real variable array, similar to the description of PRF_GRSUM(x,N,iwork) on the previous page. The same naming convention used for PRF_GHIGH macros applies to PRF_GLOW.

Global Maximums





Returns maximum of integer x over all compute nodes.


Sets x to contain maximums over all compute nodes.


Returns maximums of x over all compute nodes; float if single precision, double if double precision.


Sets x to contain maximums over all compute nodes; float array if single precision, double array if double precision.

Global Minimums





Returns minimum of integer x over all compute nodes.


Sets x to contain minimums over all compute nodes.


Returns minimum of x over all compute nodes; float if single precision, double if double precision.


Sets x to contain minimums over all compute nodes; float array if single precision, double array if double precision. Global Logicals

Macros that can be used to compute global logical ANDs and logical ORs are identified by the suffixes AND and OR, respectively. PRF_GBOR1(x) computes the global logical OR of variable x across all compute nodes. PRF_GBOR(x,N,iwork) computes the global logical OR of variable array x. The elements of x are set to TRUE if any of the corresponding elements on the compute nodes are TRUE.

By contrast, PRF_GBOR(x) computes the global logical AND across all compute nodes and PRF_GBOR(x,N,iwork) computes the global logical AND of variable array x. The elements of x are set to TRUE if all of the corresponding elements on the compute nodes are TRUE.

The PRF_GBOR1(x) and PRF_GBAND1(x) macros expect a cxboolean argument x and return a cxboolean result value. The PRF_GBOR(x, N, iwork) and PRF_GBAND(x, N, iwork) macros expect cxboolean array (pointer) arguments x and iwork.

Global Logicals





TRUE when variable x is TRUE for any of the compute nodes


TRUE when any of the elements in variable array x is TRUE


TRUE when variable x is TRUE for all compute nodes


TRUE when every element in variable array x is TRUE

Similar macros containing "I" instead of "B" in their names are available for the int data type. Global Synchronization

PRF_GSYNC() can be used when you want to globally synchronize compute nodes before proceeding with the next operation. When you insert a PRF_GSYNC macro in your UDF, no commands beyond it will execute until the preceding commands in the source code have been completed on all of the compute nodes. Synchronization may also be useful when debugging your function. Looping Macros Looping Over Cells

A partitioned mesh in parallel Ansys Fluent is made up of interior cells and exterior cells (see Figure 7.6: Partitioned Mesh: Cells). There is a set of cell-looping macros you can use to loop over interior cells only, exterior cells only, or both interior and exterior cells. Interior Cell Looping Macro

The macro begin,end_c_loop_int loops over interior cells in a partitioned mesh (Figure 7.11: Looping Over Interior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_int (indicated by the green cells)) and is identified by the suffix int. It contains a begin and end statement, and between these statements, operations can be performed on each of the thread’s interior cells in turn. The macro is passed a cell index c and a cell thread pointer tc.

begin_c_loop_int(c, tc)
  } end_c_loop_int(c, tc) 

Figure 7.11: Looping Over Interior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_int (indicated by the green cells)

Looping Over Interior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_int (indicated by the green cells)


real total_volume = 0.0;
  /* C_VOLUME gets the cell volume and accumulates it. The end
   result will be the total volume of each compute node’s
   respective mesh  */
  total_volume += C_VOLUME(c,tc);
 } end_c_loop_int(c,tc) Exterior Cell Looping Macro

There are three macros to loop over exterior cells in a partitioned mesh (Figure 7.12: Looping Over Exterior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_[re]ext (indicated by the green cells)).

  • begin, end_c_loop_rext loops over regular exterior cells.

  • begin, end_c_loop_eext loops over extended exterior cells.

  • begin, end_c_loop_ext loops over both regular and extended exterior cells.

Each macro contains a begin and end statement, and between these statements, operations can be performed on each of the thread’s exterior cells in turn. The macro is passed a cell index c and cell thread pointer tc. In most situations, there is no need to use the exterior cell loop macros. They are only provided for convenience if you come across a special need in your UDF.

begin_c_loop_ext(c, tc)
  } end_c_loop_ext(c,tc) 

Figure 7.12: Looping Over Exterior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_[re]ext (indicated by the green cells)

Looping Over Exterior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_[re]ext (indicated by the green cells) Interior and Exterior Cell Looping Macro

There are two macros to loop over interior and some or all exterior cells in a partitioned mesh (Figure 7.13: Looping Over Both Interior and Exterior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_int_ext).

