7.4. Reading and Writing Files in Parallel

Although compute nodes can perform computations on data simultaneously when Ansys Fluent is running in parallel, when data is read from or written to a single, common file, the operations have to be sequential. The file has to be opened and read from or written to by processes that have access to the desired file system. It is often the case that the compute nodes are running on a dedicated parallel machine without disk space. This means that all of the data has to be read and/or written from the host process which always runs on a machine with access to a file system, since it reads and writes the case and data files. This implies that unlike the example in Message Passing Macros, where data is only passed to compute node-0 to be collated, data must now be passed from all the compute nodes to compute node-0, which then passes it on to the host node which writes it to the file. This process is known as "marshalling."

The following sections describe the processes of reading and writing files in parallel in more detail:

7.4.1. Reading Files in Parallel

To copy a file from the host to nodes, before reading it within parallel UDFs, use the following function:

host_to_node_sync_file(const char* filename); 

This handles the situation (for example, within Ansys Fluent UDFs) when the current working directory is not shared between the host and the nodes. For the host, the input argument filename is the path to the file that is to be copied to the nodes. For the nodes, the input argument is the directory on the nodes under which the file is copied. Upon successful completion, host_to_node_sync_file() returns the number of bytes copied, otherwise, -1 is returned.


In the following example, the host process on Windows copies the file from its local directory e:\udfs\test.bat to the directory /tmp on the remote Linux nodes.

  int total_bytes_copied = host_to_node_sync_file("e:\\udfs\\test.dat.h5");
  int total_bytes_copied = host_to_node_sync_file("/tmp");
  /* The file /tmp/test.dat.h5 can be opened now */
  printf("Total number of bytes copied is %d\n", total_bytes_copied);

7.4.2. Writing Files in Parallel

Writing files in parallel is done in the following stages:

  1. The node_host process opens the file.

  2. Compute node-0 sends its data to the node_host.

  3. The other compute nodes send their data to compute node-0.

  4. Compute node-0 receives the data from the other compute nodes and sends it to the node_host.

  5. The node_host receives the data sent from all the compute nodes and writes it to the file.

  6. The node_host closes the file.

Since the NODE_HOST and NODE processes are performing different tasks, the example below appears long and utilizes a large number of compiler directives. If, however, as an exercise you make three copies of this example and in each copy delete the unused sections for either the NODE_HOST or NODE versions, then you will see that it is actually quite a simple routine.

Example: Writing Data to a Common File on the node_host Process’s File System

   This function will write pressures and positions
    for a fluid zone to a file on the host machine
 #include "udf.h"
 # define FLUID_ID 2
    /* Different variables are needed on different nodes */
 #if !RP_HOST
   Domain *domain=Get_Domain(1);
   Thread *thread;
   cell_t c;
   int i;
 #if !RP_NODE
   FILE *fp = NULL;
   char filename[]="press_out.txt";
   int size; /* data passing variables */
   real *array;
   int pe;

 #if !RP_HOST
 #if !RP_NODE 
   if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w"))==NULL)
      Message("\n Warning: Unable to open %s for writing\n",filename);
      Message("\nWriting Pressure to %s...",filename);
 /* UDF Now does 2 different things depending on NODE or HOST */
 #if RP_NODE
   /* Each Node loads up its data passing array */
   array = (real *)malloc(size * sizeof(real));
     array[c]= C_P(c,thread);

   /* Set pe to destination node */
   /* If on node_0 send data to host */
   /* Else send to node_0 because */
   /*  compute nodes connect to node_0 & node_0 to host */
   pe = (I_AM_NODE_ZERO_P) ? node_host : node_zero;
   PRF_CSEND_INT(pe, &size, 1, myid);
   PRF_CSEND_REAL(pe, array, size, myid);
   free(array);/* free array on nodes after data sent */

   /* node_0 now collect data sent by other compute nodes */
   /*  and sends it straight on to the host */

   compute_node_loop_not_zero (pe)
      PRF_CRECV_INT(pe, &size, 1, pe);
      array = (real *)malloc(size * sizeof(real));
      PRF_CRECV_REAL(pe, array, size, pe);
      PRF_CSEND_INT(node_host, &size, 1, myid);
      PRF_CSEND_REAL(node_host, array, size, myid);
      free((char *)array);
 #endif /* RP_NODE */
 #if RP_HOST
   compute_node_loop (pe) /* only acts as a counter in this loop */
        /* Receive data sent by each node and write it out to the file */
        PRF_CRECV_INT(node_zero, &size, 1, node_zero);
        array = (real *)malloc(size * sizeof(real));
        PRF_CRECV_REAL(node_zero, array, size, node_zero); 

   for (i=0; i<size; i++)
      fprintf(fp, "%g\n", array[i]);

 #endif /* RP_HOST */
 #if !RP_NODE 