Chapter 7: CHT3D Advanced Tutorials

7.1. Unsteady Heat Conduction with Phase Change

This 2D test-case is intended to demonstrate the operation of the electro-thermal de-icing equipment in the skin of an iced wing section. The geometry consists of a thin rectangular multi-layered solid with 5, 3.125 cm-wide heater pads (A, B, C, D, E), each having a power density of 32,000 W/m2. In this test-case, the thickness of the heating elements is neglected. The geometry is shown below:

The innermost level of the solid (from bottom) is composed of two layers of different insulators, followed by two layers of neoprene, one layer of fiberglass, one layer of neoprene and finally, the outside layer of titanium. A uniform 1.9 mm-thick ice layer has accumulated at the top. The lateral edges and the inside boundaries are insulated, while the outside boundary is exposed to convection, with a constant heat transfer coefficient of 450 W/m2/K. The initial temperature in the structure, as well as the surface recovery temperature, are both set to 266.15 K (-7 °C). The five elements are heated in a 10 second, D-E-C-B-A sequence with an idle time of 10 seconds at the end. The boundary condition indices of the heater pads are:

HeaterBC Index
A 6061
B 6062
C 6063
D 6064
E 6065
  1. Create a new project using FileNew project or the New project icon. Name this project Heat.

  2. Create a new run using FileNew run or the new run icon. This tutorial uses C3D as the heat conduction solver. Choose an appropriate name for the run.

  3. Download the file here .

    Unzip to your working directory.

  4. Double-click the grid icon to assign a grid file. Select the grid file 2D_5HEAT_ICE_SMALL.grid provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/C3D.

    The grid is a hexa mesh with 4,130 elements and 8,520 nodes. The grid file contains the grid coordinates, the element connectivity table, the material index and the table of boundary surfaces (8,568 faces including the 5 heater pads).

  5. Double-click the config icon to assign the input parameters for C3D.

  6. Go to the Settings panel. In the Initial conditions section, set the value of Temperature to 266.15 K (-7 °C).

  7. Go to the Properties panel. Add new materials and their physical properties by clicking on the New button. In this particular test case, seven different materials should be created: Ice, Fiberglass, Insulator1, Insulator2, Neoprene1, Neoprene2, and Titanium.

    For each material, the Density, Conductivity and Enthalpy should be defined.

    For ice, the density Distribution should be constant and set to 917 kg/m3. Since ice can melt and become water, set both its Thermal Conductivity and Enthalpy to Temperature dependent to simulate phase change. Set the Number of Temperature points to 6 for Thermal Conductivity, and use the following table of conductivity as a function of temperature:

    Table 7.1: Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature for H2O

    Temperature (K/C)Thermal Conductivity (W/(m K))
    243.15 K (-30 °C)2.55
    273.15 K (0 °C)2.55
    273.1501 K (0.0001 °C)0.558
    283.15 K (10 °C)0.577
    313.15 K (40 °C)0.633
    348.15 K (75 °C)0.671

    Set the Number of temperature points to 3 for Enthalpy and use the following table of enthalpy as a function of temperature:

    Table 7.2: Enthalpy vs. Temperature for H2O

    Temperature (K/C)Enthalpy (J/kg)
    273.15 K (0 °C)579849.6
    273.1501 K (0.0001 °C)944080.8
    373.15 K (100 °C)1399910.4

    Table 7.3: Material Properties

    MaterialDensity (kg/m3)Thermal Conductivity (W/m/K)Enthalpy at 0°C (J/kg)
    Insulator 1 500.2509375366.0
    Insulator 2 890.2505267059.5
    Neoprene 1 1600.2938787187.5
    Neoprene 2 1600.2934064813.0
    Fiberglass 27000.313393160.4
    Titanium 454017.03141310.5

  8. Go to the Materials panel. Click the material Name (MAT_X) in the table at the top of the panel to display its corresponding grid volume in the Graphical window. In the Material Association section, link each volume ID present in the grid to a material using the Material type (defined in 7) pull-down menu:

    • MAT_1Insulator 1

    • MAT_2Insulator 2

    • MAT_3Neoprene 1

    • MAT_4Neoprene 2

    • MAT_5Fiberglass

    • MAT_6Neoprene 1

    • MAT_7Titanium

    • MAT_8Ice

  9. Review the material properties one by one once they are all entered.

  10. Go to the Boundaries panel. Set the boundary conditions as follows:

    • BC_2020 is the upper surface of the ice layer, which is subject to convection heat transfer. In the BC definition section, use the pull-down menu to select a Mixed boundary condition. Set the value of Temperature to 266.15 K and Heat coefficient to 450 W/m2/K.

    • BC_2021 groups all other external surfaces of the assembly, which are insulated. Select the Flux boundary condition with the pull-down menu and set the value of Heat flux to 0.

    • BC_6061 to BC_6065 are the 5 heater pads. Click the boundary condition name to display the selected pad in the Graphical window. The Heat flux value for each heater should be kept as 0 W/m2 in the BC definition sections. These are the baseline values for the heaters that would be constantly applied outside of defined cycles.

  11. Go to the Cycles panel. The simulation consists of a sequence of six different BC Cycles, each lasting 10 seconds. To add a BC Cycle, click   next to the Cycle drop-down menu. This will create the first cycle A with some default settings. The green bar is the “on” time of the selected heater in this cycle. By default it starts at the beginning of the cycle and covers 100% of the cycle. You will use this style to define a separate cycle for each heater, that are 10 seconds long each. For the first cycle A set the Duration to 10 seconds. Then choose Heater 61 from the BC menu in the Current selection section.

    All heaters in each cycle are turned off by default. Modify each cycle as follows:

    • Turn on Heater D (BC_6064) during Cycle #1

    • Turn on Heater E (BC_6065) during Cycle #2

    • Turn on Heater C (BC_6063) during Cycle #3

    • Turn on Heater B (BC_6062) during Cycle #4

    • Turn on Heater A (BC_6061) during Cycle #5

    • All heaters are turned off in Cycle #6 for an idle period of 10 seconds.

    Set Heat Flux to Constant and at 32000 W/m2.

  12. To add a new heater cycle, click   next to the Cycle menu again. A dialog will appear prompting to copy or create a new empty cycle. Click Yes to copy Cycle A to Cycle B.

    Change Heater 61 to Heater 62 in the BC drop-down menu to finish setting up this cycle for the 2nd heater.

  13. Repeat copying of the cycles until all five heaters are defined as cycles A through E.

  14. Finally, click   one last time to create cycle F as a new empty cycle. Click the green bar that comes by default and click   at the bottom right corner of the green bar to remove it. This should make this cycle an empty cycle:

  15. Now that all cycles are ready, queue them up in the Sequence box in the following order: D, E, C, B, A, F (separated by commas).

    Select the Solver panel. Set the value of Time step to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 60 seconds (the five heater pads are each turned on and off sequentially for 10 seconds, followed by an idle period of 10 seconds).

  16. Set the value of Time period between printout to 10 seconds.

  17. Run the calculation on 4 CPUs if possible. The unsteady minimum and maximum temperatures are shown in the convergence window.

  18. To view the solution files saved at every 10 seconds, click the View button and choose the file struc1.SOL.000001. This is the solution file output at time = 10s. Make sure that the default post-processor is Viewmerical. You will be asked if you would like to load the numbered data set:

    For now, click No, you will load each file separately. If you click yes, the numbered data files will be loaded as one set, and you will be able to cycle through them with a slider bar in the Data panel of Viewmerical.

    Go back to the run window and click View again, this time choose struc1.000002 from the dropdown list. Append it to the Viewmerical window. Repeat the process for the remaining files 000003 through 000006.

    At this point all six solutions should be loaded in Viewmerical. Go to Data panel and click the Shared lock button. Switch to Query panel and enable the 2D plot.

    In the 2D plot section, change the Target to Walls, Cutting plane to Y and the cut location to 0.0084. This is the interface between the titanium and the ice layer. Change the horizontal axis to X. All 6 temperature curves should be visible at this point. You can turn them on/off by clicking the data set names displayed just below the graph. You can use the Curve settings in the cube menu (top right) to change the colors and line weights. To easily change the graph window size, press Ctrl and double-click the 2D Plot menu title to detach the 2D graph from Viewmerical.

    Figure 7.1: Temperature Profiles at the Ice/Titanium Interface, with ONERA, DRA, and NASA Codes Comparison

    Temperature Profiles at the Ice/Titanium Interface, with ONERA, DRA, and NASA Codes Comparison

7.2. Piccolo Tube Operating in the Dry Air Regime

This tutorial illustrates the procedure to use CHT3D to compute the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of a leading edge, which separates the cold air flowing over the external skin surface from the hot internal air flow induced by the jet discharging from the orifice of the piccolo tube. In this first section, there are no droplets considered and the anti-icing system is said to be operating in dry conditions.

FENSAP-ICE’s approach to conjugate heat transfer consists of solving different domains separately, using a weak coupling technique. After converged steady-state solutions are obtained on the fluid domains, heat transfer across fluid/solid interfaces are iterated to convergence while the temperature in the solid and fluid domains are updated after each main CHT iteration. This modularized approach is very flexible, allowing different flow solvers to be used in the CHT algorithm. It also permits setting different reference, initial, and solver settings for the different domains which makes the convergence process more robust. The third advantage is the smaller size of individual grid and solution files for each domain, which makes post processing simpler.

Figure 7.2: Views of the Grids for the External and Internal Flow Calculations

Views of the Grids for the External and Internal Flow Calculations

The tutorial proceeds in three steps:

  1. Computing the external cold air flow.

  2. Computing the internal hot air flow.

  3. Conjugate heat transfer across the domains through the solid metal skin.

7.2.1. Initial External Flow Calculation

  1. Create a new project using FileNew project menu or the New project icon and name it PICCOLO. Select the Metric units system.

  2. Create a FENSAP run in this project using the FileNew run menu or the new run icon and name it FENSAP_ext.

  3. Double-click the grid icon and select the grid file grid_ext provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT.

    The mesh is a hexahedral grid with 234,960 nodes. The grid file contains the grid coordinates, the element connectivity table and the table of boundary surfaces.

  4. Double-click the config icon to proceed to the input parameters setup.

  5. Go to the Model panel. Select the Navier-Stokes option for the Momentum equations and Full PDE for the Energy equation.

  6. Select the Spalart-Allmaras option for the Turbulence model and set the Eddy/laminar viscosity ratio to 1e-5.

    In the Transition box, choose Free transition. In anti-icing simulations, since no ice (roughness) is expected, free transition should be used in external flows to capture the laminar flow regions more accurately. Otherwise, the heat transfer coefficients may be over predicted by the fully turbulent (no transition) mode.

  7. Go to the Conditions panel. Set the Reference conditions as follows:

    Characteristic length

    0.1603 m

    Air velocity

    51.03 m/s

    Air static pressure

    101325 Pa

    Air static temperature

    263.15 K (-10 °C)

  8. In the Initial solution section, select the Velocity components option and set the Velocity X component to 51.03 m/s (same as the reference Air velocity). The other velocity components should be set to 0 m/s.

  9. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the inlet boundary BC_1000 and choose the Subsonic option in the Type tab. Click the Import reference conditions button to set the Inlet conditions.

    Select the wall boundary BC_2001. Set Surface type to No-slip and set the Temperature value by right-clicking in the temperature box and Copy from…Adiabatic stagnation temperature + 10.

    Note:  Temperature must be specified on the leading edge BC_2001 in order to compute an initial heat flux to start the CHT calculation. This temperature will subsequently be updated automatically during the CHT3D loop.

    Repeat the same settings for the family BC_2002.

    Select the outflow boundary BC_3000. Choose the type as Subsonic, and click the Import reference conditions button to set the exit pressure value to Reference conditions.

  10. Go to the Solver panel. Select the Steady option in the Time integration pull-down menu. Set the value of the CFL number to 200 and the Maximum number of time steps to 1,000. Uncheck the Use variable relaxation option.

  11. Choose the Streamline upwind option in the Artificial viscosity tab. Set the Cross-wind dissipation coefficient to 1.e-9 and move the slider to 100% Second order position.

  12. Go to the Out panel. Save the Solution every 50 iterations in Overwrite mode.

  13. Click the Run button to switch to the execution window. Choose 4 or more CPUs if possible and start the computations. The average residual of the flow should reach about 4e-9 by the end of the run.

    The calculations may take some time depending on the number of available CPUs. The converged solution is provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT/soln_ext if you do not wish to wait for the results before proceeding to the next tutorial.

    Figure 7.3: Mach Number Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Mach Number Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Figure 7.4: Static Pressure Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Static Pressure Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Figure 7.5: Shear Stress Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Shear Stress Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Figure 7.6: Classical Heat Flux Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Classical Heat Flux Contours of the External Flow Solution

7.2.2. Initial Internal Flow Calculation

  1. Create a new FENSAP run and name it FENSAP_int.

  2. Double-click the grid icon to assign the grid file. Select the grid file grid_int provided in the tutorials subdirectory CHT. The mesh is a hybrid unstructured grid with 222,369 nodes.

  3. Double-click the config icon to open the FENSAP input parameters window.

  4. Go to the Model panel. Select the Navier-Stokes option for the Momentum equations (viscous flow) and Full PDE for the Energy equation.

  5. Select K-omega SST as the Turbulence model and set the Eddy/laminar viscosity ratio of 1.e-5 and the Turbulence intensity to 0.0008.

  6. Go to the Conditions panel and set the following Reference conditions:

    Characteristic length

    0.05 m

    Air velocity

    367.2557 m/s

    Air static pressure

    101325 Pa

    Air static temperature

    335.4 K (62.25 °C)

    The Characteristic length setting has no impact on the flow, but it will change the scale of the average residual which is reported in non-dimensional form. A large characteristic length will make the average residual appear smaller. It is a good practice to choose a characteristic length that matches the scale of the computational domain. In this case, 0.05m is the diameter of the piccolo tube.

  7. In the Initial solution section, select the Velocity components option. Set the three components of velocity to 0 m/s. Initializing internal cavities like the piccolo chamber with 0 velocity is recommended.

  8. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the inlet family BC_1000. In the Type tab, select the Supersonic or far-field option from the pull-down menu and set the following conditions:


    101502.4 Pa


    335.4 K (62.25 °C)

    Velocity X

    -345.107471232 m/s

    Velocity Y

    -125.608847151 m/s

    Velocity Z

    0 m/s

    These conditions specify an orifice velocity with a Mach number slightly above 1. The velocity vector is perpendicular to the inlet surface and its orientation corresponds to an Angle of attack of -160 degrees. The vector can be displayed in the Graphics window by clicking the small cube icon at the right of the BC Inlet parameters tab.

  9. Set the wall boundary conditions as follows:

    BC_2002 No-slip Temperature 320 K (46.85 °C)
    BC_2003 No-slip Heat flux 0 w/m2
    BC_2004 No-slip Temperature 320 K (46.85 °C)

    Note:  Temperature must be specified on the interfacing boundary condition families to initiate the heat transfer between the two domains (air and solid). In this case BC_2002 will be interfacing with the leading edge part of the solid, and BC_2004 will interface with the back plate. These temperatures will be updated automatically during the CHT3D loop, as conduction takes place in the solid.

  10. Select the BC_3000 family and click the Subsonic button in the Type tab. Set the Pressure value to 101325 Pa. This is the exit pressure opening to the external free stream flow.

  11. Go to the Solver panel. Select the Steady option in the Time integration pull-down menu. Set the value of the CFL number to 300 and the Maximum number of time steps to 1000. Click the Use variable relaxation check box and keep default values of Time steps and Relaxation factor. In the Advanced solver settings panel, reduce the Convergence level to 1e-12, so that FENSAP does not stop prematurely.

    Note:  This CFL number is a bit large but works well with the provided grid which is rather simple. For more complex configurations and larger pressure ratios, lower CFL numbers may be necessary for convergence. There is usually an optimum CFL number for each grid and conditions, which takes the solution to convergence fastest. Low CFL values will take longer to converge, while very high values can result in some unwanted oscillations in the transient solution (beginning of the iteration process) that will take additional time to clear out. This case for example runs with a high CFL number and takes many iterations to converge heat fluxes. Since the CFL number used is high, you should lower the convergence criteria, so that FENSAP does not stop prematurely.

  12. Choose the Streamline upwind option in the Artificial viscosity tab. Set the Cross-wind dissipation coefficient to 1.e-9 and move the slider to 100% Second order position.

  13. Go to the Out panel. Save the Solution every 50 iterations in Overwrite mode.

  14. Click the Run button to switch to the execution window. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    This calculation may take a long time to complete depending on the number of CPUs available. The converged solution is provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT/soln_int. If you do not want to wait for the run to finish, you can use this file to begin the next tutorial.

    The two main convergence indicators for this run are the average residual and the total heat flux. The average residual and the energy equation converge to 1e-10 in approximately 700 iterations. However, changes in total heat are still visible. The run should be allowed to continue until the total heat flux converges well. The total heat flux curve should reach an asymptotic value of about 59 Watts. You can zoom on convergence curves by holding Shift and left-click. Middle-click to undo the zoom.

    Figure 7.7: Convergence Plots for Average and Energy Residuals, and the Total Heat Flux

    Convergence Plots for Average and Energy Residuals, and the Total Heat Flux

    Figure 7.8: The Internal Flow Solution: Mach Number (Left) and Total Temperature Contours (Right)

    The Internal Flow Solution: Mach Number (Left) and Total Temperature Contours (Right)

    Figure 7.9: Streamlines Exiting from the Orifice, Showing the Complexity of the Internal Flow

    Streamlines Exiting from the Orifice, Showing the Complexity of the Internal Flow

7.2.3. CHT3D Conjugate Heat Transfer (Dry Air Regime)

This section illustrates the Conjugate Heat Transfer procedure (CHT3D) required to couple the external and internal flow calculations of Initial External Flow Calculation and Initial Internal Flow Calculation by considering the heat conduction through the solid wall interface in order to determine the equilibrium temperature distribution in the solid.

Note:   CHT3D can couple structured and unstructured grids without any limitations.

Figure 7.10: Exploded View of the Three Domains: The External, Internal and Solid Grids

Exploded View of the Three Domains: The External, Internal and Solid Grids

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_dry. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Dry air. Press the OK button to continue with the setup. A tree of coupled FENSAP and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the FENSAP_ext run (Initial External Flow Calculation) onto the fluid_ext config icon in CHT3D_dry. This automatically links the external grid, the flow solution and heat fluxes computed in the FENSAP_ext run to the input of the CHT3D_dry fluid_ext run.

    If the previous tutorials were allowed to run to convergence, then you can keep the soln and hflux.dat files to the left of the config icon unchanged. Otherwise, replace them with soln_ext and hflux_ext files found in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT. Simply double-click the icons to browse to this directory.