  • begin, end_c_loop loops over interior and regular exterior cells.

  • begin, end_c_loop_int_ext loops over interior and all exterior cells.

Each macro contains a begin and end statement, and between these statements, operations can be performed on each of the thread’s interior and exterior cells in turn. The macro is passed a cell index c and a cell thread pointer tc.

begin_c_loop(c, tc)
  } end_c_loop(c ,tc) 

Figure 7.13: Looping Over Both Interior and Exterior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_int_ext

Looping Over Both Interior and Exterior Cells in a Partitioned Mesh Using begin,end_c_loop_int_ext


real temp;
  /* get cell temperature, compute temperature function and store
   result in user-defined memory, location index 0. */
  temp = C_T(c,tc);
  C_UDMI(c,tc,0) = (temp - tmin) / (tmax - tmin);
  /* assumes a valid tmax and tmin has already been computed */
 } end_c_loop(c,tc) Looping Over Faces

For the purpose of discussing parallel Ansys Fluent, faces can be categorized into two types: interior faces and boundary zone faces (Figure 7.7: Partitioned Mesh: Faces). Partition boundary faces are interior faces that lie on the partition boundary of a compute node’s mesh.

begin,end_f_loop is a face looping macro available in parallel Ansys Fluent that loops over all interior and boundary zone faces in a compute node. The macro begin,end_f_loop contains a begin and end statement, and between these statements, operations can be performed on each of the faces of the thread. The macro is passed a face index f and face thread pointer tf.

begin_f_loop(f, tf)
  } end_f_loop(f,tf) 

Important:   begin_f_loop_int and begin_f_loop_ext are looping macros that loop around interior and exterior faces in a compute node, respectively. The _int form is equivalent to begin_c_loop_int. Although these macros exist, they do not have a practical application in UDFs and should not be used.

Recall that partition boundary faces lie on the boundary between two adjacent compute nodes and are represented on both nodes. Therefore, there are some computations (such as summations) when a partition boundary face will get counted twice in a face loop. This can be corrected by testing whether the current node is a face’s principal compute node inside your face looping macro, using PRINCIPAL_FACE_P. This is shown in the example below. See Cells and Faces in a Partitioned Mesh for details.


 /* each compute node checks whether or not it is the principal compute
  node with respect to the given face and thread  */
  /* face is on the principal compute node, so get the area and pressure
  vectors, and compute the total area and pressure for the thread
  from the magnitudes */
 total_area += NV_MAG(area);
 total_pres_a += NV_MAG(area)*F_P(f,tf);
 } end_f_loop(f,tf)
 total_area = PRF_GRSUM1(total_area);
 total_pres_a = PRF_GRSUM1(total_pres_a); Cell and Face Partition ID Macros

In general, cells and faces have a partition ID that is numbered from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of compute nodes. The partition IDs of cells and faces are stored in the variables C_PART and F_PART, respectively. C_PART(c,tc) stores the integer partition ID of a cell and F_PART(f,tf) stores the integer partition ID of a face.

Note that myid can be used in conjunction with the partition ID, since the partition ID of an exterior cell is the ID of the neighboring compute node. Cell Partition IDs

For interior cells, the partition ID is the same as the compute node ID. For exterior cells, the compute node ID and the partition ID are different. For example, in a parallel system with two compute nodes (0 and 1), the exterior cells of compute node-0 have a partition ID of 1, and the exterior cells of compute node-1 have a partition ID of 0 (Figure 7.14: Partition Ids for Cells and Faces in a Compute Node).

Figure 7.14: Partition Ids for Cells and Faces in a Compute Node

Partition Ids for Cells and Faces in a Compute Node Face Partition IDs

For interior faces and boundary zone faces, the partition ID is the same as the compute node ID. The partition ID of a partition boundary face, however, can be either the same as the compute node, or it can be the ID of the adjacent node, depending on what values F_PART is filled with (Figure 7.14: Partition Ids for Cells and Faces in a Compute Node). Recall that an exterior cell of a compute node has only partition boundary faces; the other faces of the cell belong to the adjacent compute node. Therefore, depending on the computation you want to do with your UDF, you may want to fill the partition boundary face with the same partition ID as the compute node (using Fill_Face_Part_With_Same) or with different IDs (using Fill_Face_Part_With_Different). Face partition IDs will need to be filled before you can access them with the F_PART macro. There is rarely a need for face partition IDs in parallel UDFs. Message Displaying Macros

You can direct Ansys Fluent to display messages on a host or node process using the Message utility. To do this, simply use a conditional if statement and the appropriate compiler directive (such as #if RP_NODE) to select the process(es) you want the message to come from. This is demonstrated in the following example:


  Message("Total Area Before Summing %f\n",total\_area);
 #endif /* RP_NODE */ 

In this example, the message will be sent by the compute nodes. (It will not be sent by the host.)

