4.7.4. Specifying Inlet Turbulence Levels

It has been observed that the turbulence intensity specified at an inlet can decay quite rapidly depending on the inlet viscosity ratio () (and hence turbulence eddy frequency). As a result, the local turbulence intensity downstream of the inlet can be much smaller than the inlet value (see Figure 4.5: Exemplary Decay of Turbulence Intensity (Tu) as a Function of Streamwise Distance (x)). Typically, the larger the inlet viscosity ratio, the smaller the turbulent decay rate. However, if too large a viscosity ratio is specified (that is, > 100), the skin friction can deviate significantly from the laminar value. There is experimental evidence that suggests that this effect occurs physically; however, at this point it is not clear how accurately the transition model reproduces this behavior. For this reason, if possible, it is desirable to have a relatively low (that is, 1 – 10) inlet viscosity ratio and to estimate the inlet value of turbulence intensity such that at the leading edge of the blade/airfoil, the turbulence intensity has decayed to the desired value. The decay of turbulent kinetic energy can be calculated with the following analytical solution:


For the SST turbulence model in the freestream the constants are:


The time scale can be determined as follows:


where is the streamwise distance downstream of the inlet and is the mean convective velocity. The eddy viscosity is defined as:


The decay of turbulent kinetic energy equation can be rewritten in terms of inlet turbulence intensity () and inlet eddy viscosity ratio () as follows:


Figure 4.5: Exemplary Decay of Turbulence Intensity (Tu) as a Function of Streamwise Distance (x)

Exemplary Decay of Turbulence Intensity (Tu) as a Function of Streamwise Distance (x)

You should ensure that the values around the body of interest roughly satisfy >0.1%. For smaller values of , the reaction of the SST model production terms to the transition onset becomes too slow, and transition can be delayed past the physically correct location.