  3. Double-click the fluid_ext config icon to set up the input parameters for the external flow domain.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Increase the CFL number to 20000 and change the Maximum number of time steps to 10 iterations. In this simulation, you will only run the energy equation and keep the flow constant. This allows the usage of a very large CFL number.

    In the Advanced solver settings section, reduce the convergence criteria to 1e-12, so that FENSAP does not stop prematurely. At each CHT3D iteration, FENSAP will complete 10 iterations before exchanging boundary conditions with the solid domain. It is crucial that fluid domains perform several iterations of their own at each CHT step in order to apply the updated boundary conditions properly. Otherwise CHT iterations will converge very slowly.

    Close and save the configuration file of fluid_ext.

  5. Drag & drop the config icon of the FENSAP_int run (Initial Internal Flow Calculation) onto the fluid_int run in CHT3D_dry. This automatically links the internal grid, the flow solution and heat fluxes computed in the FENSAP_int run to the input of fluid_int run.

    Similar to 2, if the solution files of the FENSAP_int run are not fully converged, replace the icons to the left of the config icon of the internal run by soln_int and hflux_int found under tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT.

  6. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters for the internal flow.

  7. Go to the Solver panel. Increase the CFL number to 20000 and change the Maximum number of time steps to 10 iterations. Disable the Use variable relaxation option.

    Reduce the convergence criterion to 1e-12 in the Advanced solver settings section.

    Close and save the configuration file of fluid_int.

  8. To begin setting up C3D for the solid heat conduction, double-click the grid icon in the solid run in CHT3D_dry. Select the file grid_solid provided in the tutorials subdirectory CHT.

  9. Double-click the config icon of the solid heat conduction run to edit the heat conduction parameters.

  10. Go to the Settings panel. Set the value of Temperature of 300 K (26.85 °C). This will be the initial temperature throughout the solid domain. It is a reasonable initial guess between the external and internal static air temperatures.

  11. Go to the Properties panel. Click the Rename button to change the material name from default to duralumin. Then set the Distribution of all properties to Constant. Specify the following characteristics for the material:


    2787 kg/m3


    164 W/m/K


    241060 J/kg

  12. Go to the Materials panel. Since duralumin is the only material in the solid domain, the label MAT_0 will be automatically assigned to it.

  13. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the outer surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2001: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2002: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2004: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2005: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_2006: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_2007: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_4100: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_4300: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    CHT3D will automatically update the boundary conditions on BC_2001, BC_2002, and BC_2004 during the simulation.

  14. Go to the Solver panel. Set the Time step to Automatic. Set the Maximum time step value to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 5 seconds. At each CHT3D iteration, heat conduction will be updated every 5 seconds. Close and save the configuration.

    C3D total time per CHT3D iteration can be considered as the overall time step of the conjugate heat transfer problem. Reducing this value will improve the stability of CHT runs while increasing it may hinder convergence to steady state temperature distribution in the solid.

  15. Double-click the main config icon of the CHT3D_dry to set up the links between the solid and fluid domains.

  16. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations to 30 and Solution output every 0 iterations (default value).

  17. Choose the Solve energy only option in the Flow solver mode pull-down menu for both internal and external flows.

  18. Go to the Interfaces panel. There are three fluid/solid interfaces in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these three interfaces. Set up the interfaces as follows:

    For External to Solid: There is only one interface between the external domain and the solid. Set the interface boundaries as follows:

    • External fluid grid: 2001

    • Solid grid: 2001

    For Solid to Internal: There are two interfaces between the solid and the internal domain. Set the first interface as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2002

    • Internal fluid grid: 2002

    Then click the   button next to Interface label to add the third interface and set it as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2004

    • Internal fluid grid: 2004

    Note:  In this case, the interface boundary condition family numbers across the two grids are adjusted so that they match, which is not a requirement. The only requirement is that the interface boundary conditions overlap nicely, with no gaps and discontinuities. They do not have to be node-to-node matching.

  19. Go to the Temperatures panel. Set the value of Recovery factor to 0.9.

  20. Right-mouse click the main config icon of CHT3D_dry, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Choose 4 CPUs in both the Execution settings and CHT settings section, if possible.

    Figure 7.11: CHT3D Solution: Convergence History of the Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperature

    CHT3D Solution: Convergence History of the Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperature

  21. Load the solid solution by clicking the View button, and choosing Solid – Temperature from the drop-down menu.

    Figure 7.12: Temperature Contours on the Solid Surfaces

    Temperature Contours on the Solid Surfaces

    Figure 7.13: Temperature Distribution vs Wrap Distance on the External Surface of the Solid at Z = 0.0001 m and Z=0.02 m

    Temperature Distribution vs Wrap Distance on the External Surface of the Solid at Z = 0.0001 m and Z=0.02 m

    Note:  The automatic time stepping option in CHT3D improves the stability of the simulation. Under certain circumstances, this has the potential to decrease the total simulation time. However, if automatic time stepping substantially reduces the time step, this could result in an increase in total simulation time. In these situations, it may be beneficial to run with constant time stepping. CHT3D Conjugate Heat Transfer Constant Time Step (Dry Air Regime)

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_dry_constant_timestep. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Dry air. Press the OK button to continue with the setup. A tree of coupled FENSAP and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the CHT3D_dry run onto the CHT3D_dry_constant_timestep configuration. Select Full copy to copy all of the input files and configurations of each simulation component, including the main config, from the previously simulated CHT3D_dry run.

  3. Double-click the config icon of the solid heat conduction run to edit the heat conduction parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Set the Time step to Constant. Set the Time step value to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 5 seconds. Close and save the configuration.

  5. Right-mouse click the main config icon of CHT3D_dry, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Choose 4 CPUs in both the Execution settings and CHT settings section, if possible.

  6. To compare the temperature solutions obtained with automatic time stepping to those obtained with constant time stepping, first load the first solid solution by right-clicking c3dsol of CHT_dry and choosing View with VIEWMERICAL. Next, right-click the c3dsol of CHT3D_dry_constant_timestep and choose View with VIEWMERICAL followed by Append. The two grids should be loaded with the temperature solutions showing. Split the screen to put the data sets on either sides of the view.

    Figure 7.14: Temperature Contours on the Solid Surfaces Showing That the Auto Time Step Solution (Left) and the Constant Time Step Solution (Right) Provide Similar Results

    Temperature Contours on the Solid Surfaces Showing That the Auto Time Step Solution (Left) and the Constant Time Step Solution (Right) Provide Similar Results

    Figure 7.15: Temperature Distribution vs Wrap Distance on the External Surface of the Solid at Z = 0.0001 M Showing That the Auto Time Step Solution and the Constant Time Step Solution (the Curves Are Overlaid) Provide Similar Results

    Temperature Distribution vs Wrap Distance on the External Surface of the Solid at Z = 0.0001 M Showing That the Auto Time Step Solution and the Constant Time Step Solution (the Curves Are Overlaid) Provide Similar Results

    Note:  In this simulation, the solid constant time stepping approach produced a similar solution to the solid automatic time stepping approach, and the simulation time was 3x faster. This may be the case in some situations, however, in other cases there may be stability problems or the simulation time may increase.

7.3. Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing)

This tutorial illustrates the procedure to use CHT3D to compute the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of a leading edge, which separates the cold wet air flowing over the external skin surface from the hot internal air flow induced by the jet discharging from the orifice of the piccolo tube. A hot jet from the orifice of a piccolo tube heats the inner skin of the leading edge to prevent ice accretion on the outer surface. In this simulation FENSAP, DROP3D and ICE3D will be used to simulate the external flow conditions. C3D simulates the heat conduction through the solid leading edge skin and FENSAP will be used to simulate the internal flow.

Figure 7.16: Anti-Icing System Grids

Anti-Icing System Grids

To set up a CHT3D wet-air simulation, initial internal and external flow simulations are required, just as the dry air test case, with the addition of a water droplet and an initial ICE3D simulation.

This tutorial has the same flow conditions as Initial External Flow Calculation and Initial Internal Flow Calculation for both external and internal flow domains. Proceed with this tutorial if these sections were completed.

7.3.1. External Water Droplets Calculation

  1. Create a new DROP3D run and name it DROP3D_ext.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of FENSAP_ext onto the config icon of the new DROP3D run. This copies the reference conditions of the flow to the droplet run.

  3. Double-click the DROP3D_ext config icon to edit the parameters.

  4. Go to the Conditions panel. Set the following Droplet reference conditions:

    • Liquid Water Content 1 g/m3

    • Droplet diameter 20 microns

    • Water density 1000 kg/m3

  5. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the BC_1000 (Inlet) boundary condition and click the Import reference conditions button.

  6. Go to the Solver panel. Set the CFL number to 20 and the Maximum number of time steps to 300.

  7. Click the Run button. Start the calculation on 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    Figure 7.17: Droplet LWC and Collection Efficiency on the External Flow

    Droplet LWC and Collection Efficiency on the External Flow

7.3.2. Initial ICE3D Calculation

The goal of this step is not to provide an initial ice shape, but rather to establish a water film on the outer surface of the solid as an initial condition for the wet CHT3D run.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_ext.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the DROP3D_ext (External Water Droplets Calculation) onto the config icon of this new run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, the grid of the external domain and the reference conditions to the ICE3D_ext run.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

    Go to the Model panel. Icing model should remain as Glaze - Advanced. Change the heat flux type to Classical.

  4. In the Conditions panel set the Recovery factor to 0.9. The remaining settings were automatically transferred from the DROP3D configuration.

  5. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the total time of ice accretion to 30 seconds.

  6. Run the calculation on 4 or more CPUs if possible.

7.3.3. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime)

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Wet air. Press the Ok button to continue with the set-up. A tree of coupled FENSAP, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of FENSAP_ext onto the config icon of the fluid_ext run in CHT3D_wet.

  3. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_ext run to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Change the CFL number to 20000 and the Maximum number of time steps to 10. Decrease the convergence limit to 1e-12 in the Advanced solver settings section.

    Close and save the configuration file.

  5. Drag & drop the config icon from ICE3D_ext onto the config icon of the ice_ext run in CHT3D_wet. No modifications to the configuration of this run are required.

  6. Drag & drop the config icon of FENSAP_int onto the config icon of the fluid_int run in CHT3D_wet.

  7. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_int run to edit the input parameters.

  8. Go to the Solver panel. Change the CFL number value to 20000 and the Maximum number of time steps to 10. Disable the Use variable relaxation check box. Decrease the convergence limit to 1e-12 in the Advanced solver settings section.

  9. If CHT3D Conjugate Heat Transfer (Dry Air Regime) was completed, drag & drop the config icon of the solid run of CHT3D_dry onto the config icon of the solid run of CHT3D_wet, then jump to Step 17. Otherwise, continue with the following steps.

  10. To configure the solid run in CHT3D_wet, double-click the grid icon and select the file grid_solid provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT.

  11. Double-click the config icon of the solid run to edit the input parameters for heat conduction.

  12. Go to the Settings panel. Set the Temperature to 300 K. This will be the initial temperature throughout the solid domain.

  13. Go to the Properties panel. Click the Rename button to change the material name from default to duralumin. Then set the Distribution of all properties to Constant. Specify the following characteristics for the material:


    2787 kg/m3


    164 W/m/K


    241060 J/kg

  14. Go to the Materials panel. Since duralumin is the only material in the solid domain, the label MAT_0 will be automatically assigned to it.

  15. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the outer surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2001: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2002: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2004: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2005: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_2006: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_2007: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_4100: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_4300: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    CHT3D will automatically update the boundary conditions on BC_2001, BC_2002 and BC_2004 during the simulation.

  16. Go to the Solver panel. Set the Time step to Automatic. Set the Maximum time step value to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 5 seconds. At each CHT3D iteration, heat conduction will be computed for 5 seconds. Close and save this configuration.

    C3D total time per CHT3D iteration can be considered as the overall time step of the conjugate heat transfer problem. Reducing this value will improve the stability of CHT runs while increasing it may hinder convergence to a steady state temperature distribution in the solid.

    Note:  Just as was done in Piccolo Tube Operating in the Dry Air Regime, you may decide to set the Time step to Constant instead of Automatic. Depending on the simulation, this may or may not speed up the simulation, but may also reduce the stability of the simulation.

  17. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet to set up the links between the solid and fluid domains.

  18. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations to 30 and Solution output every 0 iterations (default value).

  19. Choose the Solve energy only option in the Flow solver mode pull-down menu for both internal and external flows.

  20. Go to the Interfaces panel. There are three fluid/solid interfaces in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these three interfaces. Set up the interfaces as follows:

    For External to Solid: There is only one interface between the external domain and the solid. Set the interface boundaries as follows:

    • External fluid grid: 2001

    • Solid grid: 2001

    For Solid to Internal: There are two interfaces between the solid and the internal domain. Set the first interface as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2002

    • Internal fluid grid: 2002

    Then click the   button next to Interface label to add the third interface and set it as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2004

    • Internal fluid grid: 2004

    Note:   In this case, the interface boundary condition family numbers across the two grids are adjusted so that they match, which is not a requirement. The only requirement is that the interface boundary conditions overlap nicely, with no gaps and discontinuities. They do not have to be node-to-node matching.

  21. Go to the Temperatures panel. The value of Recovery factor cannot be modified, the recovery factor of ICE3D will be used instead. Close and save the configuration.

  22. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible, and launch the calculation.

    Upon convergence, the Solid maximum temperature is cooler than that of the dry run, due to the cooling effect of the impinging droplets in wet air.

    Figure 7.18: Convergence History of the Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperatures

    Convergence History of the Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperatures

    Figure 7.19: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) and Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D)

    Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) and Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D)

    Figure 7.20: Temperature Distribution vs. Wrap Distance on the External Surface for Dry and Wet Air Runs (Z = 0.0001 m)

    Temperature Distribution vs. Wrap Distance on the External Surface for Dry and Wet Air Runs (Z = 0.0001 m)

    The effect of droplets cooling the surface is clearly visible in the above graph. The wet air surface temperatures are significantly lower than the dry air. Some parts of the wet surface are below the freezing temperature, indicating possible ice formation past the protected zone limits. This will be later verified by running an ICE3D calculation using the results of this CHT simulation.

7.3.4. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime) with Surface Roughness

If ice is expected to form during a CHT simulation (due to insufficient heating or as expected by the design), you should impose a sand-grain roughness over the contaminated surfaces. In this manner, the shape and the thickness of the ice will be more accurately represented over these zones. In CHT3D, this is done by enabling the surface roughness option in the main configuration window. Since roughness changes the turbulence and velocity profiles which consequently change the heat fluxes and shear stresses, the full Navier-Stokes equation should be solved on the external domain during CHT iterations. This option is computationally more expensive than the customary Energy-only CHT3D computation and therefore is necessary only if a more realistic post-CHT ice growth simulation is required. The roughness will be applied only in regions where the instantaneous ice growth rate is non-zero, while the rest of the surface remains smooth.

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet_with_Roughness. The CHT configuration window will prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu and then choose the Wet air option. Click the OK button to continue with the set-up. A set of coupled FENSAP, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of CHT3D_wet onto the config icon of the main CHT3D_wet_with_Roughness run, and click Full copy button. This will copy all the necessary input files and parameters for the current simulation.

  3. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_with_Roughness to activate the roughness option.

  4. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations to 30 and Solution output every 0 iterations (default value).

  5. Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode – external pull-down menu.

  6. Click the Ice roughness check box to activate the ice roughness option and enter 0.0005 meters (default value). For the Flow solver mode – internal, keep the default option Solve energy only.

  7. Close and Save the current run settings.

  8. Double-click the fluid_ext config icon. Go to Solver panel and change the CFL number from 20000 to 100 and Maximum number of time steps from 10 to 50. Close and save this configuration.

  9. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_with_Roughness. Select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible.

    From the heat transfer point of view on the protected zone, there is not much difference between this case and the previous one. The actual difference will be visible when the ice shape after CHT is computed in the next two tutorials.

7.3.5. Ice Accretion After CHT

The goal of this simulation is to compute the post-CHT ice shape using the steady-state anti-icing heat fluxes computed in the CHT3D run.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_post_CHT.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext run of the CHT3D_wet onto the config icon of the current run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, heat fluxes, grid of the external domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_post_CHT run.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

    Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 2400 seconds.

  4. Run the calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    Figure 7.21: Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On

    Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On

7.3.6. Ice Accretion After CHT with Roughness

In this tutorial, you will look at residual ice accretion when roughness is enabled in the CHT3D run. Roughness is applied only in the regions where instantaneous ice accretion is non-zero.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_post_CHT_with_Roughness.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext run of the CHT3D_wet_with_Roughness onto the config icon of the current run. (If for any reason the file links appear broken, they can be set manually.)

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

    Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 2400 seconds.

  4. In the Out panel, enable the Generate displaced grid option to get the iced grid for additional flow computations (optional).

  5. Run the calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

  6. To compare the ice shapes obtained with and without roughness, first load the ice shape of Ice Accretion After CHT . Go back to the project window and right-click the swimsol icon of ICE3D_post_CHT run. Choose View ICE and load it in a new window. Next, click the View ICE button of the current run and Append. The two grids should be loaded with the ice shapes on them. Split the screen to put the data sets on either sides of the view.

    The ice shape with roughness is slightly thicker towards the front of the ice shape as roughness increases cooling effects. This ice shape is an example of ridge ice that can form behind protected zones. In this case it forms due to runback, since ice is located past the impingement limits.

    Figure 7.22: Residual Ice Shapes Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the IPS Turned on, without (Left) and with (Right) Roughness

    Residual Ice Shapes Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the IPS Turned on, without (Left) and with (Right) Roughness

  7. To view the displaced external flow grid, click View in the current run’s execution window, and choose Displaced grid.

    The displaced grid can be used for aerodynamic performance analysis to see the adverse effects of the residual ridge ice.

7.3.7. Multishot Ice Accretion After CHT with Roughness

In this tutorial, the residual ice accretion on the nacelle is calculated using the multishot icing methodology, in contrast to the single shot approach employed in Ice Accretion After CHT with Roughness. The multishot icing approach captures the effect the ice shape has on the local airflow and droplet field during the accretion process. This may allow additional phenomena to be captured during the icing process, such as changes in airflow patterns, collection efficiency and shadow zones, etc. However, this approach is more computationally expensive.

Note:  In this case, you are using the standard MULTI-FENSAP sequence.

  1. Create a new SequenceMULTI-FENSAP run and name it MULTI-FENSAP_post_CHT_with_roughness.

  2. Drag & drop the main config icon of the CHT3D_wet_with_Roughness onto the main config icon of the current run. A message will pop up to say that required inputs will be imported from the CHT simulation. Click OK.