Message0 is a specialized form of the Message utility. Message0 will send messages from compute node-0 only and is ignored on the other compute nodes, without having to use a compiler directive.


/* Let Compute Node-0 display messages */
 Message0("Total volume = %f\n",total_volume); Message Passing Macros

High-level communication macros of the form node_to_host... and host_to_node... that are described in Communicating Between the Host and Node Processes are typically used when you want to send data from the host to all of the compute nodes, or from node-0 to the host. You cannot, however, use these high-level macros when you need to pass data between compute nodes, or pass data from all of the compute nodes to compute node-0. In these cases, you can use special message passing macros described in this section.

Note that the higher-level communication macros expand to functions that perform a number of lower-level message passing operations which send sections of data as single arrays from one process to another process. These lower-level message passing macros can be easily identified in the macro name by the characters SEND and RECV. Macros that are used to send data to processes have the prefix PRF_CSEND, whereas macros that are used to receive data from processes have the prefix PRF_CRECV. Data that is to be sent or received can belong to the following data types: character (CHAR), integer (INT), REAL and logical (BOOLEAN). BOOLEAN variables are TRUE or FALSE. REAL variables are assigned as float data types when running a single precision version of Ansys Fluent and double when running double precision. Message passing macros are defined in the prf.h header file and are listed below.

/* message passing macros */
 PRF_CSEND_CHAR(to, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CRECV_CHAR (from, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CSEND_INT(to, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CRECV_INT(from, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CSEND_REAL(to, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CRECV_REAL(from, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CSEND_BOOLEAN(to, buffer, nelem, tag)
 PRF_CRECV_BOOLEAN(from, buffer, nelem, tag) 

There are four arguments to the message-passing macros. For ‘send’ messages:

  • to is the node ID of the process that data is being sent to.

  • buffer is the name of an array of the appropriate type that will be sent.

  • nelem is the number of elements in the array.

  • tag is a user-defined message tag. The tag convention is to use myid when sending messages.

For ‘receive’ messages:

  • from is the ID of the sending node.

  • buffer is the name of an array of the appropriate type that will be received.

  • nelem is the number of elements in the array.

  • tag is the ID of the sending node, as the convention is to have the tag argument the same as the from argument (that is, the first argument) for receive messages.

Note that if variables that are to be sent or received are defined in your function as real variables, then you can use the message passing macros with the _REAL suffix. The compiler will then substitute PRF_CSEND_DOUBLE or PRF_CRECV_DOUBLE if you are running double precision and PRF_CSEND_FLOAT or PRF_CRECV_FLOAT, for single precision.

Because message-passing macros are low-level macros, you will need to make sure that when a message is sent from a node process, a corresponding receiving macro appears in the receiving-node process. Note that your UDF cannot directly send messages from a compute node (other than 0) to the host using message-passing macros. They can send messages indirectly to the host through compute node-0. For example, if you want your parallel UDF to send data from all of the compute nodes to the host for postprocessing purposes, the data will first have to be passed from each compute node to compute node-0, and then from compute node-0 to the host. In the case where the compute node processes send a message to compute node-0, compute node-0 must have a loop to receive the N messages from the N nodes.

Below is an example of a compiled parallel UDF that utilizes message passing macros PRF_CSEND and PRF_CRECV. Refer to the comments (*/) in the code, for details about the function.

Example: Message Passing

#include "udf.h"
 #define WALLID 3
   #if !RP_HOST /* Host will do nothing in this udf. */
      face_t f;
      Thread *tf;
      Domain *domain;
      real *p_array;
      real x[ND_ND], (*x_array)[ND_ND];
      int n_faces, i, j;

      domain=Get_Domain(1); /* Each Node will be able to access
             its part of the domain */

      tf=Lookup_Thread(domain, WALLID); /* Get the thread from the domain */

      /* The number of faces of the thread on nodes 1,2... needs to be sent
      to compute node-0 so it knows the size of the arrays to receive
      from each */


      /* No need to check for Principal Faces as this UDF
      will be used for boundary zones only */
    if(! I_AM_NODE_ZERO_P) /* Nodes 1,2... send the number of faces */
       PRF_CSEND_INT(node_zero, &n_faces, 1, myid);

