3.6. Lists & Drop-down Lists (cx-create-list) & (cx-create-drop-down-list)

This section describes how you can add a list or drop-down list to your interface.

3.6.1. Description

This section discusses the ability to add lists and drop-down lists to your dialog box. Lists are created with the cx-create-list macro and drop-down lists are created with the cx-create-drop-down-list macro. Both lists and drop-down lists use the same list-items macros once they are created. List items can be set using the cx-set-list-items macro. List selections can be set with the cx-set-list-selections macro and obtained with the cx-show-list-selections macro.

3.6.2. Usage cx-create-list

(cx-create-list parent label visible-lines multiple-selections row column)

parentobjectThe name of the table that you are adding the list to
labelstringThe name of the list to be displayed on the GUI
visible-linessymbol/intThe number of lines of text visible before a scroll bar is needed
multiple-selectionssymbol/BooleanAllows you to choose between having one item at a time selected or multiple
rowsymbol/intWhen added to a table, signifies the row that the list is added to
columnsymbol/intWhen added to a table, signifies the column that the list is added to

Note:  The visible-lines, multiple-selections, row, and column attributes are optional. If they are not included, the number of visible lines has a default of ten and multiple-selections is #f, meaning that you can only select one list item at a time. Furthermore, if the row or column attributes are left out then the list will be added to the first row/column of the parent attribute and overwrite anything that is already in that spot. cx-create-drop-down-list

(cx-create-drop-down-list parent label multiple-selections row column)

parentobjectThe name of the table that you are adding the drop-down list to
labelstringThe name of the drop-down list to be displayed on the GUI
rowsymbol/intWhen added to a table, signifies the row that the drop-down list is added to
columnsymbol/intWhen added to a table, signifies the column that the drop-down list is added to

Note:  The row and column attributes are optional. If not included, the drop-down list will be added to the first row/column of the parent attribute and overwrite anything that is already in that spot. cx-set-list-items

(cx-set-list-items list items)

listlistThe name of the list you are adding items to
itemsstringsThe strings that represent each item to be added to the list cx-set-list-selections

(cx-set-list-selections list selections)

listlistThe name of the list you are setting the selections of
selectionslistThe members of the list that you want selected cx-show-list-selections

(cx-show-list-selections list)

listlistThe name of the list that you are obtaining the selections from

3.6.3. List Example

This example shows how the cx-create-list, cx-set-list-items, cx-set-list-selections, and cx-show-list-selections macros work. Both of the lists are created via cx-create-list statements. The first list only allows for three visible list items at a time while the second list allows for five to be shown at a time. This is an example of how to set the size of your list via the visible-lines argument.

Upon opening the dialog box the first list will automatically load all five list items via a cx-set-list-items line while the second list starts empty. By selecting one or multiple list items from the first list and then clicking on Button, the selected list items from list 1 will be gathered via a cx-show-list-selections statement and added to list 2 via a cx-set-list-items statement. The list items added to list 2 will also automatically be selected via a cx-set-list-selections statement.

The extra button is necessary in this example because setting up the functionality of the OK button will cause it to close the dialog box each time it is clicked. To review how the Button in this example works, see Buttons (cx-create-button). This dialog box does not do anything when the OK button is clicked because we have substituted Boolean values for the apply-cb and update-cb arguments, which would normally be function calls like the button-cb argument is in the cx-create-button line. For more information on the apply-cb and update-cb functions, see cx-create-panel.

(define (apply-cb) #t)
(define update-cb #f)

(define table)
(define myList1)
(define myList2)

(define (button-cb . args)
  (cx-set-list-items myList2 (cx-show-list-selections myList1))
  (cx-set-list-selections myList2 (cx-show-list-selections myList1))

(define my-dialog-box (cx-create-panel "My Dialog Box" apply-cb update-cb))

(set! table (cx-create-table my-dialog-box "This is an example Dialog Box"))

(set! myList1 (cx-create-list table "List 1" 'visible-lines 3 'multiple-selections #t 'row 0))
(cx-set-list-items myList1 (list "Item 1" "Item 2" "Item 3" "Item 4" "Item 5"))

(set! myList2 (cx-create-list table "List 2" 'visible-lines 5 'multiple-selections #t 'row 1))

(cx-create-button table "Button" 'activate-callback button-cb 'row 2)

(cx-show-panel my-dialog-box)

3.6.4. Drop Down List Example

This example shows how the cx-create-drop-down-list, cx-set-list-items, cx-set-list-selections, and cx-show-list-selections macros work. Since both lists and drop-down lists use the same list data type this example is very similar to the example above. The major difference with drop-down lists is that they don’t allow for multiple selections. In the example, both of the drop-down lists are created via cx-create-drop-down-list statements.

Upon opening the dialog box the first drop-down list will automatically load all five list items via a cx-set-list-items line while the second drop-down list starts empty. By selecting one list item from the first drop-down list and then clicking on Button, the selected list item from Drop Down List 1 will be gathered via a cx-show-list-selections statement and added to Drop Down List 2 via a cx-set-list-items statement. The list item added to list 2 will also automatically be selected via a cx-set-list-selections statement.

The extra button is necessary in this example because setting up the functionality of the OK button will cause it to close the dialog box each time it is clicked. To review how the Button in this example works, see Buttons (cx-create-button). This dialog box does not do anything when the OK button is clicked because we have substituted Boolean values for the apply-cb and update-cb arguments, which would normally be function calls like the button-cb argument is in the cx-create-button line. For more information on the apply-cb and update-cb functions, see cx-create-panel.

(define (apply-cb) #t)
(define update-cb #f)

(define table)
(define myDropList1)
(define myDropList2)

(define (button-cb . args)
  (cx-set-list-items myDropList2 (cx-show-list-selections myDropList1))

(define my-dialog-box (cx-create-panel "My Dialog Box" apply-cb update-cb))

(set! table (cx-create-table my-dialog-box "This is an example Dialog Box"))

(set! myDropList1 (cx-create-drop-down-list table "Drop Down List 1" 'row 0))
(cx-set-list-items myDropList1 (list "Item 1" "Item 2" "Item 3" "Item 4" "Item 5"))

(set! myDropList2 (cx-create-drop-down-list table "Drop Down List 2" 'row 1))

(cx-create-button table "Button" 'activate-callback button-cb 'row 2)

(cx-show-panel my-dialog-box)