  3. Double-click the fensap config icon to edit the FENSAP solver input parameters. Go to the Solver panel. Set the CFL number to 100 and the Maximum number of time steps to 300. Close and save the fensap configuration. Uncheck the Use variable relaxation option.

  4. Double-click the drop config icon to edit the droplet solver input parameters. Go to the Solver panel. Set the CFL number to 20 and the Maximum number of time steps to 300. Close and save the drop configuration.

  5. Double-click the ice config icon to edit the ICE3D solver input parameters.

    In the Model panel, under Icing model, set the Roughness output to CHT constant roughness to maintain the same roughness height computed in your CHT3D with roughness simulation.

    Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 960 seconds.

    In the Out panel, change the Time between solution output to 960 seconds. Close and save the ice configuration.

  6. Double click the main config icon to edit the multishot parameters. Click Add iteration twice so that 3 iterations are listed in the table. Change the ice – Total time to 480 seconds for Iteration 01, and to 960 seconds for Iteration 02 and Iteration 03, as shown in the figure below.

  7. Run the calculation. It’s recommended to use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

  8. Use Viewmerical to investigate the ice shape as it develops over the 3 shots of ice accretion. Click View Ice of the current run and select -All files-. Go to the Data panel and set the step under FilesStep to 1, 2 and 3 to view the ice at the end of each shot of ice accretion. Alternatively, use the slider or click the Play button move through the shots in sequence.

    This ice shape is an example of a ridge ice that can form behind protected zones. In this case, it forms due to water runback, since ice is located past the impingement limits. After each shot, additional water runs back along the nacelle towards the ridge of ice and freezes towards the front of the ice shape. The ice obstruction prevents the water from moving further downstream.

    Figure 7.23: 3D Views of the Residual Ice Shapes Accreted After 480 (Left), 1440 (Middle) and 2,400 (Right) Seconds with the IPS Turned On, Using a Post CHT Multishot Simulation with Roughness

    3D Views of the Residual Ice Shapes Accreted After 480 (Left), 1440 (Middle) and 2,400 (Right) Seconds with the IPS Turned On, Using a Post CHT Multishot Simulation with Roughness

7.4. Piccolo Tube Anti-Icing in Wet Air Using Fluent

This tutorial illustrates the procedure to compute the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of a leading edge, which separates the cold wet air flowing over the external skin surface from the hot internal air flow induced by the jet discharging from the orifice of the piccolo tube. A hot jet from the orifice of a piccolo tube heats the inner skin of the leading edge to prevent ice accretion on the outer surface. In this simulation Fluent, DROP3D and ICE3D will be used to simulate the external flow conditions. C3D simulates the heat conduction through the solid leading edge skin and Fluent will be used to simulate the internal flow.

This tutorial has the same flow conditions as Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing) for both external and internal flow domains and consists of the following sequential steps.

  1. Compute the external cold air flow, using Fluent.

  2. Compute the internal hot air flow, using Fluent.

  3. Compute the external droplet impingement (constant source of droplets).

  4. Compute an initial water film on the surface (for a few seconds only).

  5. Conjugate heat transfer across all domains (without Fluent roughness option enabled).

  6. Conjugate heat transfer across all domains (with Fluent roughness option enabled).

  7. Compute ice accretion after CHT (without Fluent roughness option enabled).

  8. Compute ice accretion after CHT (with Fluent roughness option enabled).

7.4.1. Initial External Flow Calculation

  1. Using FENSAP-ICE, create a new project and name it PICCOLO_FLUENT. Select the metric unit system. Close FENSAP-ICE.

  2. Go to the project folder, PICCOLO_FLUENT, and create a new sub folder called INITIAL-AIR. Copy the provided Fluent case file, FLUENT-piccolo-ext.cas.h5, from the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT to this new folder and launch Fluent.

    Note:  In Windows, Fluent can be launched by going to StartAll ProgramsANSYS 2024 R2Fluid DynamicsFluent 2024 R2.

    Figure 7.24: External Mesh (Left: Symmetric Plane; Right: Surface Walls)

    External Mesh (Left: Symmetric Plane; Right: Surface Walls)

  3. In the Fluent Launcher window, select the Dimension as 3D, pick Double Precision under Options, and choose Parallel (Local Machine) under Processing Options. Assign a number of CPUs for this simulation, 2 to 4 CPUs, under SolverProcesses. Click Show More Options. Under General Options, set your Working Directory to the INITIAL-AIR directory. Press OK to close the Fluent Launcher.

    Note:  Select Serial under Processing Options to run the simulation using a single processor or CPU if multiple processes are not available.

  4. Read the case file by going to the FileReadCase menu and browse to and select the Fluent case file, FLUENT-piccolo-ext.cas.h5, located inside the sub folder INITIAL-AIR.

  5. From the top navigation menu, select Physics. Make sure the Solver is set to Pressure-Based, Absolute, and Steady. Click the Operating Conditions. Set the Operating Pressure to 0 Pa. Press OK to close the Operation Conditions window.

  6. Expand the SetupMaterialFluid from the side tree menu. Double-click air and modify its properties. The table below describes the air properties to be imposed in this simulation.

    Density Ideal-gas
    Cp 1004.688 J/kg-K
    Thermal Conductivity 0.02325338 W/m-K
    Viscosity 1.667512e-05 kg/m-s
    Molecular Weight 28.966 kg/kgmol

    Click the Change/Create button and Close this window to save the new air properties.

    Note:  Thermal conductivity and viscosity are computed from these equations which are presented in the FENSAP User’s manual and shown below.

    In these equations, refers to the ambient air static temperature, and , and are respectively equal to 0.00216176 W/m/K3/2, 288 K and 17.9*10-6 Pa s.

  7. Expand and double-click SetupModelsEnergy from the side tree menu. Ensure that Energy is turned on.

  8. Expand and double-click SetupModelsViscous from the side tree menu. Select the k-omega (2 eqn) option in the opened Viscous Model interface and then select k-omega ModelSST. Make sure that Viscous Heating and Production Limiter are activated in the Options section. In the Model Constants section, drag the scroll bar down and set Energy Prandtl Number and Wall Prandtl Number values to 0.9. Click OK to close this menu.

  9. Expand and double-click SetupBoundary Conditions from the side tree menu. Set the interior-2 boundary to interior.

  10. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, click the pressure-far-field-4 and then select pressure-far-field from the drop-down list of Type. Click Edit to open the Pressure Far-Field window and set the following conditions for this boundary:

    • Momentum panel

      Gauge Pressure 101325 Pa
      Mach Number 0.15692
      X, Y, and Z-Components of Flow Direction 1, 0 and 0
      Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
      Turbulence Intensity 0.08%
      Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 1e-05
    • Thermal panel

      Temperature 263.15 K (-10 °C)

      Repeat this step for the pressure-far-field-5 boundary.

  11. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, click the pressure-outlet-8 and select pressure outlet from the drop-down list of Type. Set the following for this boundary:

    • Momentum panel

      Gauge Pressure 101325 Pa
      Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
      Backflow Turbulence Intensity 0.08%
      Backflow Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 1e-05
    • Thermal panel

      Backflow Total Temperature 264.446 K
  12. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, click the symmetry-9 boundary and select symmetry from the drop-down list of Type

  13. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, double-click the wall-6 to open Wall window. In the Momentum panel, set the Wall Motion to Stationary Wall and the Shear Condition to No Slip. In the Thermal panel, set the Thermal Conditions to a Temperature of 274.446 K. Click Ok to close the window. Repeat this step for wall-7 boundary.

  14. Expand and double-click SetupReference Values from the side tree menu. In the Task Page, use the Compute from drop-down menu to select pressure-far-field-5.

  15. Expand and double-click SolutionMethods from the side tree menu. Set the Pressure-Velocity Coupling section to Coupled. In the Spatial Discretization section, set the Gradient to Green-Gauss Cell Based and the remaining settings to Second Order or Second Order Upwind. Enable High Order Term Relaxation with its Options to All Variables and Relaxation Factor to 0.25.

  16. Expand and double-click SolutionMonitorsResidual from the side tree menu. In the Residual Monitors window, make sure that the Print to Console and the Plot are enabled. Disable all check box below the Convergence column. Close this window once this is done.

  17. Expand and double-click SolutionReport Definitions from the side tree menu. In the opened Report Definitions window, do the following:

    • Click and select NewForce ReportLift to open the Lift Report Definition window. Change the Name to report-def-cl. Click to select wall-6 and wall-7 on the list box below Wall Zones. Enable Report File and Print to Console under Create and set Frequency value to 1. Click OK to close the Lift Report Definition window.

    • Click and select NewForce ReportDrag to open the Drag Report Definition window. Change the Name to report-def-cd. Click to select wall-6 and wall-7 on the list box below Wall Zones. Enable Report File and Print to Console under Create and set Frequency value to 1. Click OK to close the Drag Report Definition window.

    • Click and select NewSurface ReportIntegral to open Surface Report Definition window. Change the Name to report-def-heat. Set the Field Variable to Wall FluxesTotal Surface Heat Flux. Click to select wall-6 and wall-7 on the list box below Surfaces. Enable Report File and Print to Console under Create and set Frequency value to 1. Click OK to close the Surface Report Definition window.

    Click Close to close the Report Definitions window.

  18. Expand and double-click SolutionInitialization from the side tree menu. In the opened Task Page, select Hybrid Initialization under Initialization Methods. Click the Initialize button to initialize the computational domain.

  19. Expand and double-click SolutionRun Calculation from the side tree menu. Enter 3000 as the total Number of Iterations and click Calculate to start the simulation.

  20. Once the simulation is complete, save the new Fluent solutions in FileWriteCase & Data. Name this simulation as FLUENT-piccolo-ext.cas.h5/dat.h5.

    The following figure shows the convergence history of the external airflow simulation with Fluent:

    Figure 7.25: Convergent History of External Airflow Simulation

    Convergent History of External Airflow Simulation

    The following figures compare the Fluent solution to a FENSAP kw-sst airflow solution.

    Figure 7.26: Initial External Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.27: Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.28: Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.29: Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Note:  To appropriately compare the results of this CHT anti-icing simulation using Fluent with the kw-sst turbulence model, another CHT anti-icing simulation using FENSAP-ICE with its own kw-sst turbulence model was conducted. Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing) uses the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and therefore its results are not suitable to make proper comparisons. Results and comparisons of both kw-sst cases are presented throughout this tutorial and show that Fluent and FENSAP-ICE produce similar CHT results.

7.4.2. Initial Internal Flow Calculation

  1. Copy the Fluent case file, FLUENT-piccolo-int.cas.h5, from the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT to the INITIAL-AIR folder.

  2. Select FileReadCase from the Fluent main menu. Navigate to INITIAL-AIR and select the file, FLUENT-piccolo-int.cas.h5, to open the internal case file with Fluent.

    Figure 7.30: Internal Mesh (Left: Symmetric Plane; Right: Surface Walls)

    Internal Mesh (Left: Symmetric Plane; Right: Surface Walls)

  3. From the top navigation menu, select Physics. Make sure the Solver is set to Pressure-Based, Absolute, and Steady. Click the Operating Conditions.... Set the Operating Pressure (pascal) to 0 Pa. Press OK to close the Operation Conditions window.

  4. Expand SetupMaterialFluid from the side tree menu. Double-click air and modify its properties. The table below describes the air properties to be imposed in this simulation.

    Density Ideal-gas
    Cp 1004.688 J/kg-K
    Thermal Conductivity 0.02830653 W/m-K
    Viscosity 2.010212e-05 kg/m-s
    Molecular Height 28.966 kg/kgmol

    Click the Change/Create button and Close this window to save the new air properties.

    Note:  Thermal conductivity and viscosity are computed from these equations which are presented in the FENSAP-ICE User Manual and shown below.

    In these equations, refers to the ambient air static temperature, and , and are respectively equal to 0.00216176 W/m/K3/2, 288 K and 17.9*10-6 Pa s.

  5. Expand and double-click SetupModelsEnergy from the side tree menu. Make sure that Energy is turned on.

  6. Expand and double-click SetupModelsViscous from the side tree menu. Select the k-omega (2 eqn) option in the opened Viscous Model interface and then select k-omega ModelSST. Make sure that Viscous Heating and Production Limiter are activated in the Options section. In the Model Constants section, drag the scroll bar down and set Energy Prandtl Number and Wall Prandtl Number values to 0.9. Click OK to close this menu.

  7. Expand and double-click SetupBoundary Conditions from the side tree menu. Set the interior-2 boundary to interior.

  8. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, click the velocity-inlet-4 and then select velocity-inlet from the drop-down list of Type. Click Edit to open the velocity-inlet window and set the following conditions for this boundary:

    • Momentum panel

      Velocity Specification Method Magnitude and Direction
      Reference Frame Absolute
      Velocity Magnitude 367.2557 m/s
      Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure 101502.4 Pa
      Coordinate System Cartesian (X, Y, Z)
      X, Y, Z-Components of Flow Direction -0.9396926, -0.3420201 and 0
      Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
      Turbulence Intensity 0.08%
      Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 1e-05
    • Thermal panel

      Temperature 335.4 K (62.25 °C)

      These conditions specify an orifice velocity with a Mach number slightly above 1. The velocity vector is perpendicular to the inlet.

  9. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, click the pressure-outlet-8 and select pressure-outlet from the drop-down list of Type. Set the following for this boundary:

    • Momentum panel

      Gauge Pressure 101325 Pa
      Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
      Backflow Turbulence Intensity 0.08%
      Backflow Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 1e-05
    • Thermal panel

      Backflow Total Temperature 335 K (61.85 °C)
  10. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, click the symmetry-9 boundary and select symmetry from the drop-down list of Type.

  11. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, double-click the wall-5 to open Wall window. In the Momentum panel, set the Wall Motion to Stationary Wall and the Shear Condition to No Slip. In the Thermal panel, set the Thermal Conditions to Temperature at 320 K (46.85 °C). Click Ok to close the window. Repeat this step for wall-7 boundary.

  12. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, double-click the wall-6 to open the Wall window. In the Momentum panel, set the Wall Motion to Stationary Wall and the Shear Condition to No Slip. In Thermal panel, set the Thermal Conditions to Heat Flux to 0 W/m2. Click Ok to close the window.

    Note:  Temperature must be specified on the interfacing boundary condition families to initiate the heat transfer between the two domains (air and solid). In this case wall-5 will be interfacing with the leading edge part of the solid, and wall-7 will interface with the back plate. These temperatures will be updated automatically during the CHT3D loop, as conduction takes place in the solid.

  13. Expand and double-click SetupReference Values from the side tree menu. In the Task Page, use the Compute from drop-down menu to select velocity-inlet-4. Set the Length to 0.05 m.

  14. Expand and double-click SolutionMethods from the side tree menu. Set the Pressure-Velocity Coupling section to Coupled. In the Spatial Discretization section, set the Gradient to Green Gauss Node Based and the remaining settings to Second Order or Second Order Upwind. Enable Pseudo Transient and High Order Term Relaxation, with its Options to All Variables and Relaxation Factor to 0.25.

  15. Expand and double-click SolutionMonitorsResidual from the side tree menu. In the Residual Monitors window, make sure that the Print to Console and the Plot are enabled. Disable all check box below the Convergence column. Close this window once this is done.

  16. Expand and double-click SolutionReport Definitions from the side tree menu. In the opened Report Definitions window, click and select NewSurface ReportIntegral to open Surface Report Definition window. Change the Name to surf-heatflux-rset. Set the Field Variable to Wall FluxesTotal Surface Heat Flux. Click to select wall-5 on the list box below Surfaces. Enable Report File and Print to Console under Create and set Frequency value to 1. Click OK to close the Surface Report Definition window. Then, click Close in the Report Definitions window to save the configurations.

  17. Expand and double-click SolutionInitialization from the side tree menu. In the opened Task Page, select Hybrid Initialization under Initialization Methods. Click the Initialize button to initialize the computational domain.

  18. Expand and double-click SolutionRun Calculation from the side tree menu. Enter 5000 as the total Number of Iterations and click Calculate to start the simulation.

  19. Once the simulation is complete, save the new Fluent solutions in FileWriteCase & Data. Name this simulation as FLUENT-piccolo-int.cas.h5/dat.h5.

  20. Click FileExit from the main menu to close Fluent.

    The following figure shows the convergence history of the internal airflow simulation with Fluent:

    Figure 7.31: Convergent History of Internal Airflow Simulation

    Convergent History of Internal Airflow Simulation

    Figure 7.32: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.33: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.34: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.35: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

7.4.3. External Water Droplets Calculation

  1. Open the PICCOLO_FLUENT project with FENSAP-ICE. Use the FileNew run menu or the new run icon to create a new DROP3D run. Name this run DROP3D_ext_FLUENT.

  2. Right-click the grid icon and select Define. Navigate to the folder, INITIAL-AIR, and select, FLUENT-piccolo-ext.cas.h5. Then press Open and a new Grid converter window appears. Accept the default options and click OK or Next.

  3. The Grid converter will now execute. When done, click Finish. Fluent icons will now appear in the grid and airsol input sections to the left of the config icon.

  4. Double-click the DROP3D_ext_FLUENT config icon to edit the input parameters.

  5. Go to the Conditions panel and check that the following Droplet reference conditions have been set by default:

    Liquid Water Content 1 g/m3
    Droplet diameter 20 microns
    Water density 1000 kg/m3
  6. Go to Boundaries panel. Select the BC_1000 and BC_1001 (Inlet) boundary condition and click Import reference conditions.

  7. Go to the Solver panel. Set the CFL number to 20 and the Maximum number of time steps to 300. Click the Run button. Start the calculation on 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    The following figures show the computed liquid water content and collection efficiency and compare these results against a DROP3D solution computed from a FENSAP kw-sst airflow.

    Note:  To appropriately compare the results of this CHT anti-icing simulation using Fluent with the kw-sst turbulence model, another CHT anti-icing simulation using FENSAP-ICE with its own kw-sst turbulence model was conducted. Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing) uses the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and therefore its results are not suitable to make proper comparisons. Therefore, results and comparisons of both kw-sst cases are presented throughout this tutorial and show that Fluent and FENSAP-ICE produce similar CHT results.

    Figure 7.36: Droplet LWC on the External Flow (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Droplet LWC on the External Flow (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.37: Collection Efficiency on the External Flow (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Collection Efficiency on the External Flow (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

7.4.4. Initial ICE3D Calculation

The goal of this step is not to provide an initial ice shape, but rather to establish a water film on the outer surface of the solid as an initial condition for the wet CHT run.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_ext_FLUENT.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of DROP3D_ext_FLUENT onto the config icon of this new run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, the grid of the external domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_ext_FLUENT run.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Model panel. Change the Icing model to Glaze - Advanced and select Classical in Heat flux type.

  5. Go to the Conditions panel. Set the Recovery factor to 0.9.

  6. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 30 seconds.

