7.2.4. The Eulerian Solution Method

The Lagrangian solution method solves the composition PDF transport equation by stochastically tracking Lagrangian particles through the domain. It is computationally expensive since a large number of particles are required to represent the PDF, and a large number of iterations are necessary to reduce statistical errors and explicitly convect the particles through the domain. The Eulerian PDF transport model overcomes these limitations by assuming a shape for the PDF, which allows Eulerian transport equations to be derived. Stochastic errors are eliminated and the transport equations are solved implicitly, which is computationally economical. The multi-dimensional PDF shape is assumed as a product of delta functions. As with the Lagrangian PDF model, the highly nonlinear chemical source term is closed. However, the turbulent scalar flux and molecular mixing terms must be modeled, and are closed with the gradient diffusion and the IEM models, respectively.

The composition PDF of dimension ( species and enthalpy) is represented as a collection of delta functions (or modes). This presumed PDF has the following form:


where is the probability in each mode, is the conditional mean composition of species in the th mode, is the composition space variable of species , and is the delta function.

The Eulerian PDF transport equations are derived by substituting Equation 7–158 into the closed composition PDF transport equation (Equation 7–148 with Equation 7–149 and Equation 7–155). The unknown terms, and , are determined by forcing lower moments of this transported PDF to match the RANS lower moment transport equations, using the Direct Quadrature Method of Moments (DQMOM) approach  [187][412]. The resulting transport equations are:

  • Probability (magnitude of the th delta function):


  • Probability weighted conditional mean of composition :


where is the probability of the th mode, and is the th species probability weighted conditional mean composition of the th mode. is the effective turbulent diffusivity. The terms , and represent mixing, reaction and correction terms respectively. Note that only probability equations are solved and the th probability is calculated as one minus the sum of the solved probabilities. Reaction

The reaction source term in Equation 7–160 for the th composition and the th mode is calculated as,


where is the net reaction rate for the th component. Mixing

The micro-mixing term is modeled with the IEM mixing model:


where is the turbulence time-scale and is the mixing constant.

Hence, for the two-mode DQMOM-IEM model, the mixing terms for component are,


The default value of is 2, which is appropriate for gas-phase combustion. For reactions in liquids, where the diffusivities are much smaller than gases, the Liquid Micro-Mixing option interpolates from model turbulence  [530] and scalar  [187] spectra. Correction

Using assumptions to ensure realizability and boundedness, the correction terms in Equation 7–160 for the th composition are determined from the linear system,


where are the non-negative integer lower moments (1–) for each component . Note that the condition of the matrix decreases with increasing , which reduces the stability of higher mode simulations.

The dissipation term in Equation 7–164 is calculated as,


For the two-mode DQMOM-IEM model, the correction terms for the th component are,

(7–166) Calculation of Composition Mean and Variance

The mean composition (species or energy) is calculated as,


and its variance is calculated as