   /* Allocating memory for arrays on each node */  
   p_array=(real *)malloc(n_faces*sizeof(real));
    x_array=(real (*)[ND_ND])malloc(ND_ND*n_faces*sizeof(real));

    begin_f_loop(f, tf)
       /* Loop over interior faces in the thread, filling p_array
       with face pressure and x_array with centroid  */
         p_array[f] = F_P(f, tf);
         F_CENTROID(x_array[f], f, tf);
    end_f_loop(f, tf)
 /* Send data from node 1,2, ... to node 0 */

    if(! I_AM_NODE_ZERO_P) /* Only SEND data from nodes 1,2... */
       PRF_CSEND_REAL(node_zero, p_array, n_faces, myid);
       PRF_CSEND_REAL(node_zero, x_array[0], ND_ND*n_faces, myid);
    {/* Node-0 has its own data,
      so list it out first */
     Message0("\n\nList of Pressures...\n");
     for(j=0; j<n_faces; j++)
        /* n_faces is currently node-0 value */
 # if RP_3D
         Message0("%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e\n",
         x_array[j][0], x_array[j][1], x_array[j][2], p_array[j]);
 # else /* 2D */
         Message0("%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e\n",
         x_array[j][0], x_array[j][1], p_array[j]);
 # endif
 /* Node-0 must now RECV data from the other nodes and list that too */
       /* See para.h for definition of this loop */
         PRF_CRECV_INT(i, &n_faces, 1, i);
          /* n_faces now value for node-i */
         /* Reallocate memory for arrays for node-i */
               p_array=(real *)realloc(p_array, n_faces*sizeof(real));

         /* Receive data */
         PRF_CRECV_REAL(i, p_array, n_faces, i);
         PRF_CRECV_REAL(i, x_array[0], ND_ND*n_faces, i);
         for(j=0; j<n_faces; j++)
 # if RP_3D
              Message0("%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e\n",
              x_array[j][0], x_array[j][1], x_array[j][2], p_array[j]);
 # else /* 2D */
              Message0("%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e\n",
              x_array[j][0], x_array[j][1], p_array[j]);
 # endif

    free(p_array); /* Each array has to be freed before function exit */
 #endif /* ! RP_HOST */
 } Macros for Exchanging Data Between Compute Nodes

EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE, EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE_EXT, and EXCHANGE_SVAR_FACE_MESSAGE can be used to exchange storage variables (SV_...) between compute nodes. EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE and EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE_EXT exchange cell data between compute nodes, while EXCHANGE_SVAR_FACE_MESSAGE exchanges face data. EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE is used to exchange data over regular exterior cells, while EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE_EXT is used to exchange data over regular and extended exterior cells. Note that compute nodes are ‘virtually’ synchronized when an EXCHANGE macro is used; receiving compute nodes wait for data to be sent, before continuing.

/* Compute Node Exchange Macros  */

EXCHANGE_SVAR_FACE_MESSAGE() is rarely needed in UDFs. You can exchange multiple storage variables between compute nodes. Storage variable names are separated by commas in the argument list and the list is ended by SV_NULL. For example, EXCHANGE_SVAR_MESSAGE(domain, (SV_P, SV_T, SV_NULL)) is used to exchange cell pressure and temperature variables. You can determine a storage variable name from the header file that contains the variable’s definition statement. For example, suppose you want to exchange the cell pressure (C_P) with an adjacent compute node. You can look at the header file that contains the definition of C_P (mem.h) and determine that the storage variable for cell pressure is SV_P. You will need to pass the storage variable to the exchange macro.

7.3.3. Limitations of Parallel UDFs

The macro PRINCIPAL_FACE_P can be used only in compiled UDFs.

PRF_GRSUM1 and similar global reduction macros (Global Reduction Macros) cannot be used within macros such as DEFINE_SOURCE and DEFINE_PROPERTY UDFs, which are generally called for each cell (or face) and thus are called a different number of times on each compute node. As a workaround, you can use macros that are called only once on each node, such as DEFINE_ADJUST, DEFINE_ON_DEMAND, and DEFINE_EXECUTE_AT_END UDFs. For example, you could write a DEFINE_ADJUST UDF that calculates a global sum value in the adjust function, and then save the variable in user-defined memory. You can subsequently retrieve the stored variable from user-defined memory and use it inside a DEFINE_SOURCE UDF. This is demonstrated below.