  7. Run the calculation on 4 or more CPUs if possible.

7.4.5. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime)

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet_FLUENT. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Wet air. Select FLUENT in the Flow Solver (External) and (Internal) settings. Press the OK button to continue with the setup. A tree of coupled Fluent, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Right-click the grid icon of fluid_ext and select Define. Navigate to the INITIAL-AIR folder and select the FLUENT-piccolo-ext.cas.h5 file. Then press Open and a new Grid converter window appears. Accept the default options and click OK or Next. Once the grid and solution conversions are completed, click the Finish button to close this window.

  3. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_ext run to edit the input parameters. In the FLUENT configuration window, do the following:

    • Set the Number of iterations to 50;

    • Set the correct path to the FLUENT executable;

    • Set the launch Parameters to “3ddp -t$NCPU -g -i $JOURNAL -wait”.

      Click OK to close the FLUENT configuration window.

  4. Drag & drop the config icon from ICE3D_ext_FLUENT onto the config icon of the ice_ext run in CHT3D_wet_FLUENT.

  5. Right -click the grid icon of fluid_int and select Define. Navigate to the INITIAL-AIR folder and select the FLUENT-piccolo-int.cas.h5 file. Press Open and a new Grid converter window appears. Accept the default options and click OK or Next. Once the grid and solution conversions are completed, click Finish to close this window.

    Note:  When the Reference parameters table appears in the Grid converter window, double-check and make sure that the magnitude of the velocity vector (compute this value using the X, Y, and Z-velocity component) is equal to the Value of the Reference velocity.

  6. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_int run to edit the input parameters. In the FLUENT configuration window, do the following:

    • Set the Number of iterations to 50;

    • Set the correct path to the FLUENT executable;

    • Set the launch Parameters to “3ddp -t$NCPU -g -i $JOURNAL -wait”.

      Click OK to close the FLUENT configuration window.

  7. To set up the solid run in CHT3D_wet_FLUENT, double-click the grid_material icon and select the file grid_solid provided under the tutorials subdirectory CHT.

  8. Go to the Settings panel. Set the Temperature value to 300 K (26.85 °C). This will be the initial temperature throughout the solid domain.

  9. Go to the Properties panel. Click the Rename button to change the material name from default to duralumin. Specify the following characteristics for the material:

    Density 2787 kg/m3
    Conductivity 164 W/m/K
    Enthalpy 241060 J/kg
  10. Go to the Materials panel. Since duralumin is the only material in the solid domain, the label MAT_0 will be automatically assigned to it.

  11. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the outer surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2001: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2002: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2004: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2005: Select a Neumann condition, set Heat flux to 0 W/m2

    • BC_2006: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_2007: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_4100: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_4300: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    Note:   CHT3D will automatically update the boundary conditions on BC_2001, BC_2002, and BC_2004 during the simulation.

  12. Go to the Solver panel. Select Constant from the drop-down menu of Time step. Set the Time step value to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 5 seconds. At each CHT3D iteration, heat conduction will be computed for 5 seconds. Close and save this configuration.

  13. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_FLUENT to set up the links between the solid and fluid domains.

    Figure 7.38: The 3 Computational Domains: Blue (External), Red (Internal), Green (Solid). Right: Stagnation Point

    The 3 Computational Domains: Blue (External), Red (Internal), Green (Solid). Right: Stagnation Point

  14. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations (loops) to 30 and Solution output every 0 seconds (default value).

  15. Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode pull-down menu for both external and internal flow.

    Note:  Unlike CHT3D with FENSAP, CHT3D with Fluent does not support the Solve energy only option.

  16. Go to the Interfaces panel. There are three fluid/solid interfaces in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these three interfaces. Set up the interfaces as follows:

    For External to Solid: There is only one interface between the external domain and the solid. Set the interface boundaries as follows:

    • External fluid grid: 2001: wall-6

    • Solid grid: 2001

    For Solid to Internal: There are two interfaces between the solid and the internal domain. Set the first interface as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2002

    • Internal fluid grid: 2000: wall-5

    Then click   next to Interface label to add the third interface and set it as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2004

    • Internal fluid grid: 2002: wall-7

  17. Go to the Temperatures panel. Set the External Surface recovery temperature to 264.316 K (-8.834 °C). Set the Internal adiabatic stagnation temperature to 402.52 K (129.37 °C).

    Note:  The value of the External Surface recovery temperature is computed by applying a recovery factor of 0.9 on the total temperature of the external airflow. The value of the Internal adiabatic stagnation temperature is the total air temperature at the jet hole of the internal domain. Both values are used as reference temperatures, for the external and internal domains respectively, during a CHT simulation.

  18. Close and save the configuration.

  19. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_FLUENT, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible, and launch the calculation.

    This simulation takes a substantial amount of time to complete.

    Figure 7.39: Convergence History of the Maximum Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst - Energy Only)

    Convergence History of the Maximum Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst - Energy Only)

    Figure 7.40: Convergence History of the Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Convergence History of the Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Figure 7.41: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Figure 7.42: Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Figure 7.43: Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

7.4.6. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime) with Surface Roughness

If ice is expected to form during a CHT simulation (due to insufficient heating or as designed), you should impose a sand-grain roughness over the contaminated surfaces. In this manner, the shape and the thickness of the ice will be more accurately represented over these zones. In CHT3D, this is done by enabling the surface roughness option in the main configuration window. Since roughness changes the turbulence and velocity profiles which consequently change the heat fluxes and shear stresses, the full Navier-Stokes equation should be solved on the external domain during CHT iterations. Roughness will be applied only in regions where the instantaneous ice growth rate is non-zero, while the rest of the surface remains smooth.

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet_FLUENT_with_roughness. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Wet air. Select FLUENT in the Flow Solver (External) and (Internal) settings. Click OK to continue with the setup. A tree of coupled Fluent, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of CHT3D_wet_FLUENT onto the config icon of the main CHT3D_wet_FLUENT_with_roughness run, and click Full copy button. This will copy all the necessary input files and parameters for the current simulation.

  3. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_FLUENT_with_Roughness to activate the roughness option.

  4. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations to 30 and Solution output every 0 iterations (default value).

  5. Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode – external pull-down menu.

  6. Click the Ice roughness check box to activate the ice roughness option and enter 0.0005 meters (default value). Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode – internal pull-down menu.

  7. Click Close and Save the current run settings.

  8. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_FLUENT_with_Roughness. Select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible.

    Figure 7.44: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Full Navier-Stokes)

    Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Full Navier-Stokes)

    Figure 7.45: Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Full Navier-Stokes)

    Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Full Navier-Stokes)

    Figure 7.46: Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Full Navier-Stokes)

    Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Full Navier-Stokes)

    From the heat transfer point of view on the protected zone, there is not much difference between this case and the previous one. The actual difference will be visible when the ice shape after CHT is computed in the next sections.

7.4.7. Ice Accretion After CHT

After the CHT computation is complete, the rate at which ice will accrete can be assessed by looking at the Instantaneous Ice Growth data field in the ICE3D solution file swimsol. However, the amount of ice can be visualized by performing a post-CHT ICE3D simulation.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext section of the CHT3D_wet_FLUENT simulation onto this new ICE3D run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, heat fluxes, grid of the eternal domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 2400 seconds.

  5. Go to the Out panel. Set the Time between solution output to 2400 seconds. This will only output and write the final solution.

  6. Run the calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible

    Figure 7.47: Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

    Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst – Energy Only)

7.4.8. Ice Accretion After CHT with Roughness

After the CHT computation is done, the rate at which ice will accrete can be assessed by looking at the Instantaneous Ice Growth data field in the ICE3D solution file swimsol. However, the amount of ice can be visualized by performing a post-CHT ICE3D simulation.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT_with_roughness.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext section of the CHT3D_wet_FLUENT_with_roughness simulation onto this new ICE3D run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, heat fluxes, grid of the external domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT_with_roughness.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 2400 seconds.

  5. In the Out panel, set the Time between solution output to 2400 seconds. This will only output and write the final solution. Select Yes from the drop-down menu of the Generate displaced grid option to get the displaced-iced grid for additional flow computations (optional).

  6. Run the calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    Note:  To compare the ice shapes obtained without and with roughness in CHT, first load the ice shape of ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT. Go back to the project window and right-click the swimsol icon of the ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT run. Choose View ICE and load it in a new window. Next, click the View ICE button of the current run and Append. The two grids should be loaded with the ice shapes on them. Split the screen to put the data sets on either sides of the view.

    Figure 7.48: Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst Energy only)

    Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP kw-sst Energy only)

  7. To view the displaced external flow grid, right-click the grid_disp icon of the ICE3D_post_CHT_FLUENT_with_roughness run and select View with VIEWMERICAL.

    Note:  The displaced grid can be used for performance analysis to see the adverse effects of the residual ridge ice.

    Figure 7.49: Displaced External Flow Grid with Residual Ice Obtained by Running ICE3D After CHT (Left: Fluent with Roughness; Right: FENSAP kw-sst with Roughness)

    Displaced External Flow Grid with Residual Ice Obtained by Running ICE3D After CHT (Left: Fluent with Roughness; Right: FENSAP kw-sst with Roughness)

7.5. Piccolo Tube Anti-Icing in Wet Air Using CFX

This tutorial illustrates the procedure to compute the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of a leading edge, which separates the cold wet air flowing over the external skin surface from the hot internal air flow induced by the jet discharging from the orifice of the piccolo tube. A hot jet from the orifice of a piccolo tube heats the inner skin of the leading edge to prevent ice accretion on the outer surface. In this simulation CFX, DROP3D and ICE3D will be used to simulate the external flow conditions. C3D simulates the heat conduction through the solid leading edge skin and CFX will be used to simulate the internal flow.

This tutorial has the same flow conditions as Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing) for both external and internal flow domains and consists of the following sequential steps.

  1. Compute the external cold air flow, using CFX.

  2. Compute the internal hot air flow, using CFX.

  3. Compute the external droplet impingement (constant source of droplets).

  4. Compute an initial water film on the surface (for a few seconds only).

  5. Conjugate heat transfer across all domains (without CFX roughness option enabled).

  6. Conjugate heat transfer across all domains (with CFX roughness option enabled).

  7. Compute ice accretion after CHT (without CFX roughness option enabled).

  8. Compute ice accretion after CHT (with CFX roughness option enabled).

7.5.1. Initial External Flow Calculation

  1. Using FENSAP-ICE, create a new project and name it PICCOLO_CFX. Select the metric unit system. Close FENSAP-ICE.

  2. Go to the project folder, PICCOLO_CFX, and create a new sub folder called INITIAL-AIR. Copy the provided CFX file, CFX-piccolo-ext.cfx , from the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT to this new folder and launch CFX-Pre.

    Note:  On Windows, CFX-Pre can be launched by going to StartAll ProgramsANSYS 2024 R2CFX 2024 R2.

    Figure 7.50: External Mesh (Left: Symmetric Plane; Right: Surface Walls)

    External Mesh (Left: Symmetric Plane; Right: Surface Walls)

  3. In the Ansys CFX 2024 R2 Launcher, set the Working Directory to ../PICCOLO_CFX/INITIAL-AIR. Click the CFX-Pre icon below the launcher’s main menu to launch CFX.

  4. Click FileOpen Case... from Ansys CFX-MeshCFX-Pre’s main menu and select the file CFX-piccolo-ext.cfx to open it in CFX-Pre.

  5. Expand SimulationMaterials under the Outline tree view. Double-click the Air Ideal Gas icon to open the Material: Air Ideal Gas main tab. Go to its sub tab Material Properties and modify the air properties as shown in the table below:

    Molar Mass28.966 kg/kgmol
    Specific Heat Capacity1004.688 J/kg-K
    Dynamic Viscosity1.667512e-05 kg/m-s
    Thermal Conductivity0.02325338 W/m-K

    Click Apply then OK to close the Material: Air Ideal Gas tab and save the new air properties.

    Note:  Thermal conductivity and viscosity are computed from these equations which are presented in the FENSAP-ICE User Manual and shown below.

    In these equations, refers to the ambient air static temperature, and , and are respectively equal to 0.00216176 W/m/K3/2, 288 K and 17.9*10-6 Pa s.

  6. Expand SimulationFlow Analysis 1 under the Outline tree view. Double-click its sub section Default Domain to open the Domain: Default Domain tab and to edit the domain settings.

    • In its sub tab Basic Settings, change the Material to Air Ideal Gas and the Reference Pressure to 0 Pa.

    • In its sub tab Fluid Models, under Heat Transfer, set the Option to Total Energy and enable Incl. Viscous Work Term. Under Turbulence, set the Option to Shear Stress Transport.

    Click Apply then OK to save the new settings and close the main tab.

  7. Expand SimulationFlow Analysis 1Default Domain to set boundary conditions of the domain:

    • Double-click to edit the farfield boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Inlet. Hold the Ctrl key to select the pressure far field 4 and pressure farfield 5 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab,

        • Set the Flow Regime Option to Subsonic.

        • Set the Mass and Momentum Option to Cart. Vel.Componets with [U, V, W] components of [51.03, 0, 0] m/s.

        • Set Turbulence Option to Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio with a Fractional Intensity of 0.0008 and an Eddy Viscosity Ratio of 1e-5.

        • Set the Heat Transfer Option to Static Temperature and the Static Temperature to 263.15 K.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the outlet boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Outlet. Select the pressure outlet 8 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Flow Regime Option to Subsonic. Set the Mass and Momentum Option to Static Pressure and the Relative Pressure to 101 325 Pa.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the wall_cht boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Wall. Select wall 6 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Mass and Momentum Option to No Slip Wall, Wall Roughness Option to Smooth Wall, and Heat Transfer Option to Temperature with a Fixed Temperature value of 274.446 K.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the wall_end boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Wall. Select wall 7 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Mass and Momentum Option to No Slip Wall, Wall Roughness Option to Smooth Wall, and Heat Transfer Option to Temperature with a Fixed Temperature value of 274.446 K.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the symmetry boundary condition. In the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Symmetry. Select symmetry 9 from the drop-down box of Location.

    Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

  8. Expand SimulationFlow Analysis 1Solver and double-click to edit the Solver Control. Under its sub tab Basic Settings, do the following:

    • Set the Advection Scheme Option and Turbulence Numerics Option to High Resolution;

    • Under Convergence Control, set the Min. Iterations to 1 and Max. Iterations to 1000;

    • Under Fluid Timescale Control, set the Timescale Control to Auto Timescale, Length Scale Option to Conservative, and Timescale Factor to a value of 1;

    • Under Convergence Criteria, set the Residual Type to RMS and Residual Target to a value of 1e-20.

    Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

  9. Expand Simulation Control and double-click to edit Execution Control. Under its sub tab Run Definition, do the following:

    • Under the Input File Settings, set the Solver Input File to CFX-piccolo-ext.def;

    • Under Run Settings, set Type of Run to Full and enable Double Precision;

    • Under Parallel Environment, set the Run Mode to Intel MPI Local Parallel and assign 4 to the Number of Processes.

    Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

  10. Click FileSave Case As from the main menu to save and browse to overwrite the CFX-piccolo-ext.cfx file under the sub folder INITIAL-AIR.

  11. Click the Define Run icon   from the main tool bar to proceed with the simulation. Click Yes to bring up the Define Run , then Start Run to launch the run.

  12. Once the simulation is completed, a new file, CFX-piccolo-ext_001.res, will be automatically saved inside the working directory, ../PICCOLO_CFX/INITIAL-AIR. The following shows the converging history of the external airflow simulation with CFX.

    Figure 7.51: Convergent History of External Airflow Simulation

    Convergent History of External Airflow Simulation

    The following figures compare the CFX external airflow solution to FENSAP/Fluent kw-sst airflow solution.

    Figure 7.52: Initial External Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent Launcher.; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent Launcher.; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.53: Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.54: Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.55: Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial External Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Note:  To appropriately compare the results of this CHT anti-icing simulation using CFX with the kw-sst turbulence model, another CHT anti-icing simulation using FENSAP with its own kw-sst turbulence model was conducted. Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing) uses the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and therefore its results are not suitable to make proper comparisons. Results and comparisons of all kw-sst cases are presented throughout this tutorial and show that CFX and FENSAP/Fluent produce similar CHT results.

7.5.2. Initial Internal Flow Calculation

  1. Copy the CFX file, CFX-piccolo-int.cfx, from the tutorial’s subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT to the INITIAL-AIR folder.

  2. Go back to the Ansys CFX 2024 R2 Launcher. Click the CFX-Pre icon below the main menu to launch CFX-Pre.

  3. Click FileOpen Case... from CFX-Pre’s main menu and select the file CFX-piccolo-int.cfx to open it in CFX-Pre.

    Figure 7.56: Internal Geometry and Mesh

    Internal Geometry and Mesh

  4. Expand SimulationMaterials under the Outline tree view. Double-click the Air Ideal Gas icon to open the Material: Air Ideal Gas main tab. Go to its sub tab Material Properties and modify the air properties as shown in the table below:

    Molecular Height28.966kg/kgmol
    Specific Heat Capacity1004.688J/kg-K
    Dynamic Viscosity2.010212e-05kg/m-s
    Thermal Conductivity0.02830653W/m-K

    Click Apply then OK to close the Material: Air Ideal Gas tab and save the new air properties.

    Note:  Thermal conductivity and viscosity are computed from these equations which are presented in the FENSAP-ICE User Manual and shown below.

    In these equations, refers to the ambient air static temperature, and , and are respectively equal to 0.00216176 W/m/K3/2, 288 K and 17.9*10-6 Pa s.

  5. Expand SimulationFlow Analysis 1 under the Outline tree view. Double-click its sub section Default Domain to open the Domain: Default Domain tab and to edit the domain settings:

    • In its sub tab Basic Settings, change the Material to Air Ideal Gas and the Reference Pressure to 0 Pa.

    • In its sub tab Fluid Models, under Heat Transfer, set the Option to Total Energy and enable Incl. Viscous Work Term under Turbulence and set the Option to Shear Stress Transport.

    Click Apply then OK to save the new settings and close the main tab.

  6. Expand SimulationFlow Analysis 1Default Domain to set boundary conditions of the domain:

    • Double-click to edit the inlet boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Inlet. Select velocity inlet 4 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab:

        • Set the Flow Regime Option to Supersonic.

        • Set the Mass and Momentum Option to Cart. Vel. & Pressure with a Rel. Static Pres. value of 101 502.4 Pa and [U, V, W] components of [-345.107471232, -125.608847151, 0] m/s.

        • Set Turbulence Option to Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio with a Fractional Intensity of 0.0008 and an Eddy Viscosity Ratio of 1e-5.

        • Set the Heat Transfer Option to Static Temperature and the Static Temperature to 335.4 K.

        Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the outlet boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Outlet. Select the pressure outlet 8 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Flow Regime Option to Subsonic. Set the Mass and Momentum Option to Static Pressure and the Relative Pressure to 101 325 Pa.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the symmetry boundary condition. In the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Symmetry. Select symmetry 9 from the drop-down box of Location. Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the wall_adiabatic boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Wall. Select wall 6 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Mass and Momentum Option to No Slip Wall, Wall Roughness Option to Smooth Wall, and Heat Transfer Option to Adiabatic.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the wall_ext_cht boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Wall. Select wall 5 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Mass and Momentum Option to No Slip Wall, Wall Roughness Option to Smooth Wall, and Heat Transfer Option to Temperature with a Fixed Temperature value of 320 K.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

    • Double-click to edit the wall_int_cht boundary condition.

      1. Under the Basic Settings tab, set the Boundary Type to Wall. Select wall 7 from the drop-down box of Location.

      2. Under the Boundary Details tab, set the Mass and Momentum Option to No Slip Wall, Wall Roughness Option to Smooth Wall, and Heat Transfer Option to Temperature with a Fixed Temperature value of 320 K.

      Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

  7. Expand SimulationFlow Analysis 1Solver and double-click to edit the Solver Control. Under its sub tab Basic Settings, do the following:

    • Set the Advection Scheme Option and Turbulence Numerics Option to High Resolution;

    • Set the Min./Max. Iterations of Convergence Control to 1 and 1000, respectively;

    • Under Fluid Timescale Control, set the Timescale Control to Auto Timescale, Length Scale Option to Conservative, and Timescale Factor to a value of 1000.

    • Under Convergence Criteria, set the Residual Type to RMS and Residual Target to a value of 1e-20.

    • Go to the Advanced Options tab. Enable the Compressibility Control and High Speed Numerics options.

    Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

  8. Expand Simulation Control and double-click to edit Execution Control. Under its sub tab Run Definition, do the following:

    • Under the Input File Settings, set the Solver Input File to CFX-piccolo-int.def;

    • Under Run Settings, set Type of Run to Full and enable the Double Precision option;

    • Under Parallel Environment, set the Run Mode to Intel MPI Local Parallel and assign 4 to the Number of Processes.

    Click Apply then OK to save the settings and close the main tab.

  9. Click FileSave Case As from the main menu and browse to overwrite the CFX-piccolo-int.cfx under the sub folder INITIAL-AIR.

  10. Click the Define Run icon   from the main tool bar to proceed the simulation. Click Yes to bring up the Define Run user interface, then Start Run to launch the run.

  11. Once the simulation is complete, a new file, CFX-piccolo-int_001.res, will be automatically saved inside the working directory, ../PICCOLO_CFX/INITIAL-AIR.

    The following shows the converging history of internal airflow simulation with CFX.

    Figure 7.57: Convergent History of Internal Airflow Simulation

    Convergent History of Internal Airflow Simulation

    Figure 7.58: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Mach Number (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.59: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Pressure (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.60: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Shear Stress (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.61: Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Initial Internal Airflow Results: Surface Heat-flux (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Note:  To appropriately compare the results of this CHT anti-icing simulation using CFX with the kw-sst turbulence model, another CHT anti-icing simulation using FENSAP with its own kw-sst turbulence model was conducted. Piccolo Tube Operating in the Wet Air Regime (Anti-Icing) uses the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and therefore its results are not suitable to make proper comparisons. Results and comparisons of all kw-sst cases are presented throughout this tutorial and show that CFX and FENSAP/Fluent produce similar CHT results.

7.5.3. External Water Droplets Calculation

  1. Open the PICCOLO_CFX project with FENSAP-ICE. Use FileNew run menu or the new run icon to create a new DROP3D run. Name this run DROP3D_ext_CFX.

  2. Right-click the grid icon and select Define. Navigate to the folder, INITIAL-AIR, and select, CFX- piccolo-ext_001.res. Then press Open and a new Grid converter window appears. Accept the default options and click OK or Next.

  3. The Grid converter will now execute. When done, click Finish. The mesh and airflow solution in FENSAP format of CFX res file will now appear in the grid and airsol input sections to the left of the config icon.

  4. Double-click the DROP3D_ext_CFX config icon to edit the input parameters.

  5. Go to the Conditions panel and verify that the Reference conditions and Droplet initial solution contains the information shown as below.

    Note:  When importing the CFX .res file into FENSAP-ICE, the converter takes the CFX air properties at the Inlet boundary conditions as reference conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that you verify that these reference conditions are appropriate to the physical problem that you are solving.

  6. In the Conditions panel, set the following Droplet reference conditions.

    Liquid Water Content1 g/m3
    Droplet diameter20 microns
    Water density1000 kg/m3
  7. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the BC_1000 (Inlet) boundary surface and click Import reference conditions.

  8. Go to the Solver panel. Set the CFL number to 20 and the Maximum number of time steps to 300. Click the Run button. Start the calculation on 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    The following figures show the computed liquid water content and collection efficiency and compare these results against a DROP3D solution obtained from a FENSAP/Fluent kw-sst airflow.

    Figure 7.62: Droplet LWC on the External Flow (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Droplet LWC on the External Flow (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.63: Collection Efficiency on the External Flow (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Collection Efficiency on the External Flow (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

7.5.4. Initial ICE3D Calculation

The goal of this step is not to provide an initial ice shape, but rather to establish a water film on the outer surface of the solid as an initial condition for the wet CHT run.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_ext_CFX.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of DROP3D_ext_CFX onto the config icon of this new run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, the grid of the external domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_ext_CFX run.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Model panel. Change the Icing model to Glaze - Advanced and select Classical in Heat flux type.

  5. Go to the Conditions panel. Set the Recovery factor to 0.9.

  6. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 30 seconds.

  7. Run the calculation on 4 or more CPUs if possible.

7.5.5. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime)

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet_CFX. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Wet air. Select CFX in the Flow Solver (External) and (Internal) settings. Press the OK button to continue with the setup. A tree of coupled CFX, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Right-click the grid icon of fluid_ext and select Define. Navigate to the INITIAL-AIR folder and select the CFX-piccolo-ext_001.res file. Then press Open. Select Edit Import to import the settings again. A new Grid converter window.

  3. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_ext run to edit the input parameters. In the CFX configuration window, do the following:

    • Set the Number of iterations to 50;

    • Set the RMS Convergence criteria to 1e-12;

    • Set the correct path to the CFX executable;

    • Set the launch Parameters to “-batch $EXTRA_CFX_ARGS -par-local -part $NCPU”.

      Click OK to close the CFX configuration window.

  4. Drag & drop the config icon from ICE3D_ext_CFX onto the config icon of the ice_ext run in CHT3D_wet_CFX.

  5. Right -click the grid icon of fluid_int and select Define. Navigate to the INITIAL-AIR folder and select the CFX-piccolo-int_001.res file. Press Open. A new Grid converter window appears. Accept the default options and click OK or Next. Once the grid and solution conversions are complete, click Finish to close this window.

    Note:  When the Reference parameters table appears in the Grid converter window, double-check and make sure that the Reference velocity magnitude and the X, Y, and Z-velocity component directions are correct. For this case, the following values should be used:

  6. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_int run to edit the input parameters. In the CFX configuration window, do the following:

    • Set the Number of iterations to 50;

    • Set the RMS Convergence criteria to 1e-12;

    • Set the correct path to the CFX executable;

    • Set the launch Parameters to “-batch $EXTRA_CFX_ARGS -par-local -part $NCPU”. Click OK to close the CFX configuration window.

  7. To set up the solid run in CHT3D_wet_CFX, double-click the grid_material icon and select the file piccolo_solid provided under the tutorials subdirectory CHT.

  8. Go to the Settings panel. Set the Temperature value to 300 K (26.85 °C). This will be the initial temperature throughout the solid domain.

  9. Go to the Properties panel. Click the Rename button to change the material name from default to duralumin. Specify the following characteristics for the material:

    Density2787 kg/m3
    Conductivity164 W/m/K
    Enthalpy241060 J/kg
  10. Go to the Materials panel. Since duralumin is the only material in the solid domain, the label MAT_0 will be automatically assigned to it.

  11. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the outer surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2001: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2002: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2004: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2005: Set Thermal BC definition to Flux Type and Heat flux to 0 W/m2

    • BC_2006: Set Thermal BC definition to Flux Type and Heat flux to 0 W/m2

    • BC_2007: Set Thermal BC definition to Flux Type and Heat flux to 0 W/m2

    • BC_4100: Set Thermal BC definition to Flux Type and Heat flux to 0 W/m2

    • BC_4300: Set Thermal BC definition to Flux Type and Heat flux to 0 W/m2

      Note:  CHT3D will automatically update the boundary conditions on BC_2001, BC_2002, and BC_2004 during the simulation.

  12. Go to the Solver panel. Select Constant from the Time step drop-down menu. Set the Time step value to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 5 seconds. At each CHT3D iteration, heat conduction will be computed for 5 seconds. Close and save this configuration.

  13. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_CFX to set up the links between the solid and fluid domains.

    Figure 7.64: The 3 Computational Domains: Blue (External), Red (Internal), Green (Solid). Right: Stagnation Point

    The 3 Computational Domains: Blue (External), Red (Internal), Green (Solid). Right: Stagnation Point

  14. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations (loops) to 30 and Solution output every 0 seconds (default value).

  15. Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode pull-down menu for both external and internal flow.

  16. Go to the Interfaces panel. There are three fluid/solid interfaces in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these three interfaces. Set up the interfaces as follows:

    For External to Solid: There is only one interface between the external domain and the solid. Set the interface boundaries as follows:

    • External fluid grid: 2000: wall_cht

    • Solid grid: 2001

      For Solid to Internal: There are two interfaces between the solid and the internal domain. Set the first interface as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2002

    • Internal fluid grid: 2001: wall_ext_cht

      Then click   next to Interface label of Solid to Internal to add the third interface and set it as follows:

    • Solid grid: 2004

    • Internal fluid grid: 2002: wall_int_cht

  17. Go to the Temperatures panel. Set the External Surface recovery temperature to 264.316 K (-8.834 °C). Set the Internal adiabatic stagnation temperature to 402.52 K (129.37 °C).

    Note:  The value of the External Surface recovery temperature is computed by applying a recovery factor of 0.9 on the total temperature of the external airflow. The value of the Internal adiabatic stagnation temperature is the total air temperature at the jet hole of the internal domain. Both values are used as reference temperatures, for the external and internal domains respectively, during a CHT simulation.

  18. Close and save the configuration.

  19. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_CFX, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible, and launch the calculation.

    This simulation takes a substantial amount of time to complete.

    Figure 7.65: Convergence History of the Maximum Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Convergence History of the Maximum Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.66: Convergence History of the Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Convergence History of the Minimum (Right) Solid Wall Temperatures (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.67: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.68: Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.69: Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

7.5.6. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime) With Surface Roughness

If ice is expected to form during a CHT simulation (due to insufficient heating or as designed), you should impose a sand-grain roughness over the contaminated surfaces. In this manner, the shape and the thickness of the ice will be more accurately represented over these zones. In CHT3D, this is done by enabling the surface roughness option in the main configuration window. Since roughness changes the turbulence and velocity profiles which consequently change the heat fluxes and shear stresses, the full Navier-Stokes equation should be solved on the external domain during CHT iterations. Roughness will be applied only in regions where the instantaneous ice growth rate is non-zero, while the rest of the surface remains smooth.

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet_CFX_with_roughness. The CHT configuration window will appear to prompt for the type of CHT simulation desired. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Wet air. Select CFX in the Flow Solver (External) and (Internal) settings. Click OK to continue with the setup. A tree of coupled CFX, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of CHT3D_wet_CFX onto the config icon of the main CHT3D_wet_CFX_with_roughness run, and click the Full copy button. This will copy all the necessary input files and parameters for the current simulation.

  3. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_CFX_with_Roughness to open the configuration window.

  4. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations to 30 and Solution output every 0 iterations (default value).

  5. Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode – external pull-down menu.

  6. Set the Ice roughness to Specified height and enter 0.0005 meters (default value). Choose the Solve full Navier-Stokes option in the Flow solver mode – internal pull-down menu.

  7. Click Close and Save the current run settings.

  8. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet_CFX_with_Roughness. Select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible.

    Figure 7.70: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.71: Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Water Film Thickness on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Figure 7.72: Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Instantaneous Ice Growth on the External Surface (ICE3D) (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    From the heat transfer point of view on the protected zone, there is not much difference between this case and the previous one. The actual difference will be visible when the ice shape after CHT is computed in the next sections.

7.5.7. Ice Accretion After CHT

After the CHT computation is complete, the rate at which ice will accrete can be assessed by looking at the Instantaneous Ice Growth data field in the ICE3D solution file swimsol. However, the amount of ice can be visualized by performing a post-CHT ICE3D simulation.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext section of the CHT3D_wet_CFX simulation onto this new ICE3D run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, heat fluxes, grid of the external domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 2400 seconds.

  5. Go to the Out panel. Set the Time between solution output to 2400 seconds. This will only output and write the final solution.

  6. Run the calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

Figure 7.73: Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds with the Hot Air IPS Turned On (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

7.5.8. Ice Accretion After CHT With Roughness

After the CHT computation is done, the rate at which ice will accrete can be assessed by looking at the Instantaneous Ice Growth data field in the ICE3D solution file swimsol. However, the amount of ice can be visualized by performing a post-CHT ICE3D simulation.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX_with_roughness.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext section of the CHT3D_wet_CFX_with_roughness simulation onto this new ICE3D run. This operation automatically links the air and droplet solutions, heat fluxes, grid of the external domain and the reference conditions into the ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX_with_roughness.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 2400 seconds.

  5. In the Out panel, set the Time between solution output to 2400 seconds. This will only output and write the final solution. Select Yes from the drop-down menu of the Generate displaced grid option to get the displaced-iced grid for additional flow computations (optional).

  6. Run the calculation. Use 4 or more CPUs if possible.

    Note:  To compare the ice shapes obtained without and with roughness in CHT, first load the ice shape of ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX. Go back to the project window and right-click the swimsol icon of the ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX_with_roughness run. Choose View ICE and load it in a new window. Next, click the View ICE button of the current run and Append. The two grids should be loaded with the ice shapes on them. Split the screen to put the data sets on either side of the view.

    Figure 7.74: Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds With the Hot Air Ips Turned On, With Roughness (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

    Residual Ice Shape Accreted for 2400 Seconds With the Hot Air Ips Turned On, With Roughness (Left: CFX; Middle: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

  7. To view the displaced external flow grid, right-click the grid_disp icon of the ICE3D_post_CHT_CFX_with_roughness run and select View with VIEWMERICAL.

    Note:  The displaced grid can be used for performance analysis to see the adverse effects of the residual ridge ice.

7.6. Unsteady Electro-Thermal De-icing in Wet Air

This tutorial illustrates the procedure for computing Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of the leading edge of a wing heated by electro-thermal pads. The CHT analysis is performed in wet air.

7.6.1. Initial External Flow Calculation

  1. Create a new project using FileNew project menu or the New project icon and name it DEICER. Select the metric unit system.

  2. Create a new FENSAP run using FileNew run menu or the new run icon and name it FENSAP_ext.

  3. Double-click the grid icon and select the grid file deicer_ext provided in the tutorials subdirectory DEICER. The hexahedral mesh is composed of 66,080 elements and 133,318 nodes.

    Figure 7.75: Grid of the External Flow Domain

    Grid of the External Flow Domain

  4. Double-click the config icon of the FENSAP_ext run to edit the input parameters for the external flow calculation.

  5. Go to the Model panel and select the Navier-Stokes option for the Momentum equations and Full PDE for the Energy equation.

  6. Select the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and set the Eddy/laminar viscosity ratio to a very low value, 1e-5.

  7. Select the Specified sand-grain roughness option in the Surface roughness section and set the roughness height to 0.0005 m.

    Note:  As opposed to anti-icing runs, deicing runs do contain ice formation, therefore roughness should be enabled in the flow solver to account for the iced surface roughness effects on heat fluxes.

  8. Go to the Conditions panel and set the following Reference conditions:

    Characteristic length 0.9144 m
    Air velocity 44.704 m/s
    Air static pressure 101325 Pa
    Air static temperature 266.483 K (-6.667 °C)
  9. In order to reduce the amount of time required to run this tutorial, a converged external flow solution can be found in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/DEICER. Change the Initial solution option from Velocity components to Solution restart and select the solution file deicer_ext_restart.

    Note:  To start this calculation without a restart solution file, select the Velocity components option from the Initial solution submenu and set the Velocity X to 44.704 m/s. The remaining velocity components should be set to 0 m/s.

  10. Go to the Boundaries panel, select the inlet boundary BC_1001 and choose Supersonic or far-field in Type section. Click the Import reference conditions button to set the Inlet conditions. Assign Velocity X to 44.704 m/s and the remaining velocity components to 0 m/s.

  11. Select the wall boundary BC_2001 that corresponds to the protected region on the leading edge, and set its Temperature value to 288 K (14.85 °C).

    Note:  Temperature must be imposed on the leading edge in order to compute an initial nonzero heat flux to start the CHT calculation. This temperature is automatically updated during the CHT3D loop.

  12. Repeat the same procedure for the wall boundaries BC_2008 and BC_2009, which are the two unprotected sections of the wing.

  13. Go to the Solver panel. Choose the Steady option in the Time integration section. Set the CFL number value to 100 and Maximum number of time steps value to 1. Uncheck the Use variable relaxation option. In the Artificial viscosity option, select Streamline upwind and set the Cross-wind dissipation value to 1e-09. FENSAP will restart from the restart solution file, deicer_ext_restart, and write all the output files required for the CHT3D simulation.

    Note:  To start this calculation without a restart solution file, set the Maximum number of time steps to 1200.

  14. In the Out panel, set the solution write frequency to every 20 iterations to be able to visualize convergence of total heat flux in the Graphs panel during execution.

  15. Click the Run button at the bottom of the window to go to the execution environment and run this restart calculation on 4 processors. The solution look like the one shown in the following figure.

    Figure 7.76: Mach Number Contours, External Domain

    Mach Number Contours, External Domain

7.6.2. External Water Droplets Calculation

  1. Create a new DROP3D run using the FileNew run menu or the new run icon and name it DROP3D_ext.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the FENSAP_ext run onto the config icon of the new DROP3D run.

  3. Double-click the DROP3D_ext config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Conditions panel and set the following Droplet reference conditions:

    Liquid Water Content 0.78 g/m3
    Droplet Diameter 20 microns
  5. To reduce the amount of time required to run this tutorial, a converged droplet solution can be found in the tutorials subdirectory DEICER. In the Droplets initial solution section, change the Velocity components option to Solution restart and select the solution file deicer_droplet_restart.

