8.2.3. G-Equation Model Theory

The G-equation is a premixed flame-front tracking model. The transport equation governing the unsteady evolution of a propagating flame interface is (derivation can be found in [514]),


where is the fluid density, is the fluid velocity vector, is the laminar flame speed (interface normal propagation), is the diffusivity and is the flame curvature. For turbulent flames, Equation 8–72 can be Favre Reynolds-averaged or spatially-filtered to provide transport equations for the flame mean position,


and the variance of the flame position,


is the turbulent flame speed
is a diffusivity term defined as
is the turbulent velocity scale
  is a modeling constant taken from the turbulence model (default=0.09)
  is a modeling constant = 2.0
  is the turbulent Schmidt number
  is the turbulent length scale
  is the flame curvature, defined as , where

In Equation 8–74, indicates that the diffusion term is only applied parallel to the flame front [514], the normal component being accounted for in the turbulent burning velocity. In practice this makes only a minor difference to results and can lead to convergence problems, and is therefore disabled by default.

Ansys Fluent also offers the option of using an algebraic expression to calculate the flame position variance, , instead of Equation 8–74:


where is the effective turbulent viscosity.

For more information, see the following section: Numerical Solution of the G-equation

Equation 8–72 and Equation 8–73 do not contain a diffusion term and sharp interfaces remain sharp at all times. Special numerical techniques such as the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) and Marker-and-Cell (MAC) have been devised to solve such equations. In Ansys Fluent, the mean G-equation Equation 8–73 is solved using a Level-set method. Here, represents the signed mean distance to the flame front, and hence the flame front is the isosurface. Since is the distance to the flame front, is constrained to be unity everywhere in the flow field. The standard Ansys Fluent transport equation machinery is used to solve for (Equation 8–73) over a time step. However, at the end of the time step, the field is typically is not exactly equal to the mean flame distance (and is not identically equal to 1), and this condition is enforced by a process called re-initialization. In Ansys Fluent this is done by constructing a faceted representation of the flame front from the field. Then, in every cell, is set to the geometric distance to the nearest flame front facet. is positive in the burnt region downstream of the flame front and negative in the unburnt region upstream of the flame front.

Given the mean flame front position, the mean progress variable is calculated according to a Gaussian distribution depending on proximity to the flame front and the G-equation variance:


Mean properties, such as the mean density, temperature and species mass fractions, are calculated from the mean reaction progress variable, as in the C-equation model.