In the following example, the spark volume is calculated in the DEFINE_ADJUST function and the value is stored in user-defined memory using C_UDMI. The volume is then retrieved from user-defined memory and used in the DEFINE_SOURCE UDF.

#include "udf.h"
/* These variables will be passed between the ADJUST and SOURCE UDFs */
static real spark_center[ND_ND] = {ND_VEC(20.0e-3, 1.0e-3, 0.0)};
static real spark_start_angle = 0.0, spark_end_angle = 0.0;
static real spark_energy_source = 0.0;
static real spark_radius = 0.0;
static real crank_angle = 0.0;
DEFINE_ADJUST(adjust, domain)
#if !RP_HOST
   const int FLUID_CHAMBER_ID = 2;
   real cen[ND_ND], dis[ND_ND];
   real crank_start_angle;
   real spark_duration, spark_energy;
   real spark_volume;
   real rpm;
   cell_t c;
   Thread *ct;
   rpm = RP_Get_Real("dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-rpm");
   crank_start_angle = RP_Get_Real("dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-start-angle");
   spark_start_angle = RP_Get_Real("spark/start-ca");
   spark_duration = RP_Get_Real("spark/duration");
   spark_radius = RP_Get_Real("spark/radius");
   spark_energy = RP_Get_Real("spark/energy");
   /* Set the global angle variables [deg] here for use in the SOURCE UDF */
   crank_angle = crank_start_angle + (rpm * CURRENT_TIME * 6.0);
   spark_end_angle = spark_start_angle + (rpm * spark_duration * 6.0);
   ct = Lookup_Thread(domain, FLUID_CHAMBER_ID);
   spark_volume = 0.0;
   begin_c_loop_int(c, ct)
       C_CENTROID(cen, c, ct);
       if (NV_MAG(dis) < spark_radius)
	   spark_volume += C_VOLUME(c, ct);
   end_c_loop_int(c, ct)
   spark_volume = PRF_GRSUM1(spark_volume);
   spark_energy_source = spark_energy/(spark_duration*spark_volume);
   Message0("\nSpark energy source = %g [W/m3].\n", spark_energy_source);
DEFINE_SOURCE(energy_source, c, ct, dS, eqn)
  /* Don't need to mark with #if !RP_HOST as DEFINE_SOURCE is only executed 
     on nodes as indicated by the arguments "c" and "ct" */
  real cen[ND_ND], dis[ND_ND];
  if((crank_angle >= spark_start_angle) &&
     (crank_angle < spark_end_angle))
      C_CENTROID(cen, c, ct);
      if (NV_MAG(dis) < spark_radius)
	  return spark_energy_source;
  /* Cell is not in spark zone or within time of spark discharge */
  return 0.0;

Important:  Interpreted UDFs cannot be used with an Infiniband interconnect. The compiled UDF approach should be used in this case.

7.3.4. Process Identification

Each process in parallel Ansys Fluent has a unique integer identifier that is stored as the global variable myid. When you use myid in your parallel UDF, it will return the integer ID of the current compute node (including the host). The host process has an ID of host(=999999) and is stored as the global variable host. Compute node-0 has an ID of 0 and is assigned to the global variable node_zero. Below is a list of global variables in parallel Ansys Fluent.

Global Variables in Parallel Ansys Fluent

int node_zero = 0;
 int node_host = 999999;
 int node_one = 1;
 int node_last; /* returns the id of the last compute node */
 int compute_node_count; /* returns the number of compute nodes */
 int myid; /* returns the id of the current compute node (and host) */ 

myid is commonly used in conditional-if statements in parallel UDF code. Below is some sample code that uses the global variable myid. In this example, the total number of faces in a face thread is first computed by accumulation. Then, if myid is not compute node-0, the number of faces is passed from all of the compute nodes to compute node-0 using the message passing macro PRF_CSEND_INT. (See Message Passing Macros for details on PRF_CSEND_INT.)

Example: Usage of myid

int noface=0;
  begin_f_loop(f, tf) /* loops over faces in a face thread and
        computes number of faces */
  end_f_loop(f, tf)
 /* Pass the number of faces from node 1,2, ... to node 0 */
 #if RP_NODE if(myid!=node_zero)
     PRF_CSEND_INT(node_zero, &noface, 1, myid);

7.3.5. Parallel UDF Example

The following is an example of a serial UDF that has been parallelized, so that it can run on any version of Ansys Fluent (host, node). Explanations for the various changes from the simple serial version are provided in the /* comments */ and discussed below. The UDF, named face_av, is defined using an adjust function, computes a global sum of pressure on a specific face zone, and computes its area average.