    Note:  To start this calculation without a restart solution file, select the Velocity components option from the Droplets initial solution submenu and set the Velocity X component to 44.704 m/s. The remaining velocity components should be set to 0 m/s.

  6. Go to the Boundaries panel, select the Inlet boundary BC_1001 and click the Import reference conditions button.

  7. Go to the Solver panel, set the Maximum number of time steps to 1.

    Note:  To start this calculation without a restart solution file, keep the default CFL number and Maximum number of time steps as 20 and 120, respectively.

  8. Click the Run button at the bottom of the window to go to the execution environment and run this restart calculation on 4 processors. The collection efficiency distribution should look very similar to the one shown in the following figure. If running without a restart, check the Total Beta and Change in total Beta graphs to follow the convergence process.

    Figure 7.77: Collection Efficiency

    Collection Efficiency

7.6.3. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime)

  1. Create a new CHT3D run using the FileNew run menu or the new run icon and name it CHT3D_deicer.

  2. The CHT configuration window opens and prompts for the type of CHT simulation:

    • Select Electro-thermal (1 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu.

    • Select Wet air

    • Select the De-icing option in the Icing mode pull-down menu.

  3. Click the OK button to continue with the set-up. A hierarchy of coupled FENSAP, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

  4. To configure the external flow run, drag & drop the configuration icon of the previous FENSAP_ext run onto the configuration icon of the fluid_ext run in CHT3D_deicer. The convective heat transfer will be based on the heat transfer coefficients computed during the initial FENSAP run.

  5. To configure the ice accretion run, drag & drop the config icon of the previous DROP3D_ext run onto the configuration icon of the ice_ext run.

  6. Double-click the config icon of the ice_ext run to configure the parameters. In the Model panel, select Classical for the Heat flux type under Icing model; in the Conditions panel, set the Recovery factor value to 0.9, then close the configuration panel and save the changes.

  7. To configure the solid run in CHT3D_deicer, double-click the grid icon and select the file deicer_solid provided in the tutorial subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/DEICER.

  8. Double-click the config icon of the solid run to edit the input parameters for heat conduction.

  9. Go to the Settings panel. Set Temperature to 264.15 K (-9 °C). This is the initial temperature throughout the solid domain.

  10. Go to the Properties panel. Define four materials with the following characteristics:

    • Erosion shield

      Density 8025.25 kg/m3
      Conductivity 16.26 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 137234.93 J/kg
    • Elastomer

      Density 1383.9552 kg/m3
      Conductivity 0.2561 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 343087.33 J/kg
    • Fiberglass/epoxy

      Density 1794 kg/m3
      Conductivity 0.294 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 428859.16 J/kg
    • Silicone foam

      Density 648.75 kg/m3
      Conductivity 0.121 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 308778.6 J/kg
  11. Go to the Materials panel. Select the Material type for each region of the grid:

    • MAT 1 = Erosion shield

    • MAT 2 = Elastomer

    • MAT 3 = Fiber glass/epoxy

    • MAT 4 = Silicone foam

  12. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the outer surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2001: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2002: Select Mixed type for Thermal BC definition and set the Temperature to 266.48333 K (-6.66667 °C) and the Heat coefficient to 100 W/m2/K

    • BC_4000: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_4300: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_6001: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6002: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6003: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6004: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6005: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6006: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6007: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

      Note:   CHT3D will automatically apply interface boundary conditions on BC_2001 during the simulation.

  13. Go to the Cycles panel. The de-icing simulation consists of 5 cycles of activation and de-activation of heater pads. Each cycle lasts 120 seconds and has the following properties:

    BC TypeStart at (s)Duration (s)Heat Flux (W/m2)
    Heater 1 (BC_6001) 01207750
    Heater 2 (BC_6002) 1001015500
    Heater 3 (BC_6003) 1001015500
    Heater 4 (BC_6004) 1101012400
    Heater 5 (BC_6005) 1101012400
    Heater 6 (BC_6006) 1101012400
    Heater 7 (BC_6007) 1101012400

    To create and configure one single de-icing cycle from the above table, inside the Cycles submenu, click the   button next to Cycle to create a new cycle, the default name is Cycle A. Set the Duration of Cycle A to 120 seconds and press Enter.

    Note:  When a new cycle is created, a default Duration of 10 seconds will be assigned and a heater from the drop box of BC, in Current selection, will be pre-selected as the default heater.

    Under Current selection, do the following:

    • Select Heater 1 from the drop box of BC. Change the unit of Start from % to s and set its value to 0. Change the unit of Duration from % to s and set its value to 120 seconds. Make sure Constant is selected in the drop box of Heat Flux and set the heat flux value to 7750 W/m2. This configures the properties of Heater 1 in the table above.

    • Click the   button above the Current selection section to (create) define another heater for Cycle A. Select Heater 2 from the drop box of BC. Refer to the properties of Heater 2 in the table above and repeat the same steps of Heater 1 to continue to set up Heater 2.

    • Repeat the same steps to define and to set up the rest of the heaters in the table above.

    The figure below shows the final configuration of one de-icing cycle.

    Note:  The green bars in the figure above illustrate how heaters behave within a de-icing cycle. Clicking on each bar will update the properties in the Current selection for the selected heater.

    In the Sequence submenu, set Cycles to A and the Repetitions to 5 as Cycle A is repeated 5 times. In this manner, the Total time of the de-icing simulation is 600 seconds.

  14. Click Close to save the configuration file and close the window.

  15. Double-click the main config icon of the CHT3D_deicer run to define the common interfaces between the solid and fluid domains.

  16. Go to the Parameters panel. Use the table shown below to configure the parameters of the Run parameters submenu.

    Time stepping Automatic
    Maximum time step 0.5 seconds - This is the de-icing simulation time step.
    Unsteady total time 600 seconds - This is the total de-icing simulation time.
    Icing sub-iterations 1000
    Iter. Per time step 10 - This is the number of CHT loops per time step.
    Solution output every 1 seconds - To save all solutions of de-icing simulation every second.
  17. Go to the Interfaces panel. There is only one fluid/solid interface in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these two interfaces. Set up the interface as follows:

    • External fluid: 2001

    • Solid: 2001

  18. Click the Close button to save the configuration and close the window.

  19. To launch CHT3D, right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_deicer, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. In the execution environment, set the number of CPUs to 4 for ICE3D and C3D.

    Note:  The simulation progress can be monitored in the Log and Graphs panels.

7.6.4. Results of Simulation

The following graph shows the history of the maximum temperature of the solid domain throughout the simulation.

Figure 7.78: Solid Maximum Temperature Change with Time

Solid Maximum Temperature Change with Time

The following graph shows the history of the temperature at three locations on the surface and compares them to experimental data.

Figure 7.79: Comparison of Heater Temperatures with Experiment

Comparison of Heater Temperatures with Experiment

The following figures show snapshots of the leading edge solid temperature distribution as well as the ice layer at four distinct times.

Figure 7.80: Residual Ice Shape and Solid Temperature at (a) 100, (b) 110, (c) 120 and (d) 220 Seconds

Residual Ice Shape and Solid Temperature at (a) 100, (b) 110, (c) 120 and (d) 220 Seconds

7.7. Unsteady Electro-Thermal De-icing in Wet Air Using Fluent with FENSAP-ICE

This tutorial illustrates the procedure for computing Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of the leading edge of a wing heated by electro-thermal pads. The CHT analysis is performed in wet air.

7.7.1. Initial External Flow Calculation

  1. Using the FENSAP-ICE interface, create a new project using FileNew project menu or the New project icon and name it as DEICER_FLUENT. Select the metric unit system.

  2. Go to the project folder, DEICER_FLUENT, and create a new sub folder INITIAL-AIR. Copy the provided Fluent case file, FLUENT-deicer_ext.cas.h5, from the tutorials subdirectory DEICER to this new folder and launch Fluent.

    Note:  In Windows, Fluent can be launched by going to StartAll ProgramsANSYS 2024 R2Fluid DynamicsFluent 2024 R2.

  3. In the Fluent Launcher window, select Dimension as 3D, pick Double Precision under Options, and assign 2 to 4 CPUs under Solver Processes. Click Show More Options. Under General Options, set your Working Directory to the INITIAL-AIR directory. Press Start to close the Fluent Launcher.

    Note:  Select Serial under Processing Options to run the simulation using a single processor or CPU if multiple processes are not available.

    Figure 7.81: Grid of the External Flow Domain

    Grid of the External Flow Domain

  4. Read the case file by going to the FileReadCase menu and browse to and select the Fluent case file, FLUENT-deicer_ext.cas.h5, located inside the sub folder INITIAL-AIR.

  5. From the top bar menu, select Physics. Make sure the Solver is set to Pressure-Based, Absolute, and Steady. Click the Operating Conditions. Set the Operating Pressure to 0 Pa. Press OK to close the Operation Conditions window.

  6. Expand the SetupMaterialFluid from the side tree menu. Double-click air and modify its properties. The table below describes the air properties to be imposed in this simulation.

    Density Ideal-gas
    Cp 1004.688 J/kg-K
    Thermal Conductivity 0.23499201E-01 W/m-K
    Viscosity 1.68424887e-05 kg/m-s
    Molecular Weight 28.966 kg/kgmol

    Click the Change/Create button and Close this window to save the new air properties.

    Note:  Thermal conductivity and viscosity are computed from these equations which are presented in the FENSAP-ICE User Manual and shown below:

    In these equations, T∞ refers to the ambient air static temperature, and C1, Tref and µref are equal to 0.00216176 W/m/K3/2, 288 K and 17.9*10-6 Pa s respectively.

  7. Expand and double-click SetupModelsViscous from the side tree menu. Select the k-omega (2 eqn) option in the opened Viscous Model interface and then select k-omega ModelSST. Make sure that Viscous Heating and Production Limiter are activated in the Options section. In the Model Constants section, drag the scroll bar down and set Energy Prandtl Number and Wall Prandtl Number values to 0.9. Click OK to close this menu.

  8. Expand and double-click SetupModelsEnergy from the side tree menu. Ensure that Energy is turned on.

  9. Expand and double-click SetupBoundary Conditions from the side tree menu. In the Task Page, click Periodic Conditions and set the Flow Direction vector (X, Y, Z) to (0, 0, 1). Then close this window.

  10. In the Task PageBoundary Conditions list, double-click pressure-far-field-4 and configure the below:

    • Momentum panel

      Gauge Pressure 101325 Pa
      Mach Number 0.1366048
      X, Y and Z-Components of Flow Direction 1, 0, 0
      Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
      Turbulence Intensity 0.08%
      Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 1e-5
    • Thermal panel

      Temperature 266.483 K
    • Double-click wall-5 and configure the Momentum panel as follows

      Wall Motion Stationary Wall  
      Shear Condition No Slip
      Wall Roughness (Roughness Models) High Roughness (Icing)
      Specified Roughness
      Roughness Height (m) 0.0005
      Roughness Constant 0.5
    • Thermal panel

      Temperature 288 K
  11. Expand and double-click SetupReference Values from the side tree menu. In the Task Page window, use the Compute from drop-down menu to select pressure-far-field-4.

  12. Expand and double-click SolutionMethods from the side tree menu. Set Pressure-Velocity Coupling to Coupled. In the Spatial Discretization section, set the Gradient to Green-Gauss Node Based and the remaining settings to Second Order or Second Order Upwind. Enable Pseudo Transient and High Order Term Relaxation.

  13. Expand and double-click SolutionMonitorsResidual from the side tree menu. In the Residual Monitors window, make sure that the Print to Console and the Plot are enabled. Disable all check box below the Convergence column. Close this window once this is done.

  14. Expand and double-click SolutionInitialization from the side tree menu. In the Task Page window, select Hybrid Initialization under Initialization Methods. Click the Initialize button to initialize the computational domain.

  15. Expand and double-click SolutionRun Calculation from the side tree menu. Under the Pseudo Transient Options, set the Time Step Method to Automatic and the Timescale Factor to 1. Enter 3000 as the total Number of Iterations and click Calculate to start the simulation.

  16. Once the simulation is complete, save the new Fluent solutions in FileWriteCase & Data. Name this simulation as FLUENT-deicer_ext.cas.h5/dat.h5.

    Figure 7.82: Mach Number Contours, External Domain

    Mach Number Contours, External Domain

7.7.2. External Water Droplets Calculation

  1. Go back to the FENSAP-ICE project folder DEICER_FLUENT and create a new DROP3D run using the FileNew run menu or the new run icon. Name this run DROP3D_ext_FLUENT.

  2. Right-click the grid icon and select the Define option. Navigate to the folder INITIAL-AIR and select FLUENT-deicer_ext.cas.h5. Press Open and a new Grid converter window appears. Accept the default options and click OK or Next. Once the grid and solution conversions are completed, click the Finish button to close this window.

  3. Double-click the DROP3D_ext_FLUENT config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Conditions panel and set the following Droplet reference conditions:

    Liquid Water Content 0.78 g/m3
    Droplet diameter 20 microns
  5. To reduce the amount of time required to run this tutorial, a converged droplet solution can be found in the tutorials subdirectory DEICER. In the Droplets initial solution section, change the Velocity components option to Solution restart and select the solution file FLUENT-deicer_droplet_restart.

    Note:  To start this calculation without a restart solution file, select the Velocity components option from the Droplets initial solution submenu and set the Velocity X component to 44.704 m/s. The remaining velocity components should be set to 0 m/s.

  6. Go to the Boundaries panel, select the Inlet boundary BC_1001 and click the Import reference conditions button. Make sure the Velocity X component is 44.704 m/s and the remaining velocity components are set to 0 m/s.

  7. Go to the Solver panel, set the Maximum number of time steps to 1.

    Note:  To start this calculation without a restart solution file, set the CFL number to 20 and the Maximum number of time steps to 800. Double-click the Advanced solver settings bar, change the Convergence level to 1e-10 and the Change in total beta to 1e-12.

  8. Click the Run button at the bottom of the window to go to the execution environment and run this restart calculation on 4 processors. The collection efficiency distribution should be very similar to the one shown in the following figure.

    Figure 7.83: Collection Efficiency

    Collection Efficiency

7.7.3. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime)

  1. Inside the DEICER_FLUENT project, create a new CHT3D run using the FileNew run menu or the new run icon. Name this run CHT3D_deicer_FLUENT.

  2. The CHT configuration window opens and prompts for the type of CHT simulation to conduct:

    • Select Electro-thermal (1 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu.

    • Select Wet air

    • Select the De-icing option in the Icing mode pull-down menu.

  3. Click the OK button to continue with the set-up. A hierarchy of coupled FENSAP, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

    Note:  In FENSAP-ICE 2024 R2, the de-icing mode of CHT3D doesn’t naturally support Fluent as the external flow run. CHT3D does not directly support a hierarchy of coupled Fluent, ICE3D and C3D runs. A work around is shown in the next step.

  4. To configure the external flow run, do the following:

    Drag & drop the grid and airsol icons of previous the DROP3D_ext_FLUENT run onto the grid and airsol icons of fluid_ext respectively.

    Right-click the heatflux icon of fluid_ext and select Define. Navigate to the INITIAL-AIR folder and select FLUENT-deicer_ext.hflux;

    Right-click the forces icon of fluid_ext and select Define. Navigate to the INITIAL-AIR folder and select FLUENT-deicer_ext.surface;

    Double-click the config icon of fluid_ext and configure as follows:

    • Model panel

      Select Navier-Stokes from the drop box of the Momentum equations and K-omega SST from the drop box of the Turbulence model. Set Eddy/Laminar viscosity ratio value to 1e-5 and Turbulence intensity to 0.0008.

    • Conditions panel

      Characteristic length 0.9144 m
      Air velocity 44.704 m/s
      Air static pressure 101325 Pa
      Air static temperature 266.483 K (-6.667 °C)
    • Boundaries panel

      Select the inlet boundary pressure-far-field-4 and specify Supersonic or far-field in the Type dropdown. Set the Pressure to 101325 Pa, the Temperature to 266.483 K, and the Velocity components (X, Y, Z) to (44.704, 0, 0) m/s. Press Ctrl + left-click to select wall-5, wall-6, and wall-7 in the Boundary Conditions menu. Set No-slip in Surface type with a Temperature of 288 K.

    • Solver panel

      Set the Cross-wind dissipation to 1e-09 under Artificial viscosity.

    Close the configure panel and save the changes.

  5. To configure the ice accretion run, drag & drop the config icon of the previous DROP3D_ext_FLUENT run onto the config icon of the ice_ext run.

  6. Double-click the config icon of the ice_ext run to configure the parameters. In the Model panel, select Classical for the Heat flux type under Icing model. In the Conditions panel, set the Recovery factor to 0.9, then close the configuration panel and save the changes.

  7. To configure the solid run in CHT3D_deicer, double-click the grid icon and select the file deicer_solid provided in the tutorial subdirectory DEICER.

  8. Double-click the config icon of the solid run to edit the input parameters for heat conduction.

  9. Go to the Settings panel. Set Temperature to 264.15 K (-9 °C). This is the initial temperature throughout the solid domain.

  10. Go to the Properties panel. Define four materials with the following characteristics:

    • Erosion shield

      Density 8025.25 kg/m3
      Conductivity 16.26 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 137234.93 J/kg
    • Elastomer

      Density 1383.9552 kg/m3
      Conductivity 0.2561 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 343087.33 J/kg
    • Fiberglass/epoxy

      Density 1794 kg/m3
      Conductivity 0.294 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 428859.16 J/kg
    • Silicone foam

      Density 648.75 kg/m3
      Conductivity 0.121 W/m/K
      Enthalpy 308778.6 J/kg
  11. Go to the Materials panel. Select the Material type for each region of the grid:

    • MAT 1 = Erosion shield

    • MAT 2 = Elastomer

    • MAT 3 = Fiber glass/epoxy

    • MAT 4 = Silicone foam

  12. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the outer surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2001: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2002: Select Mixed type for Thermal BC definition and set the Temperature to 266.48333 K (-6.66667 °C) and the Heat coefficient to 100 W/m2/K

    • BC_4000: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_4300: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_6001: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6002: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6003: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6004: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6005: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6006: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    • BC_6007: Set the Heat flux to 0 W/m2/K

    CHT3D will automatically apply interface boundary conditions on BC_2001 during the simulation.

  13. Go to the Cycles panel. The de-icing simulation consists of 5 cycles of activation and de-activation of heater pads. Each cycle lasts 120 seconds and has the following properties:

    BC TypeStart at (s)Duration (s)Heat Flux (W/m2)
    Heater 1 (BC_6001) 01207750
    Heater 2 (BC_6002) 1001015500
    Heater 3 (BC_6003) 1001015500
    Heater 4 (BC_6004) 1101012400
    Heater 5 (BC_6005) 1101012400
    Heater 6 (BC_6006) 1101012400
    Heater 7 (BC_6007) 1101012400

    To create and configure one single de-icing cycle from the above table, inside the Cycles submenu, click the   button next to Cycle to create a new cycle, the default name is Cycle A. Set the Duration of Cycle A to 120 seconds and press Enter.

    Note:  When a new cycle is created, a default Duration of 10 seconds will be assigned and a heater from the BC dropdown, in Current selection, will be pre-selected as the default heater.

    Under Current selection, do the following:

    • Select Heater 1 from the BC dropdown. Change the unit of Start from % to s and set its value to 0. Change the unit of Duration from % to s and set its value to 120 seconds. Make sure Constant is selected in the Heat Flux dropdown and set the heat flux value to 7750 W/m2. This configures the properties of Heater 1 in the table above.

    • Click the   button above the Current selection section to (create) define another heater for Cycle A. Select Heater 2 from the BC dropdown. Refer to the properties of Heater 2 in the table above and repeat the same steps of Heater 1 to continue to set up Heater 2.

    • Repeat the same steps to define and to set up the rest of the heaters in the table above.

    The figure below shows the final configuration of one de-icing cycle.

    Note:  The green bars in the figure above illustrate how heaters behave within a de-icing cycle. Clicking on each bar will update the properties in the Current selection for the selected heater.

    In the Sequence submenu, set Cycles to A and the Repetitions to 5 as Cycle A is repeated 5 times. In this manner, the Total time of the de-icing simulation is 600 seconds.

  14. Click Close to save the configuration file and close the window.

  15. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_deicer_FLUENT to define the common interfaces between the solid and fluid domains.

  16. Go to the Parameters panel. Use the table shown below to configure the parameters of the Run parameters submenu.

    Time stepping Automatic -
    Maximum time step 0.5 seconds This is the de-icing simulation time step.
    Unsteady total time 600 seconds This is the total de-icing simulation time.
    Icing sub-iterations 1000 -
    Iter. Per time step 10 This is the number of CHT loops per time step.
    Solution output every 1 seconds To save all solutions of de-icing simulation every second.
  17. Go to the Interfaces panel. There is only one fluid/solid interface in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these two interfaces. Set up the interface as follows:

    • External fluid: 2000: wall-5

    • Solid: 2001

  18. Click the Close button to save the configuration and close the window.

  19. To launch CHT3D, right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_deicer, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. In the execution environment, set the number of CPUs to 4 for ICE3D and C3D.

    Note:  The simulation progress can be monitored in the Log and Graphs panels.

7.7.4. Results of Simulation and Comparison

To appropriately compare the results of this CHT de-icing simulation using Fluent with the kw-sst turbulence model, another CHT de-icing simulation using FENSAP with its own kw-sst turbulence model was conducted. Unsteady Electro-Thermal De-icing in Wet Air uses the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and therefore its results are not suitable to make proper comparisons. Therefore, results and comparisons of both kw-sst cases are presented in this subsection and show that Fluent and FENSAP produce similar CHT results.

The following graph shows the history of the maximum temperature of the solid domain throughout the simulation.

Figure 7.84: Solid Maximum Temperature Change with Time (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

Solid Maximum Temperature Change with Time (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

The following graph shows the history of the temperature at three locations on the surface compared to experimental data.

Figure 7.85: Comparison of Heater Temperatures with Experiment (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

Comparison of Heater Temperatures with Experiment (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

Figure 7.86: Residual Ice Shape and Solid Temperature at (a) 100, (b) 110, (c) 120 and (d) 220 Seconds; (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

Residual Ice Shape and Solid Temperature at (a) 100, (b) 110, (c) 120 and (d) 220 Seconds; (Left: Fluent; Right: FENSAP)

7.8. Electro-Thermal Simulation of a Heating Element

This tutorial demonstrates how to use C3D to compute the current and temperature rise in a heating element. A thermostat is used to regulate the maximum and minimum allowable temperature of the heating element.

  1. Open the FENSAP-ICE graphical interface and create a new project with the FileNew project menu or the New project icon. Name the project c3d_electrothermal_heating. Select the metric unit system.

  2. Create a new C3D run with the FileNew run menu or the new run icon. Name this run HEATING_ELEMENT.

  3. Right-click the grid icon and select the Define option. Navigate to the folder ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/C3D and select c3d_heating_element.grd. Press Open to load the new grid file.

  4. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  5. Go to the Settings panel and set the initial Temperature to 293.15 K. Enable the Electro-thermal model. Place a thermostat by double-clicking the Thermostats title bar and clicking the Add radio button. The X, Y and Z coordinates are -0.0075, -0.01 and -0.004 m respectively. The thermostat position in the computational grid can be seen by clicking on the cube icon located to the right of the Thermostats label.

  6. Go to the Properties panel. Rename the Default material to Alloy. In this case, properties resembling nichrome will be used. Set the following properties for the alloy:

    Table 7.4: Density

    Distribution Constant
    Value 8400 kg/m3

    Table 7.5: Thermal Conductivity

    Distribution Constant
    Value 11.3 W/m/K

    Table 7.6: Enthalpy

    Distribution Constant @ 0 Celsius
    Value 122917.5 J/kg

    Table 7.7: Electrical Conductivity

    Distribution Temperature dependent
    Number of temperature points 3

    Temperature (K) Value (S/m)
    293.15 1596
    588 1441
    1033 1035
  7. Go to the Materials panel. Select the material type for MAT_1 by choosing the Alloy in the Material type drop-down menu. Set the Thermostat to Enabled. Define the Minimum temperature and Maximum temperature as 810 K and 900 K respectively. Skip the Boundaries panel. The boundary settings will be set when defining the heater cycle.

  8. Proceed to the Cycles panel. Click   to add the first cycle, Cycle A. Modify the Duration to 120 s. Change BC in Current selection to Wall 2001. Set Thermal BC to Flux and Heat Flux to a constant value of 0 W/m2. Choose Voltage for Electrical BC and set a constant value of 0 V.

    Add another BC within Cycle A by clicking   located under the cycle table. Select Wall 2002 in the BC drop-down box of Current selection. Modify the Voltage in Electrical BC to 240 V.

    Finally, add the last boundary Wall 2003 by clicking   under the cycle table, set the Heat Flux to -20000 W/m2 to model the heat loss. Set Electrical BC to None.

    In the Sequence section, type cycle name A in the Cycles text box. Use 1 Repetitions, and the Total time should be calculated automatically.

  9. Go to the Solver panel. Set the Time step to Constant. Enter 0.5 seconds in the Time step field and 120 seconds in Total time. Set the Iterations between printout to 20. This prints the solution every 10 seconds.

  10. Click the Run button at the bottom of the window to go to the execution environment. Run this calculation on 4 processors. Set the number of CPU’s to 4 if available and click Start to begin the calculation.

    Figure 7.87: Temperature at T=10s (20 Iterations), T=60s (120 Iterations) and T=110s (220 Iterations)

    Temperature at T=10s (20 Iterations), T=60s (120 Iterations) and T=110s (220 Iterations)

    Figure 7.88: Voltage (Left) and Current Density Vector (Right)

    Voltage (Left) and Current Density Vector (Right)

    Figure 7.89: Maximum and Minimum Temperature Histories

    Maximum and Minimum Temperature Histories

7.9. Axisymmetric Nacelle Anti-Icing System Operating in the Wet Air Regime – Droplets & Crystals

This tutorial illustrates the procedure to use CHT3D to compute the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) through the metal skin of a nacelle lip, which separates the cold wet air flowing over the external skin surface from the hot internal air flow induced by the jet discharging from the orifice of the piccolo tube. To reduce computational effort, a rotational periodic axisymmetric nose cowl and a rotating engine nosecone are considered.

Typical flight conditions for an aircraft in holding configuration are chosen where the engine inlet cowl is subjected to an appendix D icing environment.

FENSAP-ICE’s approach to conjugate heat transfer consists of solving different domains separately, using a weak coupling technique. Therefore, FENSAP, DROP3D and ICE3D will be used to simulate the external cold wet air. C3D simulates the heat conduction through the nose cowl skin and FENSAP will be used to simulate the internal hot air flow.

Note:  CHT3D can couple structured and unstructured grids without any limitations.

Once converged steady-state solutions are obtained on the fluid domains, heat transfer across fluid-solid interfaces are solved such that the temperature in the solid and fluid domains are updated after each CHT loop. This modularized approach provides some advantages:

  1. It allows the work flow to be more streamlined and flexible. Different flow solvers (e.g. Fluent, CFX, etc.) can be used with CHT3D.

  2. It allows for more robust convergence since one is given more freedom to define solver settings for each domain.

  3. The smaller individual grid and solution file size for each domain makes post processing simpler.

Figure 7.90: Exploded View of the Grids for the External, the Solid, and Internal Domains

Exploded View of the Grids for the External, the Solid, and Internal Domains

The tutorial proceeds in three steps:

  1. Computing the external cold air flow with droplets and crystals.

  2. Computing the internal hot air flow.

  3. Conjugate heat transfer across the domains through the inlet cowl (nacelle lip, inner and outer barrel) skin.

7.9.1. Initial External Flow Calculation

  1. Create a new project using FileNew project menu or the New project icon and name it NACELLE_PICCOLO. Select the Metric units system.

  2. Create a FENSAP run in this project using the FileNew run menu or the New run icon and name it FENSAP_ext.

  3. Double-click the grid icon and select the grid file nacelle_ext.grid provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle.

    The mesh is an unstructured grid with 1,054,220 nodes. The grid file contains the grid coordinates, the element connectivity table and the table of boundary surfaces.

  4. Double-click the config icon to proceed to the input parameters setup.

  5. Go to the Model panel. Select the Navier-Stokes option for the Momentum equations and Full PDE for the Energy equation.

  6. Select the Spalart-Allmaras option for the Turbulence model and set the Eddy/Laminar viscosity ratio to 1e-5.

    Note:  For anti-icing simulations, since no ice (roughness) is expected, Free transition model should be selected for external air flow calculations to capture the laminar flow regions more accurately. Otherwise, fully turbulent flow calculations, may overpredict the heat transfer coefficients.

    One can activate this inside the Model panel under the Transition box and selecting Free transition. However, for this tutorial, a fully turbulent external flow calculation is performed.

  7. Next, go to the Conditions panel and set the Reference conditions as follows:

    Characteristic length 0.635 m

    Air velocity

    155 m/s


    22000 ft

    Air static temperature

    252.15 K (-21 °C)

    Under Initial solution, select the Velocity components option from the pull-down menu. Set the Velocity X component to 155 m/s (same as the reference Air velocity). The other velocity components should be set to 0 m/s.

  8. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the inlet boundary BC_1001 and choose the Subsonic option under Type. Click the Import reference conditions button to set the Inlet conditions.

    Select the wall boundary BC_2011. Set Surface type to No-slip and set the Temperature value by right-clicking in the temperature box and Copy from…Adiabatic stagnation temperature + 10.

    Note:  A wall temperature must be specified on the inlet cowl (BC_2011) to compute an initial wall heat flux to start the CHT calculation. This temperature will subsequently be updated automatically during the CHT3D loop.

  9. Repeat the same settings for the family BC_2012 and BC_2013. Since BC_2013 represents an engine nosecone spinner, enable Rotation and impose a rotational speed of 4000 rpm.

    Select the outflow boundary BC_3000. Choose the type as Subsonic, and click the Import reference conditions button to set the exit pressure value to Reference conditions.

    Select the outflow boundary BC_3001. Choose Mass flow under Type, and specify a mass flow rate of 1.54 kg/s.

  10. Go to the Solver panel. Select the Steady option in the Time integration pull-down menu. Set the value of the CFL number to 200 and the Maximum number of time steps to 350. Click the Use variable relaxation check box and set 300 in Time steps.

    Note:  This CFL number chosen for this case works well with the provided grid which is rather simple. For more complex configurations and larger pressure ratios, lower CFL numbers may be necessary for convergence. There is usually an optimum CFL number for each grid and conditions, which takes the solution to convergence fastest. Low CFL values will take longer to converge, while very high values can result in some unwanted oscillations in the transient solution (beginning of the iteration process) that will take additional time to clear out.

  11. Choose the Streamline upwind option in the Artificial viscosity tab. Set the Cross-wind dissipation coefficient to 1.e-7 and move the slider to 100% Second order position.

  12. Go to the Out panel. Save the Solution every 50 iterations in Overwrite mode. Activate Write Y+ to solution and output lift and drag coefficients by selecting Drag direction based on inlet BC in Forces. Set the Drag BC to 1001, the Positive lift direction to +Y, the Reference area to 0.279521162 m2, and the Moment reference point -X, -Y, -Z to 0.5265, 0, 0 m.

    The calculations may take some time depending on the number of available CPUs. The converged solution is provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle/soln_ext if you do not wish to wait for the results before proceeding to the next section of this tutorial.

    Figure 7.91: Mach Number Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Mach Number Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Figure 7.92: Static Pressure Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Static Pressure Contours of the External Flow Solution

    Figure 7.93: Shear Stress Contours on the Engine Inlet Cowl

    Shear Stress Contours on the Engine Inlet Cowl

    Figure 7.94: Classical Heat Flux Contours on the Engine Inlet Cowl

    Classical Heat Flux Contours on the Engine Inlet Cowl

7.9.2. Initial Internal Flow Calculation

Figure 7.95: Internal Grid showing Jet Impingement Refinement Zones

Internal Grid showing Jet Impingement Refinement Zones

  1. Create a new FENSAP run and name it FENSAP_int.

  2. Double-click the grid icon to assign the grid file. Select the grid file nacelle_int.grid provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle/. The mesh is an unstructured grid with 1,114,420 nodes.

  3. Double-click the config icon to open the FENSAP input parameters window.

  4. Go to the Model panel. Select the Navier-Stokes option for the Momentum equations (viscous flow) and Full PDE for the Energy equation.

  5. Select K-omega SST as the Turbulence model and set the Eddy/Laminar viscosity ratio to 5 and the Turbulence intensity to 0.01.

  6. Go to the Conditions panel and set the following Reference conditions:

    Characteristic length 0.005 m
    Air velocity 84 m/s
    Air static pressure 178452.02 Pa

    Air static temperature

    511.47 K (238.32 °C)

    The Characteristic length setting has no impact on the flow, but it will change the scale of the average residual which is reported in non-dimensional form. A large characteristic length will make the average residual appear smaller. It is good practice to choose a characteristic length that matches the scale of the computational domain. In this case, 0.05m is the diameter of the piccolo tube.

  7. Under Initial solution, select the Velocity components option from the pull-down menu. Set the three components of velocity to 0 m/s.

  8. Next, each domain is initialized separately to improve convergence. Go to the Domains panel.

    • Select Domain_0. This domain represents the airflow inside the piccolo tube. Under Initialization, select Custom and set Velocity -X, -Y and -Z to 0, 0, 84 m/s, Pressure to 178,452.02 Pa and Temperature to 511.47 K since this domain is strongly influenced by the conditions imposed at the inlet, BC_1000.

    • Select Domain_1. This domain represents the airflow inside the D-duct. Under Initialization, select Custom and set Velocity -X, -Y and -Z to 0, 0, 0 m/s, Pressure to 42,830.57 Pa and Temperature to 400 K. In general, initializing this cavity with 0 velocity and with the outlet static condition, BC_3000, is recommended as most of the airflow travels at a low speed inside the D-duct.

  9. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the inlet family BC_1000. Under Type, select the Engine inlet – Mass flow rate option from the pull-down menu and set the following conditions:

    Total pressure 182800 Pa
    Total temperature 515 K (241.85 °C)
    Mass flow rate 0.200773 kg/s
    Alpha 0 deg
    Beta 90 deg

    The velocity vector is perpendicular to the inlet surface. This vector can be displayed in the Graphics window by clicking on   at the right of the BC Inlet parameters tab.

  10. Set the wall boundary conditions as follows:

    BC_2000 No-slip Temperature 300 K (26.85 ᵒC)
    BC_2001 No-slip Temperature 300 K (26.85 ᵒC)
    BC_2002 No-slip Temperature 515 K (241.85 ᵒC)
    BC_2003 No-slip Temperature 515 K (241.85 ᵒC)
    BC_2004 No-slip Temperature 515 K (241.85 ᵒC)
    BC_2005 No-slip Temperature 300 K (26.85 ᵒC)

    Note:  Temperature must be specified on the interfacing boundary condition families to initialize the CHT calculation between the two domains (internal hot air and skin). In this case, BC_2000 will interface with the nacelle lip skin, BC_2001 and BC_2005 will interface with the forward bulkhead, and BC_2002, BC_2003 and BC_2004 will interface with the piccolo tube skin. These temperatures will be updated automatically during the CHT3D loop, as conduction takes place through these skins.

  11. Select the BC_3000 family and click the Subsonic button under Type. Set the Pressure value to 42,830.57 Pa. This is the exit pressure opening to the external free stream flow.

  12. Select the BC_3001 family and click the Subsonic button under Type. Set the Pressure value to 178,452.02 Pa. This is the exit pressure opening to the remaining portion of the piccolo tube.

  13. Go to the Solver panel. Select the Steady option in the Time integration pull-down menu. Set the value of the CFL number to 200 and the Maximum number of time steps to 600. Click the Use variable relaxation check box and set 300 in Time steps.

    Note:  For this tutorial, the Maximum number of time steps were set to 600 to reduce the length of computational time. Together with the residual convergence plots, one should always check to see if the mass deficit convergence is less than 0.1% of the total incoming mass flow rate. In this case, the mass flow rate deficit was less than 0.5%. For increased accuracy, one can run the simulation for 2000 iterations.

  14. Choose the Streamline upwind option under Artificial viscosity. Set the Cross-wind dissipation coefficient to 1.e-7 and move the slider to 100% Second order position.

  15. Go to the Out panel. Save the Solution every 50 iterations in Overwrite mode and select Write Y+ to solution.

  16. Click the Run button to switch to the execution window. Under the Settings tab, use 16 or more CPUs if possible.

    This calculation may take a long time to complete depending on the number of CPUs available. The converged solution is provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle/soln_int. If you do not want to wait for the run to finish, you can use this file to set-up your CHT3D calculation, see Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime). The two main convergence indicators for this run are the average residual and the total heat flux. The run should be allowed to continue until the total heat flux converges well. The total heat flux curve should reach an asymptotic value of about 350 Watts. You can zoom on convergence curves by holding Shift and left-click. Middle-click to undo the zoom.

