13.2. Fluid Forces and Torques on Particle

At each time step, drag and torque acting on the particle are computed using explicit expressions involving the velocity, pressure, and shear stress distribution in the fluid cells surrounding the particle [9]. The total fluid forces and torques acting on a macroscopic particle in the direction consist of virtual mass, pressure, and viscous fluid components:


The th virtual mass component of the fluid force and torque experienced by a particle, , is calculated as the integral of the rate of change of momentum for all fluid cells within a particle volume:


where is the cell fluid mass; and are the fluid and particle velocities in the direction , respectively; and is the flow time step.

The th pressure component of the fluid force and torque acting on the particle surface, , is calculated based on the pressure distribution around the particle:


where is the pressure, is the approximated area of a particle surface in a fluid cell touching the particle, is the radius vector from the fluid cell center to the particle center, and is the Cartesian component of vector in the th direction.

The th viscous component of the fluid force and torque acting on a particle surface, , is calculated based on the shear stress distribution around the particle:


where is the shear stress in the positive th direction acting on a plane perpendicular to the th direction, and is the Cartesian component of vector in the th direction.

Based on fluid forces and torques, the new particle position, velocities, and accelerations are calculated at each flow time step.