Example: Global Summation of Pressure on a Face Zone and its Area Average Computation

#include "udf.h"
 /* Variables used by host, node versions */
 int surface_thread_id=0;
 real total_area=0.0;
 real total_force=0.0;
 /* "Parallelized" Sections */
 #if !RP_HOST  /* Compile this section for computing processes only since
          these variables are not available on the host */
     Thread* thread;
     face_t face;
     real area[ND_ND];
 #endif /* !RP_HOST */
 /* Get the value of the thread ID from a user-defined Scheme variable */
 #if !RP_NODE 
     surface_thread_id = RP_Get_Integer("user/pres_av/thread-id");
     Message("\nCalculating on Thread # %d\n",surface_thread_id);
 #endif /* !RP_NODE */

 /* To set up this user Scheme variable in cortex type */
 /* (rp-var-define 'user/pres_av/thread-id 2 'integer #f) */
 /* After set up you can change it to another thread's ID using : */
 /* (rpsetvar 'user/pres_av/thread-id 7) */
 /* Send the ID value to all the nodes */
 #if RP_NODE Message("\nNode %d is calculating on thread # %d\n",myid,
 #endif /* RP_NODE */
 #if !RP_HOST 
 /* thread is only used on compute processes */
 thread = Lookup_Thread(domain,surface_thread_id);
   /* If this is the node to which face "officially" belongs,*/
   /* get the area vector and pressure and increment   */
   /* the total area and total force values for this node */
    if (PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(face,thread)) 
       total_area += NV_MAG(area);
       total_force += NV_MAG(area)*F_P(face,thread);

 Message("Total Area Before Summing %f\n",total_area);
 Message("Total Normal Force Before Summing %f\n",total_force);
 # if RP_NODE /* Perform node synchronized actions here */
    total_area = PRF_GRSUM1(total_area);
    total_force = PRF_GRSUM1(total_force);
 # endif /* RP_NODE */
 #endif /* !RP_HOST */
 /* Pass the node's total area and pressure to the Host for averaging */
 #if !RP_NODE 
 Message("Total Area After Summing: %f (m2)\n",total_area);
 Message("Total Normal Force After Summing %f (N)\n",total_force);
 Message("Average pressure on Surface %d is %f (Pa)\n",
 #endif /* !RP_NODE */

The function begins by initializing the variables surface_thread_id, total_area, and total_force for all processes. This is done because the variables are used by the host and node processes. The compute nodes use the variables for computation purposes and the host uses them for message-passing and displaying purposes. Next, the preprocessor is directed to compile thread, face, and area variables only on the node versions (and not the host), since faces and threads are only defined in the node versions of Ansys Fluent. (Note that in general, the host will ignore these statements since its face and cell data are zero, but it is good programming practice to exclude the host. See Macros for Parallel UDFs for details on compiler directives.)

Next, a user-defined Scheme variable named user/pres_av/thread-id is obtained by the host process using the RP_Get_Integer utility (see Scheme Macros), and is assigned to the variable surface_thread_id. (Note that this user-defined Scheme variable was previously set up in Cortex and assigned a value of 2 by typing the text commands shown in the comments.) After a Scheme-based variable is set up for the thread ID, it can be easily changed to another thread ID from the text interface, without the burden of modifying the source code and recompiling the UDF. Since the host communicates with Cortex and the nodes are not aware of Scheme variables, it is essential to direct the compiler to exclude the nodes from compiling them using #if !RP_NODE. Failure to do this will result in a compile error.

The surface_thread_id is then passed from the host to compute node-0 using the host_to_node macro. Compute node-0, in turn, automatically distributes the variable to the other compute nodes. The node processes are directed to loop over all faces in the thread associated with the surface_thread_id, using #if !RP_HOST, and compute the total area and total force. Since the host does not contain any thread data, it will ignore these statements if you do not direct the compiler, but it is good programming practice to do so. The macro PRINCIPAL_FACE_P is used to ensure that faces at partition boundaries are not counted twice (see Cells and Faces in a Partitioned Mesh). The nodes display the total area and force on the monitors (using the Message utility) before the global summation. PRF_GRSUM1 (Global Reduction Macros) is a global summation macro that is used to compute the total area and force of all the compute nodes. These operations are directed for the compute nodes using #if RP_NODE.