2.8.2. Explicit Dynamics Remote Boundary Conditions

The remote boundary conditions available in the Explicit Dynamics solver are Remote Displacement and Remote Force.

The Explicit Dynamics solver treats a Remote Displacement as follows:

  • The geometry that the Remote Displacement boundary condition is scoped to becomes a group of rigid body nodes, determining its mass and inertial properties, and preventing these nodes from deforming. If this group of rigid body nodes spans multiple parts, then these parts will be rigidly connected.

  • Displacements and/or rotations at the remote point and the group of rigid body nodes are tracked and converted into velocities and angular velocities for use by the solver.

  • The actual translation and rotation of the remote point are a combination of the imposed boundary constraints of the Remote Displacement definition and the forces acting on the group of nodes scoped to the Remote Point. Therefore, the translation and rotation of the Remote Point and the group of rigid body nodes are determined simultaneously and enforced with the use of a single corrective force and moment.

The Explicit Dynamics solver treats a Remote Force as follows:

  • The geometry that the Remote Force boundary condition is scoped to becomes a group of rigid body nodes, determining its mass and inertial properties, and preventing these nodes from deforming. If this group of rigid body nodes spans multiple parts, then these parts will be rigidly connected.

  • The force specified is applied to the node representing the remote point, which is rigidly attached to the group of rigid body nodes.

  • The force is applied to the scoped group of nodes specified by the remote point.

  • The motion of the remote point is determined by a combination of the loads applied to the remote point, the mass and inertial properties of the group of rigid body nodes, and the properties of the parts the group of rigid body nodes are attached to.

Note:  Remote boundary conditions cannot be scoped to bodies with reference frame of type Particle.

Remote Force is not supported for LS-DYNA.