Figure 7.96: Mach Number Contours and Wall Shear Stress at θ=0.0435 Radian (Top), θ=0 Radian (Bottom)

Mach Number Contours and Wall Shear Stress at θ=0.0435 Radian (Top), θ=0 Radian (Bottom)

Figure 7.97: Jet Velocity Vectors Exiting from the Orifice, Showing the Complexity of the Internal Flow at θ=0 Radian (Left), θ=0.0435 Radian (Right)

Jet Velocity Vectors Exiting from the Orifice, Showing the Complexity of the Internal Flow at θ=0 Radian (Left), θ=0.0435 Radian (Right)

Figure 7.98: Total Temperature Contours and Wall Heat Fluxes at θ=0 Radian (Top), θ=0.0435 Radian (Bottom)

Total Temperature Contours and Wall Heat Fluxes at θ=0 Radian (Top), θ=0.0435 Radian (Bottom)

Figure 7.99: The Internal Flow Solution: Classical Heat Flux Contours on Engine Nacelle

The Internal Flow Solution: Classical Heat Flux Contours on Engine Nacelle

7.9.3. External Water Droplets & Crystals Calculation

  1. Create a new DROP3D run and name it DROP3D_ext.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of FENSAP_ext onto the config icon of the new DROP3D run. This copies the reference conditions of the flow to the droplet run.

  3. Double-click the DROP3D_ext config icon to edit the parameters.

  4. Go to the Model panel and under Particles parameters, set Droplets + Crystals as Particle type.

  5. Next, go to the Conditions panel.

    • Set the following Droplet reference conditions:

      • Droplet diameter 20 microns

      • Water density 1,000 kg/m3

      • Particles distribution Monodisperse

    • Set the following Ice crystals reference conditions:

      • Choose AppendixAppendix D. Click Configure.

        • Liquid Water Content 0.5 g/m3. The Ice Crystal Content automatically becomes 3.52138167 g/m3.

      • Crystal typeSolid thick plate. The Aspect ratio automatically becomes 0.3836.

      • Crystal density 917 kg/m3

      • Size 100 microns

    • Under Particles initial solution, select Velocity components and set the Velocity -X, -Y, -Z to 155, 0, 0 m/s.

  6. Go to the Boundaries panel. Select the BC_1001 (Inlet) boundary condition and click the Import reference conditions button. Verify that the nosecone, BC_2013, is rotating at 4,000 rpm.

  7. Go to the Solver panel. Set the CFL number to 20 and the Maximum number of time steps to 250. Decrease the Convergence level and Change in total beta to 1e-12 in the Advanced solver settings section.

    Note:  For this tutorial, the Maximum number of time steps were set to 250 to reduce the length of computational time. Together with the residual convergence plots, one should always check to see if no change is observed in the Total Beta and Change in total Beta convergence for both droplets and crystals. For increased accuracy, one can run the simulation for 500 iterations. This may allow shadow and enrichment zones to develop further which can affect downstream components e.g. the spinner cone or other engine components.

  8. Go to the Out panel. Save the Solution every 40 iterations in Overwrite mode.

  9. Click the Run button. Start the calculation on 16 or more CPUs if possible.

    The calculations may take some time depending on the number of available CPUs. The converged solutions are provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle/droplet ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle/crystal if you do not wish to wait for the results before proceeding to the next tutorial.

    Figure 7.100: Droplet LWC (Left) and Crystal ICC (Right) on the External Flow

    Droplet LWC (Left) and Crystal ICC (Right) on the External Flow

    Figure 7.101: Collection Efficiency of Droplets (Left) vs Crystals (Right) on the Engine Nacelle Lip & Nosecone

    Collection Efficiency of Droplets (Left) vs Crystals (Right) on the Engine Nacelle Lip & Nosecone

    The ice crystals are larger than the water droplets and therefore exhibit a more ballistic nature (less entrained by the airflow). This difference is shown in Figure 7.100: Droplet LWC (Left) and Crystal ICC (Right) on the External Flow as ice crystals tend to produce larger shadow and enrichment zones than water droplets as well as in Figure 7.101: Collection Efficiency of Droplets (Left) vs Crystals (Right) on the Engine Nacelle Lip & Nosecone as ice crystals generate wider impingement regions and have higher collection efficiencies than water droplets.

    Note:  Due to the stream tube effect, the engine nacelle lip and the engine nosecone have a considerable impact on the total water content and its distribution that goes into the engine.

7.9.4. Initial ICE3D Calculation

The goal of this step is not to provide an initial ice shape, but rather to establish a water film on the outer surface of the solid as an initial condition for the wet CHT3D run.

  1. Create a new ICE3D run and name it ICE3D_ext.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of the DROP3D_ext onto the config icon of this new run. This operation automatically links the air, droplet and ice crystal solutions, as well as the grid of the external domain and the reference conditions to the ICE3D_ext run.

  3. Double-click the config icon to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Model panel. Under the Icing model, select Glaze – Advanced for Ice-Water Model and change the Heat flux type to Classical.

    Under Ice crystals, choose Droplets+Crystals from the pull-down menu to activate both droplets and ice crystals. Under Modes select NTI bouncing model as the particle bouncing model. This model adds the effect of ice crystals surface collision dynamics to the ice shape.

  5. Go to the Conditions panel and set the Recovery factor to 0.9. The remaining settings were automatically transferred from the DROP3D_ext configuration.

  6. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the Automatic time step option enabled and change the Total time of ice accretion to 30 seconds.

  7. Run the calculation on 8 or more CPUs if possible.

    For comparison, a separate ICE3D simulation without ice crystals was simulated using the same in-flight icing condition of this tutorial by disabling the ice crystals in the Model panel. The following figures show the mass caught, water film distributions and ice accretion rate of these two simulations.

    Figure 7.102: Mass Caught Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone and Figure 7.104: Instant Ice Growth Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone reveal that in presence of water film on the surfaces of the nacelle cowl and nosecone, ice crystals would stick resulting in an increase of the total mass of water caught and total ice accretion rate. In return, this extra mass of ice increases local cooling effects thus reducing the amount and extent of water film over the nacelle lip (Figure 7.103: Film Thickness Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone).

    Note:  If the engine nacelle was exposed to a cloud of crystals only, no water catch would be observed on the surface since all ice crystals would bounce off the dry surface. For crystals to stick on the surface, water film must be present on the surface or, prior to impact, melting of crystals would need to take place.

    Figure 7.102: Mass Caught Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone

    Mass Caught Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone

    Figure 7.103: Film Thickness Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone

    Film Thickness Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone

    Figure 7.104: Instant Ice Growth Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone

    Instant Ice Growth Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone

7.9.5. Conjugate Heat Transfer (Wet-Air Regime)

This section illustrates the Conjugate Heat Transfer procedure (CHT3D) that is used to couple the external, solid and internal domains to determine the equilibrium temperature distribution in all domains. In this case, the energy equation of water droplets and crystals are enabled to predict potential phase change of ice crystals and evaporation of water droplets.

  1. Create a new CHT3D run and name it CHT3D_wet. The CHT configuration prompt window will open showing different CHT simulation types. Select Piccolo (2 fluids, 1 solid) in the Problem type pull-down menu, then choose Wet air & droplets. Press the OK button to continue with the set-up. A tree of coupled FENSAP, DROP3D, ICE3D and C3D runs will appear in the run window.

    Note:  For this tutorial, a simple Wet air simulation could have been selected as the heated nacelle lip barely changes the state of droplets and crystals. These changes are observed mainly in the thermal boundary layer. By choosing Wet air, the simulation time decreases as DROP3D is not part of the CHT simulation. Usually, Wet air & droplets simulations are for problems that experience large changes in temperature such as engine compressor components and heated pitot tubes. In the case of pitot tubes, chances for water droplets to evaporate and crystals to melt are high as particles get closer to the tube and therefore phase change will influence the total amount of water collected by the tube.

  2. Drag & drop the config icon of FENSAP_ext onto the config icon of the fluid_ext run in CHT3D_wet.

  3. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_ext run to edit the input parameters.

  4. Go to the Solver panel. Change the CFL number to 1,000 and the Maximum number of time steps to 50. Uncheck Use variable relaxation. In the Advanced solver settings section, decrease the Convergence level of Convergence criteria to 1e-20.

    Close and save the configuration file.

  5. Drag & drop the config icon of DROP3D_ext onto the config icon of the drop_ext run in CHT3D_wet.

  6. Double-click the config icon of the to the drop_ext run to edit the input parameters.

  7. Go to the Model panel. In Particles parameters, enable Particle thermal equation. Activating this option will allow the computation of a temperature field for water droplets and ice crystals. This will also account for ice crystals phase change by computing the melting fraction which in turn will change the overall particle behavior before and on impact on the surfaces.

  8. Go to the Solver panel. Keep the CFL number to 20 and change the Maximum number of time steps to 50. Close and save the configuration file.

  9. Drag & drop the config icon from ICE3D_ext onto the config icon of the ice_ext run in CHT3D_wet. No modifications to the configuration of this run are required.

  10. Drag & drop the config icon of FENSAP_int onto the config icon of the fluid_int run in CHT3D_wet.

  11. Double-click the config icon of the fluid_int run to edit the input parameters.

    Go to the Solver panel. Change the CFL number value to 1,000 and the Maximum number of time steps to 50. Disable the Use variable relaxation check box. In the Advanced solver settings section, decrease the Convergence level of Convergence criteria to 1e-20.

    Close and save the configuration file.

  12. To configure the solid run in CHT3D_wet, double-click the grid icon and select the file nacelle_skin.grid provided in the tutorials subdirectory ../workshop_input_files/Input_Grid/CHT_nacelle.

  13. Double-click the config icon of the solid run to edit the input parameters for skin heat conduction.

  14. Go to the Settings panel. Set the Temperature to 264.1 K. This will be the initial temperature throughout the solid domain.

  15. Go to the Properties panel. Click the Rename button to rename Default material to Aluminum 2090-T86 and create the following materials and their corresponding properties.

    • Material Definition:

      • Aluminum 2090-T86

        Density (Distribution: Constant) 4,430 kg/m3
        Thermal Conductivity (Distribution: Constant) 6.7 W/m/K
        Enthalpy (Distribution: Constant @ 0 Celsius) 143,758.85 J/kg
      • Aluminum 2219-T81

        • Density Distribution: Temperature dependent

        • Number of temperature points: 4

        273.15 K 2,703 kg/m3
        371.15 K 2,685 kg/m3
        474.15 K 2,657 kg/m3
        589.15 K 2,630 kg/m3
        • Thermal Conductivity Distribution: Temperature dependent

        • Number of temperature points: 4

        273.15 K 162 W/m/K
        371.15 K 177 W/m/K
        474.15 K 192 W/m/K
        589.15 K 207 W/m/K
        • Enthalpy Distribution: Temperature dependent

        • Number of temperature points: 4

        273.15 K 250,478.55 J/kg
        371.15 K 343,333.55 J/kg
        474.15 K 446,642.55 J/kg
        589.15 K 567,737.55 J/kg
      • Composite

        Density (Distribution: Constant 2,070 kg/m3
        Thermal Conductivity (Distribution: Constant) 0.84 W/m/K
        Enthalpy (Distribution: Constant @ 0 Celsius) 218,520 J/kg
      • Titanium 6Al-4V

        Density (Distribution: Constant 4,430 kg/m3
        Thermal Conductivity (Distribution: Constant) 6.7 W/m/K
        Enthalpy (Distribution: Constant @ 0 Celsius) 143,758.85 J/kg
      • Titanium Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn

        Density (Distribution: Constant 4,540 kg/m3
        Thermal Conductivity (Distribution: Constant) 6.6 W/m/K
        Enthalpy (Distribution: Constant @ 0 Celsius) 183,010.5 J/kg
  16. Go to the Materials panel. Select the Material type for each region of the grid.

    • MAT_1 = Aluminum 2219-T81

    • MAT_2 = Composite

    • MAT_3 = Aluminum 2090-T86

    • MAT_4 = Titanium 6Al-4V

    • MAT_5 = Titanium Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn

  17. Go to the Boundaries panel. Define the boundary conditions of the surfaces of the solid as follows:

    • BC_2000 to BC_2005: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing)

    • BC_2010 and BC_2020 to BC_2051: Set Thermal BC definition to Type: Flux, and set Heat flux to 0 W/m2.

    • BC_2011: Default settings (Thermal BC definition set to Nothing).

      BC_2000 to BC_2005 and BC_2011 are interface walls that will exchange information with the internal grid and the external grid respectively. CHT3D will automatically update theses boundary conditions during the simulation.

  18. Go to the Solver panel. Set the Time step to Automatic. Set the Maximum time step value to 0.1 seconds and the Total time to 5 seconds. At each CHT3D iteration, heat conduction will be computed for 5 seconds. Close and save this configuration.

    C3D total time per CHT3D iteration can be considered as the overall time step of the conjugate heat transfer problem. Reducing this value will improve the stability of CHT runs while increasing it may hinder convergence to a steady state temperature distribution in the solid.

    Note:  You may decide to set the Time step to Constant instead of Automatic. Depending on the simulation, this may or may not speed up the simulation, but may also reduce the stability of the simulation.

  19. Double-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet to set up the links between the solid and fluid domains.

  20. Go to the Parameters panel. Set the Number of CHT iterations to 50 and Solution output every 0 iterations (default value).

    Choose the Solve energy only option in the Flow solver mode pull-down menu for both internal and external flows.

    The number of CHT iterations was set to 50 loops. It may be that you need more iterations to ensure full convergence of solid and ice solutions. In particular, the solid back plate temperatures may take longer to converge. Together with the convergence plots, it’s always advisable to check the evolution of the solution to see if any visible changes in temperatures can be seen.

  21. Go to the Interfaces panel. There are seven fluid/solid interfaces in the computational domain. CHT3D will automatically exchange the boundary conditions between these three interfaces. Set up the interfaces as follows:

    For External to Solid: There is only one interface between the external domain and the solid. Set the interface boundaries as follows:

    • Interface: 1

      • External fluid grid: 2011

      • Solid grid: 2011

    Note:  To easily identify which boundary condition interface with one another, click   to highlight the boundaries for both solid and fluid domains that you have selected in the graphical display window.

    For Solid to Internal: There are six interfaces between the solid and the internal domain. Set the interfaces as follows:

    • Interface: 1

      • Solid grid: 2000

      • Internal fluid grid: 2000

    Then click the   button next to the Interface label to add extra Solid to Internal interfaces:

    • Interface: 2

      • Solid grid: 2001

      • Internal fluid grid: 2001

    • Interface: 3

      • Solid grid: 2002

      • Internal fluid grid: 2002

    • Interface: 4

      • Solid grid: 2003

      • Internal fluid grid: 2003

    • Interface: 5

      • Solid grid: 2004

      • Internal fluid grid: 2004

    • Interface: 6

      • Solid grid: 2005

      • Internal fluid grid: 2005

    Note:  In this case, the interface boundary condition family numbers across the two grids are adjusted so that they match, which is not a requirement. The only requirement is that the interface boundary conditions overlap nicely, with no gaps and discontinuities. They do not have to be node-to-node matching either.

  22. Go to the Temperatures panel. The value of Recovery factor cannot be modified, the recovery factor of ICE3D will be used instead. Close and save the configuration.

  23. Right-click the main config icon of CHT3D_wet, then select the Run option in the menu to launch the CHT3D calculation. Use 16 or more CPUs for all solvers if possible and launch the calculation.

    Figure 7.105: Convergence History of the Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right) Solid Domain Temperatures

    Convergence History of the Maximum (Left) and Minimum (Right) Solid Domain Temperatures

    For comparison, a separate CHT3D simulation without ice crystals was simulated using the same in-flight icing and bleed air conditions used in this tutorial. The following figures show the temperature, water film thickness and ice accretion rate contours of these two CHT simulations.

    Figure 7.106: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) and Water Film Thickness and Ice Accretion Rate on the External Surface (ICE3D) – Droplets Only (Left) and Droplets + Crystals (Right)

    Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) and Water Film Thickness and Ice Accretion Rate on the External Surface (ICE3D) – Droplets Only (Left) and Droplets + Crystals (Right)

    Figure 7.106: Temperature Contours on the Solid (C3D) and Water Film Thickness and Ice Accretion Rate on the External Surface (ICE3D) – Droplets Only (Left) and Droplets + Crystals (Right) shows that the combined droplets + ice crystals has a major impact on the heated nacelle lip icing. This is primarily due to the very high TWC of the droplet + crystal (4 g/m3) case compared to the droplet only (0.5 g/m3 ) case, leading to 8x more particle catch while the IPS is off (See Figure 7.102: Mass Caught Droplets Only (Left) vs Droplets+Crystals (Right) on the Engine Inlet Cowl & Nosecone). When heat is applied, water runback extends the wetted area where additional crystals stick, leading to residual icing on a larger portion of the engine inlet. The differences in temperatures are further apparent in Figure 7.107: Temperature Distribution vs. Wrap Distance on the Engine Inlet Cowl for Wet Air (Droplets + Crystals) and Wet Air (Droplets Only) Runs at θ=0 Radian (Left), θ=0.0435 Radian (Right). The extra ice coverage past the original impingement limits of droplets extends beyond the protected zone. This can be seen more clearly in Figure 7.108: 60 Seconds Runback Ice on the External Surface (ICE3D) – Droplets + Crystals. Such runback ice is a potential risk for engine core or airframe damage if ice shedding occurs. To simulate the runback ice shapes, drag & drop the config icon of the ice_ext run of the CHT3D_wet onto the config icon of a new ICE3D_post_CHT run. Change the Total time of ice accretion to 60 seconds for example and run the calculation.

    Figure 7.107: Temperature Distribution vs. Wrap Distance on the Engine Inlet Cowl for Wet Air (Droplets + Crystals) and Wet Air (Droplets Only) Runs at θ=0 Radian (Left), θ=0.0435 Radian (Right)

    Temperature Distribution vs. Wrap Distance on the Engine Inlet Cowl for Wet Air (Droplets + Crystals) and Wet Air (Droplets Only) Runs at θ=0 Radian (Left), θ=0.0435 Radian (Right)

    Figure 7.108: 60 Seconds Runback Ice on the External Surface (ICE3D) – Droplets + Crystals

    60 Seconds Runback Ice on the External Surface (ICE3D) – Droplets + Crystals

    Another point to take note off is the melting of ice crystals in the vicinity of the engine nacelle lip. By changing its state, these liquid ice crystals no longer require a film of water to stick to the surfaces of aft aircraft components and will behave more like water droplets, contributing directly to ice formation. See Figure 7.109: Ice Crystals Melting - Liquid Phase of Ice Crystals on the External Domain (DROP3D).

    Figure 7.109: Ice Crystals Melting - Liquid Phase of Ice Crystals on the External Domain (DROP3D)

    Ice Crystals Melting - Liquid Phase of Ice Crystals on the External Domain (DROP3D)

    Figure 7.110: FENSAP-ICE Demonstration of Multiphysics Holding Flight Calculations of an Engine Nacelle Anti-Icing System in an Appendix D Environment

    FENSAP-ICE Demonstration of Multiphysics Holding Flight Calculations of an Engine Nacelle Anti-Icing System in an Appendix D Environment