Chapter 6: Heat Exchangers

Many engineering systems, including power plants, climate control, and engine cooling systems typically contain tubular heat exchangers. However, for most engineering problems, it is impractical to model individual fins and tubes of a heat exchanger core. In principle, heat exchanger cores introduce a pressure drop to the primary fluid stream and transfer heat from or to a second fluid (such as a coolant), referred to here as the auxiliary fluid.

In Ansys Fluent, lumped-parameter models are used to account for the pressure loss and auxiliary fluid heat rejection. Ansys Fluent provides two heat exchanger models: the macro (ungrouped and grouped) models and the dual cell model. The macro model allows you to choose between two heat transfer models, namely the simple-effectiveness-model and the number-of-transfer-units (NTU) model. The models can be used to compute auxiliary fluid inlet temperature for a fixed heat rejection or total heat rejection for a fixed auxiliary fluid inlet temperature. For the simple-effectiveness-model, the auxiliary fluid may be single-phase or two-phase. The dual cell model uses the NTU method for heat transfer calculations. This model allows the solution of auxiliary flow on a separate mesh (other than the primary fluid mesh), unlike the macro model, where the auxiliary flow is modeled as 1D flow. The dual cell model also offers more flexibility as far as the shape of the heat exchanger is concerned, and overcomes some of the major limitations present in the macro model.

For more information about using the heat exchanger models, see Modeling Heat Exchangers in the User's Guide.

The following sections contain information about the theory behind the heat exchanger models: